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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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35 minutes ago, Shockey1979 said:

Is it possible Bran foresaw Arya killing the NK and that's why he just sat there seemingly ready to accept death? The way that scene was shot alternating between shots of Bran/NK and Jon and the Ice Dragon seemed to tease Bran was going to warg into it which of course was a common fan theory. If not..then man all that building up to him becoming the 3 eyed raven was just a waste. If all he truly did was warg into some Ravens... I did see something about the raven carrying a message. If true I missed it...but a message to who?

This is a valid consideration, but it has to be balanced by the simple fact the original 3-eyed Raven was killed prematurely - or he didnt die of old age.

You could presume he'd seen that in his future....and potentially......had the power to prevent it. I've not dived deep enough in the character  to know if they can alter the future - or just see it - or in truth - how much of the future can they actually see?  

Were there actual instances where they saw / foretold the future?  

Hmmmm.....dont know.
In any case, the 3-eyed Raven got killed.
Perhaps he was just tired of living in a cave.
Perhaps HE considered it time to pass the baton to Bran and let it happen.
Perhaps I have no clue and really dont care.
Perhaps. The glue that holds all things together :)

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11 hours ago, Tyty said:

Good job being pointless Tyrion 

I feel like his redemption will come in the war against Cersei. As smart as he is, he isn't mentally equipped to figure out how to beat the dead.

8 hours ago, Blackstar12 said:

I agree with most of you guys far too many characters survived. Also those WW are so useless they had one job and they failed to protect the NK.  She had to been in full sprint mode for that epic jump she did.

As said before, the NK commanded them to stand down, and the wights have ALWAYS listened to his command. As for characters surviving, we did lose both Mormonts, Edd, Theon, and Melisandre. I get that some people just wanted a bloodbath, but this is a pretty weak complaint (not just you, everyone who's bringing it up).

1 hour ago, seminoles1 said:

Some of you guys are being *******s. You can not enjoy the show, that's fine, but you don't have to do it while acting all high and mighty about your intelligence and acting like the only things that stimulate your brain are existential conversations with Stephen Hawking.

Seriously. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. If you really don't like it, more power to you, but stop trying to make everyone as miserable about it as you are.

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It seemed like the NK deserved a better ending and more development after all that buildup, like the writers decided they didn’t have time for him anymore and just moved on.  I guess we will find out what Bran was doing later but his character has been pretty pointless. It was a tense battle though and overall I enjoyed it

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11 minutes ago, amac said:

It seemed like the NK deserved a better ending and more development after all that buildup, like the writers decided they didn’t have time for him anymore and just moved on.  I guess we will find out what Bran was doing later but his character has been pretty pointless. It was a tense battle though and overall I enjoyed it

I think people are taking it as a downplay for the NK's character when they should be taking it as a monumental step for Arya's and the entire story. We've found Azor Ahai. It literally took that revelation to stop the eternal night just seconds before it was too late.

I think if this exact same episode was episode 5 or 6 instead of 3, people would be completely fine with it.

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That episode was freakin' incredible. 

Sure, the episode wasn't perfect.  It was really hard to see in the first 30 or so minutes.  There were a lot of deux ex machina moments that kinda bothered me - how did Sam survive so many times?  And where did Jorah come from to save Dany?  

But, I mean... those are issues/plot holes that might ruin an episode of most other shows.  But they are so easy (for me anyway) to overlook with Game of Thrones, because they've earned that kind of leeway from me and they do so much good otherwise.  And the good and excitement from that episode drastically outweighed any of the negatives IMO.  I think they were always going to be in a rough spot with the Army of the Dead - any direction they took would have had issues because it's either the living live or they don't, and taking that on requires some (to an extent) illogical writing.  I thought this was one of the better ways they could have went.  It was an epic battle and had some of my favorite GOT moments ever (Lynna Mormont >>).  

And while the show has been building up to that for awhile, I don't think it was any more built up or central to the plot than the eventual fight between Cersei vs. Everyone, in particular Dany.  I mean even Ned didn't really start talking about them much after he went to Kings Landing, Cersei became enemy #1 almost immediately.  The only people whose plot were largely related to the Night King/Dead (up until midway through Season 7) were Snow and anyone at the Wall, the wildlings, and Bran.

I don't know.  I guess I can see why some might have an issue with the episode (and considering the hype behind it, it was going to be damn near impossible to appease everyone).  But by the end, none of it was anything I was even thinking about.  It left me feeling as satisfied as I have been after watching an episode. 

EDIT - I also don't really get the complaints that this battle wrapped up in 1 episode (not sure if it's been said here, but I see a lot of people/reviewers mentioning it).  I don't see how its any more or less realistic or problematic than all the other times they ended battles in 1 episode (it isn't like Ramsay Bolton wasn't a big deal for example), and this was by far the longest.  Not to mention they had another battle at Hardhorne.  I don't think they could have stretched that battle out over 2 episodes and personally, I wouldn't have considered it a satisfying choice for a finale either.  I guess the only legit gripe I could see is maybe they shouldn't have waited until the last season to do it, which I could understand.  But overall I was cool with how they ended the Night King.  

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Food for thought........
I wouldnt want to be hanging around Winterfell for awhile.
There's A LOT of dead (and rotting) bodies to gather up and burn.
Just nasty, decomposed, falling apart dead zombies.....the worst kind.
At least when the NK was around....he'd take them with him when he left :)

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My biggest issue is that the Night King’s demise is only possible because of a major plot hole. In season 5 or 6 when he touches Bran and places his mark on him he should’ve killed him then. He’s able to enter the magic tree and kill the 3-eyed raven but allows Bran to escape. The only thing between the NK and Bran was Hodor holding a door and the young girl dragging him through a snow storm on a sled. You’d think if the NK’s sole purpose was to eliminate the memories of man kind and Bran plays such a big role in that, he would’ve just killed him already. 

But instead he waited to come in today Winterfell and expose himself in front of his huge army to dramatically deliver the blow that kills Bran? Like ugh?  

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7 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Jon: "Dang. What Bobby B said about Dothraki on an open field was total crap."

Right?! "Hold up lemme just send this horde of maybe 1,000 dothraki at the ENTIRE ARMY OF THE DEAD and hope for the best!"

7 hours ago, DreamKid said:

Dothraki horde gets wiped,..but Sam survives against the same entities. That's a thinker.

Somehow Sam keeps on surviving whilst being in the middle of battles. Makes no sense.

6 hours ago, thrILL! said:

I think they missed an opportunity for Sansa to come face to face with the undead version of her mom or someone.  That could've been fun for us and creepy for her.  I'm not sure her ancestors could've gotten out of those burial plots so easily but they had to get out somehow.

They missed an opportunity to have someone, anyone of name recognition come alive in the crypts. Was hoping for Undead Ned (since I'm pretty sure his body was returned to Winterfell), but I'm just happy the people in the crypts were raised in the first place, showing that the "magic" to guard the crypts is all junk.

3 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Why do people think Drogon died? He may have crashed into the castle but the Ice Dragon was Viserion at the end. Nothing says you can’t revive the same thing twice as long as its body is intact. I never once thought for a second that was Drogon. 

Drogon was with Dany at the end. 

I thought Drogon died because he flies away with wights on him, then we see a dragon crash into the castle shortly afterwards - which I assumed was Drogon. We already had seen Drogon wipe out Viserion, BUT it does make sense that since Drogon destroyed his neck and then later the dragon trying to kill Jon was spewing ice/fire out of his neck as well that it was Viserion. I thought that whole thing was very confusing tbh

2 hours ago, seminoles1 said:

Some of you guys are being *******s. You can not enjoy the show, that's fine, but you don't have to do it while acting all high and mighty about your intelligence and acting like the only things that stimulate your brain are existential conversations with Stephen Hawking.


2 hours ago, 1ForTheThumb said:

Did Arya put on a face of the dead to sneak up?

Nah, she just Assassin's Creed'd him. It was all setup by the Library scene where she was sneaking past the dead no problem.

2 hours ago, sunnygsm said:

For confused parties, Drogon is black/red. Rhaegal is yellow/greenish. The one with Dany was definitely Drogon. With the way the episode was shot, if they didn't die on screen, they didn't die.

Well if Dany still has 2 dragons left alive then LOL RIP Cersei. Don't need an army when you have two dragons. JUST STOP LANDING THEM FFS!!

2 hours ago, DoleINGout said:

I was kind of being sarcastic

IMHO GreyWorm, Brienne, Jaime and Gendry all should've died for sure. They were all on the front lines and at multiple points in the episode they were surrounded and being overrun, yet stayed alive. It would've been perfectly poetic for them to die in this fight. However, that being said all the other deaths were beautifully done - especially Baric.

1 hour ago, sunnygsm said:

Bran has been kind of useless so far. I wonder if he'll do something. 

I think what he was doing while he was warging during the battle will be revealed in the next episode. I want to believe he's not a completely useless character, but so far that's not been the case.

49 minutes ago, DoleINGout said:


Littlefinger gave the dagger to Bran, who then gave it to Arya, who then saved everyone with it.

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1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

IMHO GreyWorm, Brienne, Jaime and Gendry all should've died for sure. They were all on the front lines and at multiple points in the episode they were surrounded and being overrun, yet stayed alive. It would've been perfectly poetic for them to die in this fight. However, that being said all the other deaths were beautifully done - especially Baric.

I can agree on those four.

Also Jon, Dary, and Sir J all were surrounded. Heck, Theon was too. The Dragon that was clawed up and repeatedly stabbed/eaten probably should've died, as well as Storm since we saw him on run into the fog. Sam too and probably even Tyrion&Sansa. Screw it, ALMOST EVERYONE WAS SURROUNDED AND SHOULD HAVE DIED. The timing or depiction of the spacing between Whitewalkers and main characters on the battlefield could have been better. The only thing that at times distracted from the narrative for me.

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36 minutes ago, DoleINGout said:


He got the dagger where it needed to be. The Pimp that was Promised came through.

On a more serious note, the episode was a fantastic spectacle but I still came away from it feeling disappointed. On the one hand, the Night King/White Walker story isn't why I liked the show or books. Any of the human vs human and politics of the show has always been the most interesting to me so I'm relieved that it's a pretty safe assumption that that's where the show ends but for that to be end of the Night King still just feels like a letdown given the build up for him. 

On another less serious note. Grey Wurm defying all expectations and being the only named character that actually wears a helmet is great. Safety first, truly the role model everyone needs.

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