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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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54 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

He's saying the only two scenes involving Greyworm and Missandei after their.. session.. were basically throw-away lines. I legitimately think it was two sentences over four episodes. Greyworm asking where the Lannister army was after they took Casterly Rock, and Missandei saying "many things.." to Dany (he misspelled her name as Dang presumably).

Yeah, looks like my phone auto corrected Dany to Dang lol.


And correct on what I was referring to as well.

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One of the things Tyrion brought up is that Dany is smart enough to understand her faults and surround herself with those that check them. Jon, even as the king to her ruling queen, wouldn’t just be some subservient piece. Dany clearly respects him, and she listened to his opinion and followed his advice when she posited him for an answer on how to handle the war, even though he hadn’t even pledged his support. I feel like she would have no problem sharing the crown responsibilities with Jon.

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7 minutes ago, iPwn said:

I feel like she would have no problem sharing the crown responsibilities with Jon.

The only reason beyond she wouldn't want to beyond "muh birthright" (which will go out the window soon enough) would be pure ego. She clearly trusts him now. Will she handle this graciously? Or will Jon wake the dragon?

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1 minute ago, cddolphin said:

The only reason beyond she wouldn't want to beyond "muh birthright" (which will go out the window soon enough) would be pure ego. She clearly trusts him now. Will she handle this graciously? Or will Jon wake the dragon?

I'm assuming when they find out who Jon identity is what they are saving the marriage proposal alliance for. It didn't make much sense for nobody to bring this up (outside of Littlefinger) for the year. Once they find out who he is, it'll make a lot of sense for that to finally be broached as an easy solution. 

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4 minutes ago, Forge said:

I'm assuming when they find out who Jon identity is what they are saving the marriage proposal alliance for. It didn't make much sense for nobody to bring this up (outside of Littlefinger) for the year. Once they find out who he is, it'll make a lot of sense for that to finally be broached as an easy solution. 

I'm assuming this will take place in Winterfell when Jon and Dany arrive with Bran / Sam present. Will people believe Bran? So far everyone seems very deferential towards him, although we haven't had much dialogue regarding his powers. The few times this season he has spoken up, he wasn't 'corrected' nor did he receive pushback, but again very limited scenes. People seem very uneasy around him (Sansa, Arya, the Maester from the Dreadfort who for some reason is now in Winterfell, Littlefinger) which leads me to believe what he says carries legitimate weight.

Stuff like this is why another 3 episodes would've been great. More exposition.

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4 minutes ago, scar988 said:

Can we talk about how screwed the Umbers are? Their castle is halfway between Eastwatch and Winterfell.

See, Jon wasn't as generous and forgiving as the northern lords thought. Once again, he was seeing the forest through the trees, while they were only seeing the trees. He knew what was coming and that castle would be toast. Why sentence the loyal to death when the WW come by giving them the Umber's home?  This way he can seem generous and punish and wipe out a disloyal family! 

Okay, i know that's not what really happened. But yeah, they're screwed lol. 

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Rewatching some of season 1. I dont think the Hound killed the butchers boy. When Ned passed Hound, and the boy was laid across his horse dead. Ned said, "The butchers boy, you ran him down." Hound says, "He ran. Not very fast." 2 guards that had been with Hound in the background. That kid would of already been being held till matters were sorted, he wouldnt of been able to run having wounded a prince. I think it will unfold in some way, be it Bran or Hound confesses. That he tried to let him run, but he was slow and the guards caught up to him. Maybe Hound only finished him off so he couldnt speak that he tried to let him run.

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1 hour ago, cddolphin said:

I'm assuming this will take place in Winterfell when Jon and Dany arrive with Bran / Sam present. Will people believe Bran? So far everyone seems very deferential towards him, although we haven't had much dialogue regarding his powers. The few times this season he has spoken up, he wasn't 'corrected' nor did he receive pushback, but again very limited scenes. People seem very uneasy around him (Sansa, Arya, the Maester from the Dreadfort who for some reason is now in Winterfell, Littlefinger) which leads me to believe what he says carries legitimate weight.

Stuff like this is why another 3 episodes would've been great. More exposition.

I’d expect that there will be pushback from everyone, probably including Jon. If that happens, I’d expect to seee some sort of surviving fire event that makes everyone believe.

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1 minute ago, iPwn said:

I’d expect that there will be pushback from everyone, probably including Jon. If that happens, I’d expect to seee some sort of surviving fire event that makes everyone believe.

I mean, couldn't he just go around the room and detail everyone's recent internet history, he'd do like 3 people and then the rest would be like "OKAY OKAY we believe you let's stop right there.."

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19 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Rewatching some of season 1. I dont think the Hound killed the butchers boy. When Ned passed Hound, and the boy was laid across his horse dead. Ned said, "The butchers boy, you ran him down." Hound says, "He ran. Not very fast." 2 guards that had been with Hound in the background. That kid would of already been being held till matters were sorted, he wouldnt of been able to run having wounded a prince. I think it will unfold in some way, be it Bran or Hound confesses. That he tried to let him run, but he was slow and the guards caught up to him. Maybe Hound only finished him off so he couldnt speak that he tried to let him run.

That would completely rob the Hound of one of this stories very few truly satisfying character arcs. He was a bad guy, doing bad things, driven to that from childhood circumstance. Not because he wanted to (like the Mountain) but because that is where he found himself. Who then takes his own agency, and decides to change, fueled by the things and people he encounters along the way.

If he didnt kill the butchers boy, then he is just pretending to do bad things, and its just a guy who stops putting on a fecade, and doesnt every really change.

Pass on that vision from Bran, it would hurt the Hounds story, and would be a waste of time in the show.

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2 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

If he didnt kill the butchers boy, then he is just pretending to do bad things, and its just a guy who stops putting on a fecade, and doesnt every really change.

Agreed. A big facet of GRRM's universe is the idea of the bad guy you root for, or the good guy who does evil things.

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1 minute ago, cddolphin said:

I mean, couldn't he just go around the room and detail everyone's recent internet history, he'd do like 3 people and then the rest would be like "OKAY OKAY we believe you let's stop right there.."

Problem with this is that for storytelling purposes, Bran can’t just become the ultimate trump card. Makes for a real crappy story if everything is pushed forward by Bran’s knowledge. If he is in complete control of what he can see, what justification can team Dany/Jon have for not using him for everything? “Go find out what Cersei’s plan is” “How many opposition troops are where we’re headed?” “Do they have wildfire planned for this siege?” And etc.

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4 minutes ago, iPwn said:

Problem with this is that for storytelling purposes, Bran can’t just become the ultimate trump card. Makes for a real crappy story if everything is pushed forward by Bran’s knowledge. If he is in complete control of what he can see, what justification can team Dany/Jon have for not using him for everything? “Go find out what Cersei’s plan is” “How many opposition troops are where we’re headed?” “Do they have wildfire planned for this siege?” And etc.

Truuuu but he did say it's bits and pieces, so he could kind of just pluck random info about each person, doesn't mean he can specifically "warp" to the Red Keep in present time to see what's up. But like many things in GoT it's best not to think to hard about it.

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2 hours ago, iPwn said:

One of the things Tyrion brought up is that Dany is smart enough to understand her faults and surround herself with those that check them. Jon, even as the king to her ruling queen, wouldn’t just be some subservient piece. Dany clearly respects him, and she listened to his opinion and followed his advice when she posited him for an answer on how to handle the war, even though he hadn’t even pledged his support. I feel like she would have no problem sharing the crown responsibilities with Jon.

I get the feeling tyrion is gonna betray Dany in last season to protect Jaimie. Or his child if Cersei really is pregnant. Some scenario will come up where he is placed in a position where he thinks Dany will react irrationally and execute Jaimie and thus ensuring his survival at the cost of his own life. 

Or that's what I think would happen if Martin was writing the script. Theyll both probably survive next season. 

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