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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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Just now, sammymvpknight said:

People were pissed off about the show before the episode and there was nothing it could do from those same people rage watching it

I was a little pissed before the episode, but I thought they did a great job on this one.  

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6 minutes ago, Blackstar12 said:

Predictable episode all around looks like they’re going for the generic ending.

Generic and predictable? Lol

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they did the golden company dirty(their leader had like 3 minutes total of screen time this season) lol I think we would of spent more time with them with a 10 episode season, oh well

Danny burning down the city was insane...she gotta go(although I hope she wins, her dying next week is predictable)


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Just now, Herbie_Hancock said:

We were too spoiled guys...

anything after Tywin dying has been solid to good. 

The first couple seasons were GOAT. 


But everyone with half a brain should know this. The show ran out of book material. What else are hollywood scrip writers are suppose to make? Grr is a rare gem in the industry. 

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5 minutes ago, El ramster said:

This just went back to what Danny said. They love Jon but they’ll fear me. She basically went ham to prove that fear is what she chooses. 

She didn't need to do that to inspire fear. She just eviscerated the Iron Fleet and the walls surrounding King's Landing as well as the Golden Company and Lannister Soldiers. Her point mas made. They also likely know about her burning the Tarlys for not bending the knee.

There is a difference between ruling by fear and being deranged.  

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2 minutes ago, JTagg7754 said:

I can see gripes with every episode this season. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this episode. Imo, one of the best of the series


Cleganebowl was legit as hell. And The Hound saving Arya, then throwing himself into a bunch of fire to kill his brother was such a good ending to his arc.

Varys went out for the good of the realm.

Dany burninating everything and Grey Worm being a killmongering idiot because of Missandei.

Jaime and Cersei die in each other's arms. My quip is that Jaime should have killed her to save the city, but since Dany already went full Terminator 2 already it wouldn't have made sense.

Qyburn gets murdered by his own monster. Poetic justice for all of his experiments.

Tyrion setting himself up to die by saving his brother, proving he was always willing to do anything for his family is a great end to his arc too.

Cinematography and visually it was on point - the map scene, Drogon versus the sky against Euron's fleet was a great shot, there were a ton of other ones as well. Writing was a little clunky but that's nitpicking like crazy. Music was GoT music. There was tons of tension early on in the episode.


The more I think about this episode, the more I loved it.

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