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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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bcb1213 The Orca
gopherwrestler The Orca
DingoLadd The Orca
AFlaccoSeagulls The Orca
squire12 The Orca
Raves No Lynch
The Orca KOTN-93
theuntouchable KOTN-93


I'll be around the rest of the night.

Happy holidays all. 



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The 4 known SK

Shooter (gopher found with gun, Mwil autopsy revealed as shooter)

Stabber (likely Nacho as SK and Tk3 found with knife)

Bomber (Whicker found with batteries and other stuff and Dingo with strong cleaning chemicals --- which can be used to make bombs and Swag with the defuser role)

Arsonist (last SK of the 4....Orca as fireman and ???? -- Touch as insurance agent or KOTN)


The 4 actual SK and the other townies would have had some similar findings with the different types of investigation.....background check, psychological profile and quick search of home/work/vehicle/etc.

If anyone has different information vs what is laid out above, please let me know.   Would be good to make sure we have all the information that has surfaced thus far collected and stated by those that have obtained it.  


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3 minutes ago, squire12 said:

The 4 known SK

Shooter (gopher found with gun, Mwil autopsy revealed as shooter)

Stabber (likely Nacho as SK and Tk3 found with knife)

Bomber (Whicker found with batteries and other stuff and Dingo with strong cleaning chemicals --- which can be used to make bombs and Swag with the defuser role)

Arsonist (last SK of the 4....Orca as fireman and ???? -- Touch as insurance agent or KOTN)


The 4 actual SK and the other townies would have had some similar findings with the different types of investigation.....background check, psychological profile and quick search of home/work/vehicle/etc.

If anyone has different information vs what is laid out above, please let me know.   Would be good to make sure we have all the information that has surfaced thus far collected and stated by those that have obtained it.  


I think Dingo and myself made similar posts earlier today about the info provided. Doesnt include yours though 

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11 hours ago, The Orca said:

Orca- Barry (Bcb invest) Bartow, townie, no move 

Swag- townie, 2 shot bomb defuse, female (Mwil invest), Background points to Bomber (Flacco invest)

Raves- JJ

Flacco- Garcia

Bcb- Reid/Gideon

Kotn- townie (Bcb invest), female (Raves invest)

Touch- townie (Bcb invest), self watch, female? (Mwil invest I think)

Gopher- townie, day vig, gun/stolen keys (Forge invest)

Dingo- townie (Bcb invest), decent move

Squire- Reid/Gideon


Unless Dingo is lying about himself being a townie...everyone has claimed or been labeled into either team or town by info. 

Discuss something with me...Lynch me today that removes 1 for sure townie. Leaving Swag, Gopher, Touch, Kotn, Dingo. Should we do that or look at 1 of the other townies?

Also...looks like I'm really the only person without a move @squire12 if dingo is telling the truth


8 hours ago, DingoLadd said:


  1. @The Orca - Barry Barlow
  2. @SwAg - Bomb Defuser. 
  3. @Pickle Rick - Torched N3 - Aaron Hotchner
  4. @AFlaccoSeagulls - Investigator. 
  5. @gopherwrestler - Person with a gun.
  6. @Forge - Shot N4 - Derek Morgan
  7. @TheKillerNacho - Lynched N3 - Tyson Trotter
  8. @squire12 - Can't remember if claimed or not. 
  9. @FinneasGage > Now DingoLadd2.0  - Emily Elway, Cleaner. 
  10. @Whicker - Lynched N2 - Chris Charles
  11. @bcb1213 - Investigator. 
  12. @Raves - Investigator. 
  13. @MWil23 - Lynched N5 - Stacy Sanders
  14. @DingoLadd - Lynched N1 - Elle Greenaway
  15. @theuntouchable - Katie Kennedy, single mother, insurance rep.
  16. @Tk3 - Lynched N4 - Jeff Jordan
  17. @KOTN-93 - Denise Dillon, retired. 

That leaves Gopher/KOTN/Me/Orca. 

Gopher has a gun.

KOTN I have no reads on.

I am obviously town.

Orca not having a move is ? but this doesn't feel like his scum game. 


Out of the four of this group we should find the stabber/shooter/arsonist. 


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8 hours ago, DingoLadd said:


  1. @The Orca - Barry Barlow
  2. @SwAg - Bomb Defuser. 
  3. @Pickle Rick - Torched N3 - Aaron Hotchner
  4. @AFlaccoSeagulls - Investigator. 
  5. @gopherwrestler - Person with a gun.
  6. @Forge - Shot N4 - Derek Morgan
  7. @TheKillerNacho - Lynched N3 - Tyson Trotter
  8. @squire12 - Can't remember if claimed or not. 
  9. @FinneasGage > Now DingoLadd2.0  - Emily Elway, Cleaner. 
  10. @Whicker - Lynched N2 - Chris Charles
  11. @bcb1213 - Investigator. 
  12. @Raves - Investigator. 
  13. @MWil23 - Lynched N5 - Stacy Sanders
  14. @DingoLadd - Lynched N1 - Elle Greenaway
  15. @theuntouchable - Katie Kennedy, single mother, insurance rep.
  16. @Tk3 - Lynched N4 - Jeff Jordan
  17. @KOTN-93 - Denise Dillon, retired. 

That leaves Gopher/KOTN/Me/Orca. 

Gopher has a gun.

KOTN I have no reads on.

I am obviously town.

Orca not having a move is ? but this doesn't feel like his scum game. 


Out of the four of this group we should find the stabber/shooter/arsonist. 

Want mwil the shooter? And scum?

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One of the things to consider should the game still be going into D7.  My autopsy ability could only be used on someone that died.  The Dingo2.0 role as a cleaner speaks pretty clearly to a coverup role for a potential group of SK.   That was my initial thought after I got the quick search results on N4.    THen after a little bit of consideration, it could also be used to make a bomb.  I was pretty surprised there was not a night kill on N5.

Just some things to consider for a potential D7

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46 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Who did he confirm

Swag...still unknown right or did Flacco confirm the name/gender?

You...confirmed a 2nd time by BcB

Raves...he was pretty much known as JJ at that point of the invest

Maybe he didnt have an invest...which makes the Swag info and "was an agent" info suspect that he got...which thinking about it...I'm even more suspect of the Mwil/Swag connection...

He said Swag was an Agent...then corrected to mean former agent...which @AFlaccoSeagulls I think confirmed...so is he with Swag or did he really get an invest and why would he use Agent as I pointed out and not former/retired (or whatever it supposedly is) military

Mwil claimed the only night he got full info was on Swag. The rest he only got genders...why did he say that was?

No, that's basically not what happened.  I don't know what else to tell you.

MWil said I was an agent and female.  Then said there is no female agent would make sense to be the defuser.  I said I'm female, not an agent, and not Team.  Flacco confirmed my character name (and gender, pretty much), not Team, and military background.

So, I had MWil claim something, to contradict it, then for me to contradict it, because that... did what, exactly?

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

One of the things to consider should the game still be going into D7.  My autopsy ability could only be used on someone that died.  The Dingo2.0 role as a cleaner speaks pretty clearly to a coverup role for a potential group of SK.   That was my initial thought after I got the quick search results on N4.    THen after a little bit of consideration, it could also be used to make a bomb.  I was pretty surprised there was not a night kill on N5.

Just some things to consider for a potential D7

Yeah, especially with the game mechanic of no farewell post if your character information is not revealed upon death.

Might be Dingo, or it might be a SK mechanic (unidentifiable remains).

Not that those are mutually exclusive.

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

No, that's basically not what happened.  I don't know what else to tell you.

MWil said I was an agent and female.  Then said there is no female agent would make sense to be the defuser.  I said I'm female, not an agent, and not Team.  Flacco confirmed my character name (and gender, pretty much), not Team, and military background.

So, I had MWil claim something, to contradict it, then for me to contradict it, because that... did what, exactly?

Sorry...I'm not interested in responding or making the commitment of time it would take to explain things to you since you havent even tried to play this game have a good NightxD:ph34r:

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