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Lmao so Todd Gurley is still owed $5M from the Rams and someone on Facebook argued he should sit out until he receives his money. How awesome would that be. To sit out as a Falcons player until a different team pays him what he’s owed 

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What am I thinking? "Son of a b****!"

Forgot to do the cleaning of my grill which had alot of grease built up under. Meant to do it after my inlaws used it but didn't it and I hadn't done it since last year.

So if you ever wanna see 100 dollars go up in smoke so to speak. Just buy some nice ribeye's, leave them on there while cooking and wait for your whole damn grill to catch on fire.


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4 hours ago, Tyty said:

Lmao so Todd Gurley is still owed $5M from the Rams and someone on Facebook argued he should sit out until he receives his money. How awesome would that be. To sit out as a Falcons player until a different team pays him what he’s owed 

I agree actually 


every falcons player should join him in a show of solidarity 

Edited by Dome
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So we hired a new guy at work and 4 hours into his shift it might be the best hire we’ve ever made


my boss is a pretty small guy, and the new guy kept referring to my boss as “Thirty Thirty”

My boss ignored it for a while, but curiosity got the best of him. He finally asked “What does that mean? Why do you call me that?”

New guy: “it’s your pant size.... pretty close anyways”


god damn I lost it... my boss did too. Just like that the new guy has proven his worth 

Edited by Dome
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On 07/05/2020 at 10:12 AM, Glen said:

Yeah. I kinda wish they switched them to another brand of bagels tbh.

I got Dave’s berry bagels, they gave me Dave’s English muffins.

Shrug, oh well. They fit my macros at least.

That's defs disappointing.  Would really want to do some different things with a totally different bread product.  Bagels and English Muffins are both pretty dope tho.  You'll probably survive i hope.

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On 07/05/2020 at 2:35 PM, ET80 said:



I'm excited, but also...not excited.  I'm pretty sure it's just going to be an "official" version of whats already out there in terms of "reskin" texture sort of aftermarket patches over the initial game.  It's not like they're going to migrate them to a new engine, or make huge changes.


Honestly though...they don't need to make any changes.  ME2 and 3 play fantastically as what they're meant to be.

ME1 could use some cleaning up...but that'll be a challenge, because it was built on an ancient engine that probably Liara uncovered somewhere in a weirdly familiar cave.  Without re-doing the entire game...i'm not sure how you fix that.  But i'd kill for a ME1 that plays more like 2 and 3.


On 07/05/2020 at 3:15 PM, JoshstraDaymus said:

Never played it

You've made a huge mistake.


On 07/05/2020 at 3:28 PM, ET80 said:

As a friend, I'll recommend it. I don't play many video games, so there might be much better stuff out there - but the Mass Effect trilogy was a really good Sci Fi movie with some really good 3rd Person View combat. 

People knock it for the ending (I don't, but I digress) but it's more about the journey, not the destination.

I'm going to start up another playthrough now, simply because of this discussion.

This is a perfect description of what it is.  It's basically an amazing "choose your own adventure" SciFi shooter game.  But with so much more depth and where everything you do has consequences that come back to you.

I'll put my next playthrough off for a while...but it's coming.


On 07/05/2020 at 5:40 PM, Outpost31 said:

This is legitimately exciting to me.  I’m a fan of each of the games.  Even Andromeda.  I really, really, really want a sequel to that game.  Love that whole series and I will definitely do another play through.

i personally hated the ending UNTIL they came out with the DLC and fixed it.  But what really pissed me off was them requiring online play to get certain endings.  That **** pissed me off bad.

Andromeda was such a weird turd of a game.  It had a great premise to just distance itself from a trilogy that was already done.  Just seems like nobody knew wtf they were even trying to do for like several years into the process.  Turned out to be an okay scifi game...but not even remotely a Mass Effect game.  Weirdly might've been the most addictive multiplayer though, somehow.  Probably not by accident.


On 07/05/2020 at 6:03 PM, ET80 said:

I tried - I really tried - just couldn't do it. Too many fetch quests, and I didn't really like any character (I didn't hate them like Jacob Taylor or Ash Williams).

I need Garrus. I need Tali.

Yeah.  The main story of Andromeda was just so...irrelevant to the game.  It was weird.  Felt like being an intergalactic errand boy...but more annoying.

I can get by without Garrus or Tali.  I just can't get by with some of the annoying characters Andromeda introduced, trying to be "clever" by flipping well built alien "types" on their head.



Don't you badmouth Ashley though.

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I think the thing that annoys me the most about the internet is that you can barely ever find the answer to a question without a long article. Just tell me wtf kills maggots. I don’t need to read a 10 paragraph essay about maggots.

And the second most annoying thing about the internet might be that whenever you ask a question like that you get a bunch of articles on how to make homemade solutions from crap you keep under your sink(spoiler alert: it’s always goddamn bleach). Just tell me a freakin poison I can go to Dollar General and buy. I’m not trying to save $10. I’m not trying to make a fun project out of this. IDGAF about the potential harms. I just want to kill the sons of *******

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22 hours ago, Dome said:

A customer at work hung up on me

then immediately drove down to the store to apologize in person for hanging up on me 

idk what to think 

Talking on the phone might be my least favorite thing to do. And when I don’t get what i want in a phone call I just hang up immediately. I wonder if I’m creating future existential crises by not driving to the person I hung up on to apologize 

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