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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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13 hours ago, ET80 said:

Not much to understand, tbh. TLO is Michael, you're Tito. TLO is Shawn Michaels, you're Marty Jannetty. 

This may be the GOAT analogy. Sadly I had to explain what “Hulking up” meant earlier this week. I’m getting old and younger generations are deprived TBH.

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i work at an asian restaurant for five dollars below minimum wage waiting tables

tonight there is allegedly $77 missing from the register


ive made a couple ****ups before, but when you give someone the wrong change, even if you do it say five times a night, it means you wind up short, like, $9.75, or some amount that looks similar

you never are going to end up short a flat $77

so now i’ve got to go in tomorrow and give them my entire pay for the night - three hours that got me a whole $39 bucks (which again is five per hour below minimum as is) because of this lost money which is allegedly on me

but again, i know that something’s happened here that’s not me - you don’t just lose $77 by giving some ***** the wrong change

tomorrow is my birthday and my present from work is giving them my pay from tonight

******* hooray

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^^ I doubt it's legal for them  to actually require you to pay them the missing money but employee rights are always regressing so who knows? 

Not saying they couldn't just fire you but requiring you to pay them doesn't sound like the correct and legal process an employer would have to follow. 

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Just now, skywindO2 said:

^^ I doubt it's legal for them  to actually require you to pay them the missing money but employee rights are always regressing so who knows? 

Not saying they couldn't just fire you but requiring you to pay them doesn't sound like the correct and legal process an employer would have to follow. 

That's not legal. And if they fire you for it, you would be able to file a complaint with the Department of Labor. 

@Shady Slim don't pay them a dime.

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17 hours ago, ET80 said:

Not much to understand, tbh. TLO is Michael, you're Tito. TLO is Shawn Michaels, you're Marty Jannetty. 

Makes you an ugly woman, which I think was understood already.


Not fair. Could be a woman in BMT. Just saying.


Probably right though.



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ah here’s the thing it’s a really gray area there because i don’t have a contract, i have a handshake with some dude called toby

i’ll pay them the 39 back because i don’t have the time, or capital to afford any legal process, but then i’m straight up going to quit...

a bit of background, i live in the blue mountains, nearest city is penrith, which takes a half an hour by car to get to but because of the hilariously shoddy bus and train connections (i don’t have a train station i need to bus it to one), it takes an hour to two hours by PT, dependent on when i would arrive and leave. i don’t have my license, and even if i did, there is no way we could afford a second car

uni students in aus generally live at home fwiw... i took the job knowing i’m being hilariously screwed by it, but when you need need money you have no hand, you’ve gotta take what you can get - and in the mountains in my area you have three choices; work for the supermarket chain coles from age 14 (couldn’t do, i went to school down in penrith), get diddled by some shonky but accessible asian restaurant, or get very very very very lucky (or have an uncle in some important place), and get a real job somewhere somehow, so when i took this job i knew, but i had to take it 

but yeah no i’m out

the food is divine there though if you’re ever around hmu??

edit: fwiw they don’t think i stole it they think i somehow cocked up and gave someone $77 change too much or some ****, which arguably is even more ridiculous lmfaoooo 

second edit: also cheers for the good vibes guys word up

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