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The Amazing Race Game Thread


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ok the next game i can run in its original form now that our foreign players have been eliminated


The game is quite simple

 Each player posts two words that go together, but he must use the second word that the last player posted and a new word that he thinks of himself. For example, "French bread," "bread pudding," "pudding cake."   The first person will be chosen amongst our two leaders they may tag anyone they choose.  The first person eliminated will lose 12 minutes for their team next person eliminated loses 11, so on and so forth.  You will have 45 minutes to come up with another word in round one, time will go lower as we move closer to the end


i need









to send me a number between 1-100 to see who goes first.  You must also present me a time tommorow for the game to begin.  The person closest to the number wins.  In case of a tie, the lower number wins.  Please try to get these guesses in numbers in this morning if possible to allow others ample time to know when the game is started. I will want these by 6 pm eastern

Edited by bcb1213
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Also you can't make something that doesn't make sense like monitor cheetos or you will be eliminated.

@Outpost31 will confirm anything that doesn't make sense if I rule it doesn't.  PS hi Jeff!


@Whicker @Ragnarok @theuntouchable @SwAg @Dwight_Schrute @Counselor  @Pickle Rick @The Orca


The next competition is listed above this post.  I will tag you again when I get the set time to start tommorow 

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