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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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4 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

He didn't tuck tail.  It was a ruse.  He went to go get the Golden Company and bring them back.

Why are people not getting this. It's not like it was subliminal, Cersei straight up said this is what he did. 

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3 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

He didn't tuck tail.  It was a ruse.  He went to go get the Golden Company and bring them back.

The Golden Company use to be 10k strong. With 2500 being archers. If they have 5000 archers now cause the show has said theyre 20k, with more able to flow between infantry and archer.  That added to the Lannister archers should chew Danys entire army to pieces in a heartbeat since they have little to useless armor. 

That wont happen cause now things are in Hollywood Superhero mode. But otherwise, GC would be rolling in heavily impressive.

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6 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

The Golden Company use to be 10k strong. With 2500 being archers. If they have 5000 archers now cause the show has said theyre 20k, with more able to flow between infantry and archer.  That added to the Lannister archers should chew Danys entire army to pieces in a heartbeat since they have little to useless armor. 

That wont happen cause now things are in Hollywood Superhero mode. But otherwise, GC would be rolling in heavily impressive.

This assumes there's much fo the Lannister army left - we don't know.  Moreover, now that Jon bent the knee (though even if we go with the inverse, what's his is Dany's and what's Dany's is his militarily), the Stargaryen force now includes all of Jon's bannermen - like the Knights of the Vale and the other Northern houses... i.e. they've actually got knights on their side now too.  And that doesn't include that, now that the Freys are worms' meat, the Lannisters are weakened, and his wife and son are likely no longer held hostage (thanks in large part to Arya), Edmure and what remains of the Tully force is likely to rise to support at least the Starks and the Northmen and, by effect, the Stargaryens.

Also, seems a bit naive to assume that the Unsullied weren't trained to combat archers.  It's not like bows and arrows were exclusive to Westeros... I mean, the Dothraki use them, so it's safe to assume slave soldiers trained for the sole purpose of being killing machines would have been trained how to fight against archers.

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5 minutes ago, The LBC said:

This assumes there's much fo the Lannister army left - we don't know.  Moreover, now that Jon bent the knee (though even if we go with the inverse, what's his is Dany's and what's Dany's is his militarily), the Stargaryen force now includes all of Jon's bannermen - like the Knights of the Vale and the other Northern houses... i.e. they've actually got knights on their side now too.

Also, seems a bit naive to assume that the Unsullied weren't trained to combat archers.  It's not like bows and arrows were exclusive to Westeros... I mean, the Dothraki use them, so it's safe to assume slave soldiers trained for the sole purpose of being killing machines would have been trained how to fight against archers.

But what she have? 6k-6500 Unsullied left? The Dothraki dont believe in being infantry, and dont really believe in armor. Even when they took 24000 Dothraki up against 6000 (?) Unsullied and got chewed to pieces. They attacked them 18 times, and Unsullied destroyed them 18 times. Im saying quality archers can chew threw her 80-100k Dothraki in a hurry. Just blacken the sky with arrows and let them fall.

The Vale though, as shown in the BotB are beast cavalry if rushing a field of archers. The helmets, shoulder pads, chest and back plates. Arrows floating down are going to bounce off like rain off over 80% of their body, just lean forward during a volley.

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One thing I dont get. Im going by the old principles out of such as Art of War and Book of 5 Rings. But fielding a army. Back then took 12 citizens to field one soldier. Tyrion said Kings Landing had 1 million-give or take. I would assume it would take more to field one there, probably 15 to 20 Crownland citizens per fielded soldier. Yet the KL force is only 14k? Thats not right at all, they should pull at least 30-40k out the city, then thousands more from the rest of the Crownlands no problem. Then, of the citizens, a million people, so say 250k adult males, 200k that arnt old, so Ill be low and say 125k citizens with ability to help should the city be attacked.

I think they blew up the number waaay to much. Size the city looks and all, Tyrion should of spit out 200k citizens. A million is bonkers to me.

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I kind of wished they would have killed off Jaime.  That would have been a major "OH ****!!!!" kind of moment that would have really elevated the episode.  Does he really have that big of a role to play at this point?  He's essentially a one handed mercenary at this point. 

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3 minutes ago, THE DUKE said:

I kind of wished they would have killed off Jaime.  That would have been a major "OH ****!!!!" kind of moment that would have really elevated the episode.  Does he really have that big of a role to play at this point?  He's essentially a one handed mercenary at this point. 

I was thinking the same. I enjoy his character, but it would have been a great surprise, giving Cersei her more reason to lose all control (not that she has much now) of her actions.

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1 minute ago, titans0021 said:

I feel like killing Jaime would have been nothing more than surprise for surprise sake. If you hit the point where you're killing off main characters solely because you don't think people will expect it, you've kind of failed already.

That's why I stopped watching for a couple years after Oberyn was killed.  He was seemingly introduced simply to be given a gruesome and shocking death.

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5 minutes ago, titans0021 said:

I feel like killing Jaime would have been nothing more than surprise for surprise sake. If you hit the point where you're killing off main characters solely because you don't think people will expect it, you've kind of failed already.

As I said, use it as motivation for Cersei to go even more mad. The only thing keeping her grounded is really Jaime. Killing him would be embracing the madness.

3 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Kill off Jaime before he hooks up with Brienne? No way.  The new dream team, Pod-Bronn-Jaime-Brienne.

I just hope he doesnt go towards Winterfel with the psycho murderers in charge. No way hed get a trial for what done to Bran.

Jaime will have to go through Tormund to get to Brienne at this point.

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5 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Kill off Jaime before he hooks up with Brienne? No way.  The new dream team, Pod-Bronn-Jaime-Brienne.

I just hope he doesnt go towards Winterfel with the psycho murderers in charge. No way hed get a trial for what done to Bran.

We get it. You don't like Arya and Sansa. You would have a love child with LF. Move on already.

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5 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

That's why I stopped watching for a couple years after Oberyn was killed.  He was seemingly introduced simply to be given a gruesome and shocking death.

It's actually to bring Dorne into the fold (in the book and show, but Dorne is more important in the book). Just because it doesn't have an immediate impact doesn't mean it has no reason.

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