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2 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

The Liv/Dom/Rhea match all made complete sense. We all pretty much knew that was where we were headed, just needed to do it justice. Rhea can get herself a title basically whenever she wants, so it doesnt really matter if she loses. The only questions I have coming out of it are; A) What does this mean for JD? We've already got the Finn/Priest stuff, so are we going to completely muddy this all? and B) more importantly, who will Rhea (assuming shes healthy) be challenging in HIAC? Obviously if the Title is most important, then its Liv, BUT I think the more interesting twist would be her wanting Dom in the cage, keeping Liv out. You could pull shenanigans if they are still iffy in the male/female stuff. But I think Dom v Rhea is the match most would rather see.

I agree with the last bit.  I'm not a huge fan of intergender except when it makes sense; when Candice and Joey Ryan were a team most of the opponents they faced just didn't do it for me as believable enough to suspend my disbelief that these guys would be putting Candice over.  Rhea being of the size and strength that she is, smallish guys selling for her is believable - particularly with the way she's been portrayed.  Maybe we see a mixed tag of Rhea and Priest against Liv and Dom at a PLE soon to give even more time to heat up Priest vs Finn.  Because honestly, I think we see Rhea and Priest swapped out of JD for Live and Carlito with Finn stepping into the leadership role - though they're going to need a heavy at some point so it's possible that Finn feeds Carlito to that dude (had this been 6 months ago, I would have said Corbin because he would fit with JD and having someone else to do most of the talking for him, but I've liked him in the pseudo babyface role lately).  Maybe you try to revive Omos and put him with them - which admittedly might be more of a visual thing than anything but damnit I wanna see a heel-heel Dom doing the Little Guide/Jungle Boy bit of riding out on the shoulders of the giant.


2 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

Everything Logan has been in has been very overbooked since he has gotten the US Title. I get why, I wish they would have had him go up against some "hand picked" challengers that he didnt need to do that, but Im sure he was on limited dates and I wouldnt be shocked if they agreed to let him hold the belt till SS. Because his steam wore off like 3/4 months ago it feels like. Just like the peak of LA Knight was on the run up to Mania, and they missed that wave. Thankfully hes still good enough that this felt like a big moment, but it should have been months ago. Maybe its time for a Logan break till atleast next mania.

Agreed.  I'd keep him out until the Rumble and have him return in the match.


2 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

Honestly the most disappointing match on this Card to me was Drew vs Punk. I still dont connect with the "bracelet" thing. I get what they are trying to do, but it really doesnt land for me. They could have done a whole lot of other things. And we all know they were trying to invoke SS '97, so why not just do it? It worked great then, it would have done the same here (either way honestly). Felt like they got too cute with it, the final run of sequences felt like they hurt Drew more than helped in my eyes. Obviously Punk/Drew isnt over, so hopefully we get a better/more memorable match than what we got in Cleveland

Part of that was, similar to why I feel they went a shade conservative on the Rhea/Liv match as far as the in-ring stuff, Punk's coming off a 7-month layoff... and the last thing they wanted was him to get injured again.  The problem with presenting this as SS '97 is that Seth's no Shawn, in that Shawn knew when to allow the other two room to breathe and not make it all about himself - which you could argue would be contrary to Seth's character, but it would have been the same with Shawn in that era.  The interesting thing about this entire triumvirate is that I don't think there actually is a babyface in this.  Punk is a wise-***, but he hasn't really behaved a ton nor has he been booked as the sympathetic face.  Seth has been on a slow, obnoxious burn towards heeldom, in my opinion - he's just at the stage right now where he thinks he's still a face because he's getting crowd response.  And Drew's Drew, he's made sure that he's not sympathetic.  The thing is, I actually feel that this thing needs to turn into a complete cluster before it can find a path to resolution; to the point where the obsession of one getting over on the other two (just for the sake of it and for the ego of it) costs ALL three title opportunities between now and Mania.

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37 minutes ago, Dr LBC said:

Maybe we see a mixed tag of Rhea and Priest against Liv and Dom at a PLE soon to give even more time to heat up Priest vs Finn.

I’m assuming that is coming at some point, will it be a Raw main event? Or will they be able to pump those tires enough to make it as a B match in Berlin?

The tricky part there is getting us to buy into Priest v Dom and overlook him going after Finn for a bit. 

37 minutes ago, Dr LBC said:

keep him out until the Rumble

Makes perfect sense. Although I feel like you have to nail his opponent for Mania this time or you might lose everyone on him. His ring talent is crazy for someone at his training level. But if all he’s ever going to be is “I’m Jake Paul bro” there’s not a lot of mileage on that in the wrestling world. 

39 minutes ago, Dr LBC said:

The problem with presenting this as SS '97 is that Seth's no Shawn,

We can have a conversation on if they should have used SS’97, I probably agree with you there (they just don’t have the right horses involved) but they already did it, they made everyone think it. So then just do it. Not this little watered down version they ended up with.

and you’re probably right. There’s too many egos involved to truly pull off something special here (we’re a long way from Taker/Bret/Shawn) but if we could have taken out the egos for a second, I would have done this last on the card (couldn’t with Roman’s return, I know, but hear me out) and this is where you go with the Seth turn;

Do the Michaels chair spot from ‘97, actually keep the corny version of it they did this weekend where Punk cowers and we see the non-chair shot coming from a mile away. Then as Punk chastises Seth and walks by to go pick up Drew, give him the chair shot anyway, on purpose, when Punks back is turned. Then go and crack Drew with it too, take it out on both of them, give them each a stomp plus whatever else you want to do. Then have  Seth call it a Double DQ, “nether of these bum win, because they are both losers, and they will never compare to me” or whatever the better writing they would have for where the heel turn is going. And we get Seth going off air, standing tall over the match that everyone wanted to see Punk’s return and for Drew to finally get his hands on him. He ruins everyone’s fun, and we go off the air with one of your new, true, major heat heels. 

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Another insane episode of Raw.  The crowd was HOT.  Great way to put Rollins/Punk on pause while Punk, I assume, gets his win over McIntyre.  And Orton/Gunther makes so much sense.  

Also the New Day/Final Testament storyline has been one of the most low-key side stories ever.  Xavier Woods is 100% turning on Kofi (maybe on the 10th anniversary?) but the way they have built it up over months and months has been great work.  It is great to see everyone on the roster having a purpose. Odyssey Jones looks hella impressive



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A few added thoughts from RAW:

- I'm happy to see they finally remembered that they called up Odyssey Jones and he's a good fit for New Day - I remember thinking that back when he was in NXT.  What I don't like is the feeling that if he sticks there and all three remain babyfaces that the realization has been accepted that a Big E comeback is likely not ever going to happen, which is a damn shame.  Odyssey has - he needs some work on his promo for it, but the raw tools are there even on the mic - Mark Henry kind of upside even as a heel if they run with him in that direction - he'd just be a bit redundant while on the same brand as Bronson Reed.

- They're going to have a difficult time booking Breakker as a heel; there's just too much that draws the fans to him - from the lineage, to the freakish athleticism, to the easy chant (being able to bark).  They just need to make sure they don't completely oversaturate themselves on badass babyfaces.  With that in mind, he's going to likely need to be on an opposite brand from Roman if he's going to be an upper-midcard and above player.  And, realistically, unless there's a better money match on the horizon, he should be the eventual guy built towards taking the belt off Gunther - well down the line.  I wouldn't even put it past having him be the RR winner who challenges Gunther - making a point that the WHW Title specifically (ok, it's not the BGB, but in terms of name it's the same thing) is a title his uncle held and that his dad never got a shot at.  And then we get a Kaiju battle for the belt at Mania.

- I don't think Kross is ever going to match his NXT heights, much less his pre-WWE heights, but he's got a quality heel intensity, workrate, etc. that he's definitely got utility.  I'd actually like to see a program between him and Bron before the year is out, tbh.  Also, muscling around the AOP guys would really showcase Bron's athleticism.

- And the new "Odyssey Jones" (you'll get it in a second): Kiana James!  Where the hell is she?


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On 8/7/2024 at 7:40 PM, Dr LBC said:

What I don't like is the feeling that if he sticks there and all three remain babyfaces that the realization has been accepted that a Big E comeback is likely not ever going to happen, which is a damn shame.

Unfortunately I think that has been the reality for a while. Even if he is ever physically cleared, the mental hurdle that he would have to overcome is so massive. 

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On 8/16/2024 at 10:45 PM, wgbeethree said:

Super looking forward to the next week or so of "AEW is dying. They only sold 55k tickets to Wembly this year." nonsense that is coming on the IWC. 

Wembly is a special attraction. What matters is what they do regularly. 

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