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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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29 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Tbh it’s a couple of 8 year olds who got into a fight.  It’s not a big deal (of course I wouldn’t tell them that). Get them together, tell them to keep their hands to themselves and make them shake hands and move on.  Boys will be boys to some degree and they’ll likely move past this whole thing far quicker than the parents (moms) will. I’d use the situation as a teaching moment, but wouldn’t make it more than it is.

I was going to post something really similar to what you said, but bit my tongue (keyboard?) at first because i didn't think it was what @Sugashane wanted to hear.  But what you said is exactly what i'd tell my kids.  Just because the other kid pushed you doesn't mean you get to retaliate afterward.  Now if you see the push/punch/tackle coming, feel free to defend yourself (not attack, but defend).  But retaliation isn't tolerated in my house.

Yeah this approach might mean that my kids find themselves at a disadvantage occasionally when they're children. But I'm trying to raise mature and respectful adults, not kids who never get one-upped during childhood.

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4 hours ago, theJ said:

I was going to post something really similar to what you said, but bit my tongue (keyboard?) at first because i didn't think it was what @Sugashane wanted to hear. 

I was just looking for unbiased views on the situation, nothing more. I grew up in a hick town of under 3000 people, so the bullying then was WAY different than what I see now. Kids were way more physical with bullying then, now it seems more taunting and passive aggressive acts.

With my son being the oldest and only 8 I just am learning how different things are from when I was growing up, so I appreciate your and @LETSGOBROWNIES input.  


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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

1. HAD, past tense.


3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

2. Tardar Sauce

Just because that mouth breather can’t spell doesn’t mean I have to look stupid.

3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Also, who cares,

Lonely middle aged women.

3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

it was a cat, and cats are awful.

Eh, I can appreciate a pet that instinctively knows where to rock a deuce.

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Cats are great. They’re smart, groom themselves, take care of any rodents that get in your house, every cat I’ve ever had is super affectionate because I’m actually a good pet owner. And best of all, you don’t have to go take them for a walk outside when it’s a blizzard and -30° out because they’re too stupid to go to the bathroom in a non-invasive way.

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