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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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28 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Two facts remain:

1. He hit Viserion.  Mission accomplished, one dragon down, good decision.
2. The "explosion" from hitting Viserion may well have been his intention, and that was a shot he could not have made on a dragon that was grounded.

No matter what the complaint is, it's a bad complaint to complain about him choosing to hit a dragon that he did, in fact, kill.

Otherwise, let's say you're a fan of the Steelers because I don't know who your favorite team is.  By the logic you're suggesting, Ben Roethlisberger should never throw to Brown because Bryant is bigger.  It's the equivalent of complaining about your QB throwing a TD pass to a lesser receiver when it doesn't fricking matter because your team scored a TD. 

Complain about other things.  Not that.  It's a stupid complaint, and I'm officially done defending the Night King's decision because there's no reason it should have to be defended. 

This is a case of using the end result to justify the decision. To me personally, it doesn't work that way. 

It's like if I'm playing poker. Flop a gut shot straight, have $2 invested in the pot. Someone pushes all in for $80, and I call, hit my gutter ball and win the pot. The fact that I won the pot did not make it a good decision. 

Like Sunny, my issue with what happened is not the NK choosing to kill Viserion, but rather the director doing a poor job of setting the scene to me where it's believable that he should have made that decision. Speculating on the reasoning for why he did it is an impossible task; I just think that it was a poor directing choice for it to be staged that way to raise those kind of questions. 

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1 hour ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Random time jumping thought - seems like people here think the time lapse of Gendry sending the raven and Dany storming in seems impossible.

What if it's revealed that Dany never got the raven? What if she acted on intuition? 

Would be a neat way to confirm Jon's relation to her. Odds of it being true is nil, but just thinking...

I would have been fine with that. Originally I said that I thought it would have played better if she had left of her own volition, which would have allowed the timing not to be so jarring. Either way, it's a minor quibble. I do think that it would have played off better had we opened with Dany, seen her concern over them, and taken off before we even cut to them. Or maybe soon after. 

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6 hours ago, iPwn said:

Are there any fan theories out there that suggest the Mad King’s “burn them all” was related to Bran? It’s a question I’ve had since “hold the door” but I haven’t bothered to look for theories out of potentially finding a spoiler in the process.

I actually like this, the mad king married his wife because he thought it must be done to make "the prince that was promised" so he was concerned with prophecy.  I do not know much about the mad king but I could see this as being interesting and possible. 

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1 hour ago, Forge said:

This is a case of using the end result to justify the decision. To me personally, it doesn't work that way. 

It's like if I'm playing poker. Flop a gut shot straight, have $2 invested in the pot. Someone pushes all in for $80, and I call, hit my gutter ball and win the pot. The fact that I won the pot did not make it a good decision. 

Like Sunny, my issue with what happened is not the NK choosing to kill Viserion, but rather the director doing a poor job of setting the scene to me where it's believable that he should have made that decision. Speculating on the reasoning for why he did it is an impossible task; I just think that it was a poor directing choice for it to be staged that way to raise those kind of questions. 

Drogon was a sitting target...hitting a moving target half a mile away shows skillz. It's the NK showing off because just winning is too easy. Kinda like Oberyn. 

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2 hours ago, Blackstar12 said:

I think he'll breathe ice now.

This is what I assumed as well but it'd be much harder to do unless they make it look like a "blue fire".... or maybe he just breathes a blizzard on you? lol I dunno. I think we'll have to wait until next season to find out though. I feel this was the last of the white walkers for now (at least judging by the previews and it would make sense).

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22 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

So how likely is it that Cersei actually helps out?  I'm really starting to doubt it.

See that upcoming picture I posted a few pages back. Cersei is sitting on the throne, exhaling steam like winter has arrived there and its freezing cold.

I think theyve boxed themselves into KL. And will refuse to give up the only position they have.



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8 minutes ago, Tyty said:

So the dragons are super vulnerable. Able to do mass amounts of damage but are easily susceptible to damage 

They're living creatures, so they're definitely vulnerable, but not super vulnerable. They have thick, armored, scales that will protect them against a lot of things. When they shot Drogon, it didn't even stop him from flying. When you put a crazy ice spear in the hands of the magical king of the undead, he's gonna do some serious damage. 

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9 hours ago, Tyty said:

Seems like Jon and Dany don't even realize they went beyond the wall and gifted the NK a nuclear weapon just to inherit something that might give them a moderate army of foot soldiers. But I guess a unified front is better than fighting white walkers and cersei at the same time? If cersei doesn't side with them though they'll look like the biggest idiots of all time. 

No way Cersei sides with them imo

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1 hour ago, MrDrew said:

They're living creatures, so they're definitely vulnerable, but not super vulnerable. They have thick, armored, scales that will protect them against a lot of things. When they shot Drogon, it didn't even stop him from flying. When you put a crazy ice spear in the hands of the magical king of the undead, he's gonna do some serious damage. 

I almost hope the night king wins. If he can easily take out a dragon, why would Jon snow stand a chance against him at his best?

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17 hours ago, Blackstar12 said:

How can you say this after what the NK did this episode?

Besides the NK, its a fact that Bran is the most powerful in the series. Then Dany, then Cersei, then Euron.

Best fighters right now are Sandor, Jon, and Euron.


It was well documented that Brienne was fighting the Hound who was so infected, and in pain he was no where near his best. Same with Jaimie who was starved, beaten, and bound for months. 


Sandor, followed by Euron are probably the best fighters in Westeros out of the living. Not counting Zombie Mountain.

Jon comes in 2nd tier. Which I would also include Thormund, Jorah, and Bronn.

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What if the Night King was formerly a human that had knowledge of dragons and knew that the underbelly of a dragon would be far easier to pierce than the scaled top? Would that not justify throwing at the one flying that could be hit in the underbelly? Opposed to the one with the underbelly laying on the ground.

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