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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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3 hours ago, BroncosFan2010 said:

Jon and Khallisi is too obvious, I was hoping she would fall at the last moment for Tryian. Still a chance once (if) John and Khallisi find out about their lineage.

Does no one else think the realm would lay down their arms more readily if they were faced with a Targaryan and Lannister Queen / King combination? I think it makes too much sense.

Agreed on Jon jumping on Rhaegal. There was literally no purpose to him falling in the water and being separated from the group outside the writers feeling the need to close the loop on Benjen's character. And what a let down. They could have made him much more interesting. He probably should have died when resucing Bran, that would have made much more sense. But showing up last minute in typical Hollywood style and making illogical moves that lead to his death while saving the shows main character? That's not the GOT I fell for.

Another rewrite:

Shortly after Jon and co face that wight-bear monster, they see a figure approaching from the blizzard. Prepared for another harsh battle, Jon is met with a huge/happy surprise when he realizes it's Uncle Benjen. Have some dialogue between them (toss-up on how personal you want it to get since he is half-human, half-wight) and Uncle Benjen tells them he knows where the Knight Kings army is at. He leads them towards the army and they execute their plan of grabbing a wight. When they realize the entire wight-army is dashing towards them, Jon screams for Uncle Benjen to take the wight on horseback and head back. Bring Gendry so East Watch knows his story is real and to send for help. Uncle Benjen tells them about the icy lake to their east and to make a break for it. They intentionally smash the ice, and the same hold out begins. When Uncle Benjen gets to East Watch, he immediately let  Gendry off, but tells him he has to go help and begins to race back. Later, when things start to turn sour and Dany is there with her dragons, have Uncle Benjen reappear and be the one to see a the Night King lining up the javelin toss. He blasts towards them on horseback and Jon sees what he's doing. Right as Benjen is approaching them, the Night King turns and nonchalantly cuts him down off his horse. Jon sees this and begins freaking out, fighting his way away from the dragon and towards Benjen in a hopeless effort to save him. The Night King murders Benjen in front of Jon, and then turns back with his Javelin. Benjen delayed them by a minute, possibly saving a dragons life, but the Night King will get a second shot, and this time he will do the same crazy dead-eye toss, killing one of the dragons. (If you want to have more drama here, here's how: Jon, while still battling his way over there, looks up and sees the Night King loading up the second jav. He then looks across at what the Night King is looking at, Dany, and then back at the Night King. He screams for her attention and, amidst the chaos, she glances over and sees the Night King. Just then it cuts back to the King and we see him release the Javelin. Thinking Dany is about to get murked, viewers are freaking out for a few moments. Dany then looks up and sees the javelin fly clearly over her head, taking down his actual target, one of the dragons.) Everyone sees this, Jon is too far away because of a reason that makes sense this time (making his way towards Benjen), and Dany is forced to make the hard choice and leave him in a similar fashion. Jon comes out of the water a minute or so later, the wights start to notice him again and he's in dire danger, he closes his eyes similarly to Dany in the fighting pit scene of season 5, and Rhaegal comes down to save him.

Same crazy drama, but much more sensible. You get them to grab a wight in a way that makes sense. You have them arrive at the frozen lake in a way that makes sense (not dumb luck). You kill off Benjen in a way that makes sense. You lure Jon away from Danys dragon in a way that makes sense, and you save Jon in a way that makes sense.

Hmm, just thought of a plothole. If they intentionally smash the ice, then why wouldn't they continue to do so to ensure the wights couldn't make it across? I guess make it so the army of wights/walkers isn't there all at once. Make it so the Knight King doesn't arrive until towards the end of day 1 (which would make sense because I doubt he would be booking it like the wights were lol) and then he shows up he freezes the lake w/ some crazy Night King powers yo.

Edited by McNabbs Beef
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Another rewrite:

Shortly after Jon and co face that wight-bear monster, they see a figure approaching from the blizzard. Prepared for another harsh battle, Jon is met with a huge/happy surprise when he realizes it's Uncle Benjen. Have some dialogue between them (toss-up on how personal you want it to get since he is half-human, half-wight) and Uncle Benjen tells them he knows where the Knight Kings army is at. He leads them towards the army and they execute their plan of grabbing a wight. When they realize the entire wight-army is dashing towards them, Jon screams for Uncle Benjen to take the wight on horseback and head back. Bring Gendry so East Watch knows his story is real and to send for help. Uncle Benjen tells them about the icy lake to their east and to make a break for it. They intentionally smash the ice, and the same hold out begins. When Uncle Benjen gets to East Watch, he immediately let  Gendry off, but tells him he has to go help and begins to race back. Later, when things start to turn sour and Dany is there with her dragons, have Uncle Benjen reappear and be the one to see a the Night King lining up the javelin toss. He blasts towards them on horseback and Jon sees what he's doing. Right as Benjen is approaching them, the Night King turns and cuts him down off his horse. Jon sees this and begins freaking out, fighting his way away from the dragon and towards Benjen in a hopeless effort to save him. The Night King murders Benjen in front of Jon, and then turns back with his Javelin. Benjen delayed them by a minute, possibly saving a dragons life, but the Night King will get a second shot, and this time he will do the same crazy dead-eye toss, killing one of the dragons. Everyone sees this, Jon is too far away because of a reason that makes sense this time (making his way towards Benjen), and Dany is forced to leave him in a similar fashion. Jon comes out of the water, the wights start to notice him again, he closes his eyes similarly to Dany in the fighting pit scene of season 5, and Rhaegal comes down to save him.

Same crazy drama, but much more sensible. You get them to grab a wight in a way that makes sense. You have them arrive at the frozen lake in a way that makes sense (not dumb luck). You kill off Benjen in a way that makes sense. You lure Jon away from Danys dragon in a way that makes sense, and you save Jon in a way that makes sense.


Bro, that would have been so, so much better. Like, that rewrite would have put the past episode into the top 5 all time for GOT. Great work, and I don't want to take anything away from your, but all the changes are just so obvious to make. Its not like they had to write a Memento type screenplay.

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I keep thinking back to this. The most GRRM thing to do with all of the plot armor right now would be to have Cersei die while miscarrying the child she has in her womb after Jaime leaves her for trying to betray Dany and Jon in an attempt to go north. Would be shocking. Would be sudden and would change the entire series as we know it. Because who replaces Cersei?

She has no children. She has a brother who's a general, not a king. Jaime doesn't seem like the guy who wears a crown. So who would be next in line?

No one.

It'd have to go to the people who are claiming it. And right now, the only legitimate claims to be had are Gendry (a bastard) and Dany. That is, until Jon finds out about R+L=J. And GRRM loves Chaos. this would cause chaos.

Edited by scar988
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40 minutes ago, scar988 said:

I keep thinking back to this. The most GRRM thing to do with all of the plot armor right now would be to have Cersei die while miscarrying the child she has in her womb after Jaime leaves her for trying to betray Dany and Jon in an attempt to go north. Would be shocking. Would be sudden and would change the entire series as we know it. Because who replaces Cersei?

She has no children. She has a brother who's a general, not a king. Jaime doesn't seem like the guy who wears a crown. So who would be next in line?

No one.

It'd have to go to the people who are claiming it. And right now, the only legitimate claims to be had are Gendry (a bastard) and Dany. That is, until Jon finds out about R+L=J. And GRRM loves Chaos. this would cause chaos.

But how would the Volonquar prophecy tie into that death? At this point, I Think there's enough supporting evidence to think the prophecy is legit. 

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

But how would the Volonquar prophecy tie into that death? At this point, I Think there's enough supporting evidence to think the prophecy is legit. 

Jamie "Gave" her the baby. If she dies while miscarrying, Jamie did kill her in a way.

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I'm honestly expecting next episode to be the GOAT. I'm trying to piece together what will happen and what I expect.

My biggest question is does Cersei survive this episode? There's a zero percent chance she works with Tyrion or Dany or any of them for the greater good. She doesn't care about Westeros or the people, all she wants is revenge and to kill those who "wronged" her. So much is going to happen. We know she is going to try some shenanigans. Will she try to kill Dany? Tyrion? One of her dragons? It won't work obviously. Well, it might, but something will intervene. If this was the books, I'd say that Jamie would kill her, but he seems to still really love her in the show and not see her quite like a monster. So while Jamie killing her is a possibility, I think it's equally possible Tyrion is conniving up some countermeasure to stop whatever she has planned. if she dies than there is no doubt Euron probably dies as well. My only thing with this is that it seems like season 8 would be far too simple without Cersei rivaling the "good guys." Like, if it's just Dany/Jon/Tyrion vs the Walkers I don't see how that would stretch 6 episodes.

Also, not sure if it was discussed yet, but CLEGANEBOWL IS TOTALLY GOING DOWN!!! Cersei will be there with the Mountain, and The Hound is obviously on the ship traveling with Dany/Jon and co. I wouldn't be surprised to hear some great Sandor Clegane one-liners against Cersei before he fights the Mountain.

Really excited to see what's going down next episode. I feel like because all of the big events will be localized, there should be less BS time-traveling (well, besides them getting to High Garden or wherever they're meeting) and more standard GoT great plot development payoff.

Edited by McNabbs Beef
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On 8/23/2017 at 11:09 AM, scar988 said:


There are some things that make sense. Arya moved to a whole other continent. Cersei blew up the faith militant while they were all basically in the Sept. Who would want to deal with her after that? I wouldn't.

Honestly, I think Martin is taking on a Rowling type ego. Just enjoying th3 success, taking and just putting out a subpar product. At least he doesn't comment on every single thing like Rowling does but at least she finished the product.  

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4 hours ago, Forge said:

But how would the Volonquar prophecy tie into that death? At this point, I Think there's enough supporting evidence to think the prophecy is legit. 

Jaime gave her the child. Strangling her from the inside. "Little Brother" could also refer to the little brother of Tommen, Myrcella and Joffrey. Maybe the Volonquar is the little brother who chokes the life out of her from the inside and she chokes on her own blood.

2 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

Honestly, I think Martin is taking on a Rowling type ego. Just enjoying th3 success, taking and just putting out a subpar product. At least he doesn't comment on every single thing like Rowling does but at least she finished the product.  


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On 8/23/2017 at 1:07 PM, McNabbs Beef said:

When they originally announced they were bumping the seasons down from 10 episodes to 7/6, I was disappointed, but also happy that they were focused on making a good product instead of forcing 10 episodes on us for money. Now I realize that they didn't care at all about the quality of the show and that's not at all why they bumped it down to 7 episodes, they cared about how much the CGI would cost over the course of 10 and thought simply reducing it to 7/6 would save them the difference. What a poor decision to make when wrapping up such an incredibly great first 6 seasons. I really hope the last episode delivers and I REALLY hope they don't do this again for season 8 and it's as great as we all hope.

What a bunch of nonsense.  Benioff and Weiss have been working on this show for over 6 years straight and little else (a single episode script of It's Always Sunny) but suddenly they don't care about quality?  LoL.  This is their baby.  I guarantee you it means more to them than any fanboy complaining about perceived hypotheticals. 

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2 hours ago, thrILL! said:

What a bunch of nonsense.  Benioff and Weiss have been working on this show for over 6 years straight and little else (a single episode script of It's Always Sunny) but suddenly they don't care about quality?  LoL.  This is their baby.  I guarantee you it means more to them than any fanboy complaining about perceived hypotheticals. 

I'm not saying they don't care about quality at all, I'm saying they didn't shorten the season because they thought it would be better at 7 episodes as opposed to 10. They shortened it to account for the increased cost of making each episode. Money took precedent over quality. Maybe it was a Benioff/Weiss call, maybe it came from the higher ups, but it still blows either way.

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The valonqar is only from the books so it may not appear in the show. Either way Jamie is the prince that was promised, Azor Ahai and the valonqar.

Ceresi does another wildfire firework explosion that goes wrong Jamie catches on fire and stabs Ceresi with Widow's Wail in a panic 

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The CGI this season has been unreal so I have to agree that it looks like that is the reason they cut the episodes down but we ultimately don't know. It's just speculation. I've grown up and still firmly abide by the fact that what we think is the reason for things doesn't necessarily mean it is. A lot of people still need to come to grips w/ this. I love that Tyrion still said the same thing earlier this season lol. A little jab at people watching the show, maybe? 

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