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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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Stats are a fine measure, just obviously need to understand what they are telling you. The better your team does, the better your stats will be, and vice versa. In game they help because, for example, you can be pretty certain you're not doing your job well enough if you're playing Soldier or Winston and don't have silver/gold elims, or if you're Junkrat and don't have silver/gold dmg, or if you're a Mercy and somehow don't have gold healing (though acceptable if playing alongside Lucio and only 1 tank on team), etc. Reinhardt comes to mind as a hero where stats will tell you very, very little IMO.

Also, for a lot of the sites that compare your stats with other players, you have to factor in your rank. A Zenyatta with 90th percentile stats in masters >>>> a Zenyatta with 90th percentile stats in gold. The idea is that average stats indicate you are playing at your rank, no better or no worse. Of course that certainly isn't always how things work, but generally it's how they should.


I was never that deep in elo hell Matts, but I would suggest you get very comfortable with 1 or 2 heroes and look to play them whenever you can (of course still be flexible). Without taking into account your strengths/weaknesses, Pharah, Reaper, Roadhog, and Tracer are all good choices because they are long wolf heroes that do not need to rely much on teammates. Pharah can't self heal like the others, but even at play she can still be pretty effective because of people's questionable aim, so I can only imagine she is that much better at Bronze.



I really don't play as much nowadays, at least not comp. Too much of a salt mine. Also sort of lost the desire to climb because I figured plat is pretty much where I belonged given my mechanical skills.

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51 minutes ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

Stats are a fine measure, just obviously need to understand what they are telling you. The better your team does, the better your stats will be, and vice versa. In game they help because, for example, you can be pretty certain you're not doing your job well enough if you're playing Soldier or Winston and don't have silver/gold elims, or if you're Junkrat and don't have silver/gold dmg, or if you're a Mercy and somehow don't have gold healing (though acceptable if playing alongside Lucio and only 1 tank on team), etc. Reinhardt comes to mind as a hero where stats will tell you very, very little IMO.

Also, for a lot of the sites that compare your stats with other players, you have to factor in your rank. A Zenyatta with 90th percentile stats in masters >>>> a Zenyatta with 90th percentile stats in gold. The idea is that average stats indicate you are playing at your rank, no better or no worse. Of course that certainly isn't always how things work, but generally it's how they should.


I was never that deep in elo hell Matts, but I would suggest you get very comfortable with 1 or 2 heroes and look to play them whenever you can (of course still be flexible). Without taking into account your strengths/weaknesses, Pharah, Reaper, Roadhog, and Tracer are all good choices because they are long wolf heroes that do not need to rely much on teammates. Pharah can't self heal like the others, but even at play she can still be pretty effective because of people's questionable aim, so I can only imagine she is that much better at Bronze.



I really don't play as much nowadays, at least not comp. Too much of a salt mine. Also sort of lost the desire to climb because I figured plat is pretty much where I belonged given my mechanical skills.

Elo resets in a week right? I just need to be selective with who I play with when it does.

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15 hours ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

It was very good. Both Franco bros did A+ acting jobs, and the film pretty tightly follows the book. So much of the dialogue is straight from the book and unaltered. Obviously had to gloss over some stuff to fit into the movie (though I was very disappointed that they didn't include the Don storyline). It's still a hollywood movie so they definitely touched up some points for the sake of the story. Made their friendship more "awww" and Tommy a character you kind of feel bad for, and it had a very happy ending. Near the end I was feeling a bit like it didn't include enough pure "The Room" stuff, which I wanted to see, but then that last ~10 minutes comes and its' hilarious.

I really want to go to a showing know of The Room. Going to try to catch it during the one day wide release coming up, hope there will be a theater near me that has it. 


Sounds good, I'm going to try and check it out as soon as possible. 

And yeah I heard The Room showings are downright hysterical. I'd love to go dressed in a tux throwing a football around lol

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1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

Elo resets in a week right? I just need to be selective with who I play with when it does.

Your visible one yes. But "MMR" basically an invisible ELO does not. It may or may not be more flexible during subsequent seasons in placement matches, but it's still there and how matchups are actually formed. 

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4 hours ago, EaglesPeteC said:

Took my kids to see Santa tonight. I tried to get them to ask him for a Eagles' Super Bowl. They did not cooperate. 

tell them they get terrible Oikos yogurt if the are gonna be homers and root for the Panthers.

If you don't give them coal you are setting yourself up for failure...

"Santa left a note said only good children who bleed green like their daddy get presents."
"Look he left the cookies too...wow you really pissed off Santa kids."
"PS..eat the cookies yourself Pete...you earned it...GO BIRDS!!!"

"Wow don't mind if I do...
~muffled E-A-G-L-E-S under a mouthful of cookies~"

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4 hours ago, EaglesPeteC said:

Took my kids to see Santa tonight. I tried to get them to ask him for a Eagles' Super Bowl. They did not cooperate. 

damn pete need to start showing them eagles all 22 all day instead of whatever version of a minions movie that has been recently released. 

Edited by ninjapirate
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Just now, MKnight82 said:

People need to stop giving me candy for Christmas.  I'm gonna gain like 10 lbs this December.  

I'm literally staring a plate of this extra rich fudge cubes that a co-worker's wife made and brought in this morning. I know the feeling. 

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Btw, today and basically this entire week has been crazy slow. Don't see why certain small companies stay open during the holidays when I know the profit margin is slim to none (factoring in employee salaries and overhead costs). 


Can't wait to get my long weekend started!



Shoot, next week is expected to be even slower. Another business owner we do services for suggested to my boss the other day that we close all of next week, like they are, and my boss fake chuckled and told him to have a nice day. LOL

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13 minutes ago, 808 said:

Btw, today and basically this entire week has been crazy slow. Don't see why certain small companies stay open during the holidays when I know the profit margin is slim to none (factoring in employee salaries and overhead costs). 


Can't wait to get my long weekend started!



Shoot, next week is expected to be even slower. Another business owner we do services for suggested to my boss the other day that we close all of next week, like they are, and my boss fake chuckled and told him to have a nice day. LOL

I'm completely slammed at work today and all of next week.  I work in real estate though, and everyone is trying to close by the end of the year.  

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