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night 1 was pretty damn good.  I'm shocked Austin went that long in a "match".


The crowd went crazy when he came out.


Crowd popped hard for Cody's return.  Him and Seth put on the match of night which is insane considering Bianca and Becky stole the show up to that point. 


I cant wait for night 2.

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4 hours ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

You and I are the opposite. I always thought Cody was main event material, and caliber. He didn’t get the love and respect he deserves before, I thought especially after the mask came off he could be a super draw because his work was excelling.

Yep. Cody is top of card material and I doubt he came back to the WWE to be in the mid-card. He'll have a WWE belt on him sooner than later.

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I honestly don't get the Bianca appeal. She's a botch fest most matches. I get that she's athletic and all that but she misses her spots and kinda sucks.

I mean, nobody is worse than Rousey though. She no sells everything and is sloppy all around (in the ring, on the mic). I'm glad she lost.

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6 hours ago, beekay414 said:

The same people that love Bianca also seem to be Sasha stans. They both have the same issues except Sasha's at least decent on the mic.

I agree with this 100% Bianca just doesn’t do it for me. Her only appeal is her athleticism. 

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My night one of Wrestlemania thoughts:

Best match of the night is easily Bianca v Becky. They beat the heck out of each other. If I had to nitpick I wouldve had the match where Becky tried her best to retain her title "by any means necessary". Why? Bc she cut her promo about "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?". So I wouldve had Becky first try to win by a dirty pin. Nope keep the match going. Then see her try to get herself counted out. Nope keep the match going. Then try to get herself disqualified by either hitting the ref or hitting Bianca with a chair. Nope keep the match going. Then when she has no way out, Bianca wins. That wouldve been perfect. As is though I loved the match and I was great. Its going to be hard to top this match period overall. I also think moving forward since Bianca beat Bayley, Sasha, and now Becky that next year at Wrestlemania it could be title v title against Charlotte. She will then beat Charlotte to unify the belts like we will see with Brock v Roman. Then she can claim to have beaten the four horse women of the WWE and now she will be right up there with them in terms of the best in the WWE when it comes to not just women wrestling but over wrestlers. Basically cementing herself, even though I think she already is, as a main eventer.

I wasnt shocked that Seth mystery opponent was Cody. I was glad he came out to his AEW song. I predicted he would win too. I just hope the WWE doesnt do him bad like they did him the previous time making him be Stardust. He need to be in the main event scene with Reigns, Rollins, KO, Lashley and others. WWE does a poor job with their talents as is bc take a guy like Nakamura he should be on the same level as Reigns and Rollins and KO and Lashley but they arent. When he was in New Japan he was one of the top guys if not the top guy. If he was in AEW he would be one of the top guys along with Hangman Paige, Omega, Mox, and others. With the WWE they have him stuck in a tag team with Boogs and he was the most irrelevant IC champ I think Ive ever seen. WWE literally did nothing with him when he was the champ. So yeah I hope they dont take Cody and do him the same especially since they did him bad the first time. But great to see him back.

I figured the Usos would retain their tag titles. That means Roman for certain will retain his title to keep the blood line strong. As long as Roman keeps his title, the Usos will keep their titles. It sucks Boogs got hurt in the match too. 

The WWE is really making that sword with Drew a point. He literally cut the ring ropes almost completely in half. Crazy. But I knew he would beat Corbin. I just wish the WWE would put Drew back in the main event scene. Hopefully now that this feud is over he can focus on going after Roman for the title.

I was shocked Miz and Logan Paul won but wasnt shock Miz turned on Logan. I actually thought Logan would turn on Miz in a face way so I was close. Id love to see Jake Paul come to his brother defense at next year Wrestlemania in Sofi. Make it a parody of Will slapping Chris and then we saw what Tony Rock (Chris brother) said about Will. So have Jake cut a promo talking about he dont care who the guy is I bet he wont attack me. Then challenge the Miz to a fight and literally knock him out.

I was shocked also the Charlotte beat Ronda. I thought Ronda would win. Maybe it was just a one off thing for Ronda thats why she didnt win. Now she might leave the WWE for good. Idk. I just feel if Ronda was planning on staying long term she wouldve won the title. 

Saving the best for last was Stone Cold v KO. I knew it was going to be a fight. I loved every second of it. Both guys got physical which was great. Stone Cold still has it. My fav parts was Stone Cold drinking his beer all throughout the match to basically advertise it. Then him driving KO down the ramp with his ATV and beating him up on stage. Then giving him two stunners one to beat him and the other after the match. Then the police literally drug KO out of the arena. And on top of all that, Saxton was so gullible that he fell for it again with Stone Cold and got stunned lol. 

Overall night one was great and I dont think night two will be better. 

Edited by stl4life07
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8 hours ago, beekay414 said:

I honestly don't get the Bianca appeal. She's a botch fest most matches. I get that she's athletic and all that but she misses her spots and kinda sucks.

I mean, nobody is worse than Rousey though. She no sells everything and is sloppy all around (in the ring, on the mic). I'm glad she lost.

Rhea Ripley should be getting the Push IMO. 

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8 hours ago, beekay414 said:

I honestly don't get the Bianca appeal. She's a botch fest most matches. I get that she's athletic and all that but she misses her spots and kinda sucks.

I mean, nobody is worse than Rousey though. She no sells everything and is sloppy all around (in the ring, on the mic). I'm glad she lost.

the only thing wrong with Bianca is that she would be better as a heel than face.  I hope at some point WWE make the change. 

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