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The Siege of Gotham Mafia - Mafia Wins!!!

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7 hours ago, MathMan said:

 his actions last night werent consistent with the sort of action to either save james or vote james to look good.

gopher is throwing his vote off, just like he did day 1

Today I did. Yesterday I had a feeling about LTBF and I said why. Working, and posting at nights are my main reason. I am currently reading up from where I last posted “bucs” 

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A loud explosion rocked downtown Gotham, startling everyone that was sleepwalking through their workday.  A mushroom cloud of smoke rose above the university in the center of the city.  Dr. Caitlin Taylor, the leading authority on infectious diseases, drove frantically towards her office at the university.  She was terrified for her friend's, colleagues, and most importantly her lab.  Earlier in the day she had received two broken and empty vials marked Vaccine and the other labeled MAE6513 - Mutated Airborne Ebola.  She had also received a blood sample of a deceased individual who may have been infecting people with the disease. 

She drove up to where her office building was located the day before, she noticed hundreds of people standing outside of a barricade around the smoke filled ruble that used to be her office.

She threw her car into park and ran to the crowd of people, hoping and praying everyone she knew was safe.  To her pleasant suprise, one of her colleagues grabbed her and gave her a big hug, holding her tight, "They evacuated us before the bulding exploded.  We all made it out."  

"Did you grab any of the samples or vials I was working with?  We have a huge problem, the tests came back confirming what was written on the vials.  Mutated Airborne Ebola has been released into Gotham!  I need to start working on a vaccine but I need my work," she exclaimed.  Her colleague replied, "They were gone when I went to get them, lets hope someone else grabbed that and that they were not stolen."

A man standing near by, who knew Caitlin walked up to her and said, "I think you need to see this," while pressing play on the video pulled up on his phone.

"Hello Gotham, uh, I still don't see the Bat....Man in front of me.  I warned you that there are, uh, RULES!  The next one won't get a warning.  GIVE ME THE, UH, BATMAN!" 

Caitlin turned to leave, still in shock.  As she did she noticed a bag sitting on top of her car, inside was all of her work.  

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Vote Count

3. bcb1213 - tk3 (64)
4. gopherwrestler - bucs (60)
5. OleXmad - Rags (59)
6. MalFin - Rags (58), Whicker (60), Rags (62)
7. squire12 -
8. domepatrol91 -
9. Darth Pees - Rags (58)
10. Whicker - Xmad (58), KSJ (62)
11. Touch - Whicker  (59)
12. teude - Rags (62)
13. bucs - Xmad (60)
14. Mookie -
15. Mission -
16. ksj -
17. tk3 -

18. md4l -
19. Rags -
20. Woz -

4 Rags - MalFin, Darth, Xmad, Teude

1 Xmad - bucs,

1 Whicker - Touch

1 Bucs - gopher

1 KSJ - Whicker

1 tk3 - bcb

@Tk3 you need to meet the gulp rule today 

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Oof, finally done. What with the shuffling in and out of the office for the unscheduled maintenance and ... you know ... work ... I finally got to through my full read through.

First off, raw message traffic

Name		Ply#	Total
MathMan		6b	142
Whicker		10	94
bucsfan333	13	60
domepatrol91	8	47
theuntouchable	11	47
Ragnarok	19	42
Woz		20	39
bcb1213		3	34
mission27	15	34

Famous Jameis	0	21 [HOST]
james.mcmurry13	2	20 [DEAD] MOVING MENDOZA LINE
LetTheBallFly	1	20 [DEAD]

Darth Pees	9	19
MD4L		18	19
jfinley88	6a	16
OleXmad		5	14
squire12	7	14
teude		12	10
kingseanjohn	16	8
gopherwrestler	4	8
MookieMonster	14	8

Tk3		17	2 [currently DEAD MAN WALKING]

Second, signal-to-noise ratios (see below for how I'm classifying that):

Name		Ply#	SNR	Total
Famous Jameis	0	1.000	21 [HOST]
kingseanjohn	16	1.000	8
Tk3		17	1.000	2
james.mcmurry13	2	0.900	20 [DEAD]

MathMan		6b	0.887	142
bcb1213		3	0.882	34
gopherwrestler	4	0.875	8
MookieMonster	14	0.875	8
Woz		20	0.872	39
bucsfan333	13	0.867	60
Darth Pees	9	0.842	19
MD4L		18	0.842	19
LetTheBallFly	1	0.800	20 [DEAD]
OleXmad		5	0.786	14
Ragnarok	19	0.762	42
Whicker		10	0.734	94
domepatrol91	8	0.723	47

teude		12	0.700	10
theuntouchable	11	0.660	47
squire12	7	0.500	14
mission27	15	0.471	34
jfinley88	6a	0.438	16

So, someone like KSJ is laser focused on the game, but isn't saying much. At all. At the other end of the spectrum, you have mission who is chatting but is sending up a lot more smoke than anything useful.

For those at the top of the list, potential mitigating factors:

  • FJ/PR = ... well ... umm ... he's running the game, so ... yeah
  • Tk3 = he just admitted to needing a replacement; he's also on the chopping block for a modkill
  • james = well, he was mafia, so need to absolve him :)
  • KSJ = ... I got nothing ...

For those at the bottom of the list, potential mitigating factors:

  • touch = most of his off traffic posts were early in D1 with the whole "have you seen someone die" conversation. That was three or four pages of traffic, but since then, his ratio has been much cleaner (22 posts, only one off game).
  • jfin = since he's part and parcel of the twins, killing him would be bad; from my limited games with him, he's also showing himself to be as useful as usual
  • squire = in his limited number of posts, he's significantly improved his SNR from earlier (2:5 from pages 21-36, 5:2 from pages 52-61); not a lot of traffic, but he has been a bit more town focused in his approach
  • teude = ... I got nothing ...
  • mission27 = ... maybe you need to spend more time reading the thread? Or at least watching for the checkpoints?


(*) I labeled all of the posts if they were relevant to finding mafia or unrelated to the game and then looked at the total of their posts. Yes, this is completely subjective and while I could show my underlying numbers, it wouldn't mean a whole lot with 50+ pages of traffic.


Can understand the Ragnarok train, and am definitely wondering about OleXmad. Waiting on gopherwrestler to explain his last vote.

For now, I'm going to go with my D1 vote of kingseanjohn because I've seen nothing that seems like town from him.

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17 hours ago, Famous Jameis said:

As the van pulled up to the street corner, the driver noticed that the entire intersection had been blocked off by patrol cars, while police tape sectioned off a small area underneath a light pole that was not working.  The man driving pulled up to the barricade and parked his van.  He got out and put on his jacket, with CORONER written in yellow letters on the back.  Snow was falling as the sun started to peak through the high rises that lined the downtown streets.  

The coroner walked up to the police tape and leaned under it.  Almost immediately he noticed a mask laying on the ground next to a body.  The snow started falling faster now as the man started to check the body for I.D. or clues as to who he was.  Checking each pocket of the man laying dead on the ground was a waste of time, there was no I.D.  The man reached in to check the inside jacket pocket, "Ow," the man screamed as he cut himself on two empty and partly shattered vials.  He pulled them out while licking the finger he had just cut.  He looked at the vials more closely, as he did he fell to his knees with his jaw dropped.  One vial read Vaccine and the other labeled MAE6513 - Mutated Airborne Ebola.  

The coroner finally stood up and in a rush started barking orders, "Get this man to the Medical Examiner's office immediately and everyone here needs to be quarantined.  See if the doctors at the University can help us, because we need to know what this is and if anyone has been infected.  If they have been, let's hope those nerds can cure whatever this stuff is.  Let's move people, we can't be wasting time."

As the coroner turned to leave he stopped and picked up the mask laying next to the body, he noticed a name inscribed on the bottom seam, Scarecrow.  He logged the name in his note pad and drove off.

@LetTheBallFly is dead, he was Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow - Other aligned

35 minutes ago, Famous Jameis said:

A loud explosion rocked downtown Gotham, startling everyone that was sleepwalking through their workday.  A mushroom cloud of smoke rose above the university in the center of the city.  Dr. Caitlin Taylor, the leading authority on infectious diseases, drove frantically towards her office at the university.  She was terrified for her friend's, colleagues, and most importantly her lab.  Earlier in the day she had received two broken and empty vials marked Vaccine and the other labeled MAE6513 - Mutated Airborne Ebola.  She had also received a blood sample of a deceased individual who may have been infecting people with the disease. 

She drove up to where her office building was located the day before, she noticed hundreds of people standing outside of a barricade around the smoke filled ruble that used to be her office.

She threw her car into park and ran to the crowd of people, hoping and praying everyone she knew was safe.  To her pleasant suprise, one of her colleagues grabbed her and gave her a big hug, holding her tight, "They evacuated us before the bulding exploded.  We all made it out."  

"Did you grab any of the samples or vials I was working with?  We have a huge problem, the tests came back confirming what was written on the vials.  Mutated Airborne Ebola has been released into Gotham!  I need to start working on a vaccine but I need my work," she exclaimed.  Her colleague replied, "They were gone when I went to get them, lets hope someone else grabbed that and that they were not stolen."

A man standing near by, who knew Caitlin walked up to her and said, "I think you need to see this," while pressing play on the video pulled up on his phone.

"Hello Gotham, uh, I still don't see the Bat....Man in front of me.  I warned you that there are, uh, RULES!  The next one won't get a warning.  GIVE ME THE, UH, BATMAN!" 

Caitlin turned to leave, still in shock.  As she did she noticed a bag sitting on top of her car, inside was all of her work.  

This is what we call "unwelcome exposition."

Do we think this implies that we have a potential plague outbreak and need to find someone with the vaccine (either in his/her blood or in a vial) or we're going to have random people start dying? Or do we think this is just some cool filler and Dr. Taylor will save us all as a NPC?

Is this possibly an posthumous win condition for Scarecrow?



Side note: Jonathan Crane was more into psychotropic drugs than diseases.

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25 minutes ago, Woz said:

For now, I'm going to go with my D1 vote of kingseanjohn because I've seen nothing that seems like town from him.

But have you seen anything that looks like scum from me?

Siding with Whicker here, just like you did day one, is a bit suspicious.

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Just now, kingseanjohn said:

But have you seen anything that looks like scum from me?

We've barely seen anything at all from you.

You've been almost a complete no-show in this game, just doing the bare minimum to stay alive. You've contributed next to nothing in hunting mafia, other than constantly hitting the Whicker drum. That is meaningless since you've done it from the beginning without any reasons beyond ... you just saying his name as best as I can tell.

Just now, kingseanjohn said:

Siding with Whicker here, just like you did day one, is a bit suspicious.

I felt like your first opening salvo on Whicker was just the standard "pick on a friend" vote. Then you doubled down on it the day after with no apparent rhyme or reason beyond it was Whicker. That concerned me at the time and I said as much so I voted for you.

You haven't done anything since to show me that you are trying to find mafia beyond Whicker and I guess me since I'm calling you out on it.


You're obviously active (24 minute turnaround after my post), but you aren't doing anything. So, if not Whicker, then who? Me? Okay, then who is your #3? Give me something to say "okay, it's a bad read, Woz."

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