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4 hours ago, MikeT14 said:

I saw Fox Business was blaming the meme stock people for all this. 

A lot of cable news “experts” are. I never knew that buying and holding a stock or two could cause a recession. But they have to blame it on someone to make the boss happy I guess. Definitely a bit like in 2008 where they blamed the poor, immigrants, and teachers among others despite ****ty business practices causing it.

What they fail to talk about is how 80% of all US currency was created over the last two years; primarily in 2020 iirc. And definitely also the fact that a majority of it went to the rich and businesses rather than the masses who would put it into the economy.


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5 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

Haha in defense, I wasn't watching it, just saw the clip passed around.

Anyone on a business channel making fun of meme stocks is hilarious to me. I had a friend in college do his thesis between the association between stock 'advertising' on business shows versus short term price hikes based on viewers making purchases. He ended up calculating a hypothetical "advertisement value" IIRC where it'd be worth the company to pay for a short term demand increase.

Jim Craemer's been making a living on meme stocks his entire career tbh.

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35 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Anyone on a business channel making fun of meme stocks is hilarious to me. I had a friend in college do his thesis between the association between stock 'advertising' on business shows versus short term price hikes based on viewers making purchases. He ended up calculating a hypothetical "advertisement value" IIRC where it'd be worth the company to pay for a short term demand increase.

Jim Craemer's been making a living on meme stocks his entire career tbh.

Jim's actually a really good follow.  I don't follow him for what he likes cause that's always short term pops, but when he generally disklikes something, he's on the money in the long term

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15 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Jim's actually a really good follow.  I don't follow him for what he likes cause that's always short term pops, but when he generally disklikes something, he's on the money in the long term

Doing the inverse of what Cramer says has beat the S&P by ~30% over the last approximate year. 

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12 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

Doing the inverse of what Cramer says has beat the S&P by ~30% over the last approximate year. 

I imagine this would include shorting his things he says to buy which prob would beat the hell out of the market in almost every way no matter who u follow over the past year 

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2 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

A lot of cable news “experts” are. I never knew that buying and holding a stock or two could cause a recession. But they have to blame it on someone to make the boss happy I guess. Definitely a bit like in 2008 where they blamed the poor, immigrants, and teachers among others despite ****ty business practices causing it.

What they fail to talk about is how 80% of all US currency was created over the last two years; primarily in 2020 iirc. And definitely also the fact that a majority of it went to the rich and businesses rather than the masses who would put it into the economy.


Blaming teachers for everything for 2 decades instead of taking responsibility or blaming bad parenting/your kids is so hot right now. “Why are teachers leaving the profession?!?!?!”

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4 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

Jim's actually a really good follow.  I don't follow him for what he likes cause that's always short term pops, but when he generally disklikes something, he's on the money in the long term

I think hes the worst to follow. Cant even get the cheap pop off his mentioned stocks because he airs after close.

Then the generic trash answers like hes Verizon customer service. He wouldnt dare say, "Oh hey, the Citadel is shorting this one into the ground. Beware." Hed sooner say aliens teleported the shipment of chips meant for GEs toaster factory aboard their mothership. And GEs stock sunk because it created a toaster shortage in upstate North Dakota during prime toast season.

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1 hour ago, PARROTHEAD said:

I think hes the worst to follow. Cant even get the cheap pop off his mentioned stocks because he airs after close.

Then the generic trash answers like hes Verizon customer service. He wouldnt dare say, "Oh hey, the Citadel is shorting this one into the ground. Beware." Hed sooner say aliens teleported the shipment of chips meant for GEs toaster factory aboard their mothership. And GEs stock sunk because it created a toaster shortage in upstate North Dakota during prime toast season.

He's on during the day too. Just his shows at night 

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Usually I scoff at market timing, but am loving my decision to reallocate from 100/0 to 65/35 over the last 6 months or so right now. Going to work my way back toward 100/0 at 3.5% for every 50pt drop back down to 3500 on S&P.

Also as of today I'm sticking my entertainment money into Coinbase stock. Their fundamentals are way too good for current pricing.

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22 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Your first mistake was watching Fox tbh.

At 6AM on my drive to work I have Sirius XM so it's either Fox Business with Maria Bartiwhatever or Joe Kernen on CNBC. All Joe does is yuck it up and go off on stupid tangents. At least Maria gets to the point with the news and whatever reports are coming out that day. Once she starts going off on her political spiels I switch it over to Bloomberg or Octane >:)

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16 minutes ago, Shockwave said:

At 6AM on my drive to work I have Sirius XM so it's either Fox Business with Maria Bartiwhatever or Joe Kernen on CNBC. All Joe does is yuck it up and go off on stupid tangents. At least Maria gets to the point with the news and whatever reports are coming out that day. Once she starts going off on her political spiels I switch it over to Bloomberg or Octane >:)

Yeah to be fair I don't have an alternative to suggest.

Virtually all of the "analysis" I see is at best an economic interpretation of the day's political news, and at worst fairly naked political opinions being presented with a dollar sign at the end. It's frustrating.

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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Yeah to be fair I don't have an alternative to suggest.

Virtually all of the "analysis" I see is at best an economic interpretation of the day's political news, and at worst fairly naked political opinions being presented with a dollar sign at the end. It's frustrating.

I find it hard to trust anything anybody says (TV/Radio) about investing. I have a trust issue that the only reason anybody is telling me to either buy or not is because they are personally invested in that same stock for their own gains. I would be more willing to take the advice from you clowns on this message board than some dude on a finance podcast or radio network.

Its the same concept with NFTs and celebrities. Of course they all have them because they have more money than God and all they do is promote them because they need others to take interest so the value rises. I dont need 21 Savage trying to tell me about NFTs and why I should invest. Sorry lol

NFTs are a giant scam by the elites. In 5-10 years when the focus shifts to something else and celebs sell off at the peak, like other fads, they are going to be worth nothing more than a large pizza and your average guy is going to be the person stuck SOL

Get your money now, just dont be the person left without a chair when the music stops--which IS coming.

Edited by AkronsWitness
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