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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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49 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Some of these complaints are just so God awful it makes me wonder if people have the brain function to think.  Like saying it was stupid to go after the other dragon instead of Drogon for example.  One of them was on the ground.  Just try to picture a spear going from above a dragon on a hill into the dragon doing any kind of damage, especially when there are six or so people on the dragon looking in that direction.  Can you even think? 

Watch your tone when you're typing to me!

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4 minutes ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Well, one NK is not a person and two, that was before I started watching this episode.

My bad also it seems like the nights king was anticipating Dany to come with her dragons as he could have killed the group at any point during the episode  .

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9 hours ago, flyers0909 said:

So stupid what she's doing to Sansa, it serves no purpose. 


9 hours ago, flyers0909 said:

So stupid what she's doing to Sansa, it serves no purpose. 

I feel like I read a theory that Baelish could  somehow be a faceless man.  If that were true then we would see that it's actually him doing this to create a rift between them which would make perfect sense looking at it from that angle.

Edited by BillSabre
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7 hours ago, titans0021 said:

Something tells me that has a lot to do with the fact that they're no longer working off of GRRM's material. I still enjoy the show, but we've also hit a point where even people that are just watching the show and never read the books have read a ton of theories that have been created in the six years since the A Dance With Dragons came out.

To be fair to the show writers, who would have thought when they started filming this thing 7 years ago that GRRM wouldn't have written a single book in the span of the show airing?

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5 hours ago, deltarich87 said:

The Night King was literally about to do just that after taking down Viserion. Did you completely just miss the part where he was handed another spear to throw only for Jon to yell at Dany and co to leave?

Plus wouldn't you kill the dragon that everyone is trying to escape on? That just makes sense. 

Also for the post about the possibility of Dany being able to get there in time is ridiculous. At bare minimum they would have froze to death before they got there. Also the White Walkers summon the cold so I would assume that the ice would freeze more quickly in their presence. 

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What if the NK saw Viseryon as the most immediate threat to the leadership?  He was airborne, breathing fire, and heading in that general direction.  Perhaps if Drogon gets speared, Viseryon takes a right and roasts the WW head honchos.  Drogon at that moment, while roasting the army, was no immediate threat to the NK himself.

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5 hours ago, Blackstar12 said:

To the the people complaining about teleporting do you want to see Jon and Davis on a boat for 2 episodes. There's only 7 episodes  left in the series.

Yeah well I feel like they didn't need to rush it so much. I would've been absolutely fine with two 10 episode seasons including a total of 7 additional "filler" episodes essentially so the show wasn't hurtling towards the end and there was still time for side stories. 

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Drogon was paying attention and could've potentially destroyed the spear with fire before it got to him but viseryon (sp?) was kinda doing his own thing in the sky. NK's goal all along was to get a dragon so I think he wanted one cleanly without having to deal with everyone else on the other one. But ultimately I think he just saw viseryon as the easiest (unsuspecting) target

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