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Death Note Mafia: Mafia Wins! (Counselor, Nazgul, Swag)


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For the record, I am not seeing a therapist @Dome.

So I did lie there. You seemed genuine with the response and offered me an out on not being a **** - I had to play along. 

I don't feel bad about it though because Nazgul doesn't feel anything besides being a winner today.

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2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Its 100 % accurate if you are not too stupid to realize that orca was just making a comment where as swag had intentions behind it and falsehoods to bait orca 

Swag was just responding to that post, you're literally making up a stupid intention to go with it. He didn't need to bait Orca, Orca's post already baited him and Dome. I'll say it once again, you're actually delusional.

2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Those are guess at the game in a quick attempt to guess the setup. 

I explained to Matt's my theories if you all have any reading comprehension 

So you post a scum list but it doesn't count because you say it doesn't? Don't talk **** and then get mad when you get called out on your bs. You did say you thought Woz/Counselor were scum but at the end of the day you went with Woz and not Counselor, making you incorrect.

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Just now, The Orca said:

@rackcs swag started the side conversation. My comment was in line with the thread about people discussing the game in chatty. @Pickle Rick is 100% correct on that

Jesus, maybe if you cannot read.  Dome said "scum chat would stop X."  You said "nah, SwAg and bcb were clueless lmao," which I and everyone else said was untrue.  It was related to the initial conversation.  Like just go read it, line by line, not advancing to the next line until you firmly grasp the previous one.

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1 minute ago, rackcs said:

Bad games happen, you'll get em next time. Plus like Matts said you had pretty much figured it out on the final day but it was too little, too late at that point. 

I don't think that enough people understand that me pushing "8 different people" on Day 1 is so that I can read them. @Forge I'd wager is about the only one here (fellow poker player) that gets it. I rely HEAVILY on body language and am a very perceptive person in real life (To be fair, as a teacher and coach I HAVE to be), so when I don't have that, I've got to needle people/shoot my shots. I'd also tell you that I'm not doing it directly at the person I'm speaking to over 1/2 the time, but rather seeing how the rest of the board reacts to those pushes. This is why by the end of the game I had it figured out. That said, when you do that and then wreck yourself/town on nights 4 and 5, it's over.

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3 minutes ago, The Orca said:

@rackcs swag started the side conversation. My comment was in line with the thread about people discussing the game in chatty. @Pickle Rick is 100% correct on that

How was it a side conversation when it was just a straight up response to what you said? If someone says hello and you greet them back, that first person is the one who started the conversation.

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Dome:  Scum would tell each other not to push something so fake.

Orca:  Nah, those chats do nothing.  Bcb and SwAg sucked last game.

Dome:  Wtf, no?

SwAg:  Wtf, that's a lie.

Squire:  Wait wat.

Orca:  Yeah!

Rick:  Wow, SwAg coming to save Counselor by changing the topic!

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The one moment my heart jumped into my throat is where Dome had quoted me after I said something about swags surgery and as I was reading I read he hadn’t posted it anywhere and I was like oh **** did I just comment on something Swag had only told the scum chat but kept reading and saw he had posted about it in thread and that’s why I responded. I had forgotten lol

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10 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Thoughts from loosely following along:

@MWil23 => Go read your first ~3 days of the game. You pushed like 8 people and all... literally all of them... were civs. And you defended mafia like crazy. To your credit, the final day of the game you were the only person that had connected all the dots. They should have listened to you at the end.

@Dome => I thought you would wreck shop this game after the sensor, which was a *brilliant* time to use it. Damn @mission27 for wasting the triple vote ability and vote on you. I think you let Counselor buddy buddy you too much towards the end. The last few days he pretty much just kept saying "im going to do whatever Dome tells me".

@Counselor => How you got people to vote mission off because I tried to lynch @Utley was a masterpiece. I couldnt believe no one went back and fact checked you. Well done sir.

@DingoLadd => I was rooting for you at the end there. I thought them all clearing you had paved the way. Well played game, poor vote choice at the end though. Naz was the play there since Dome was willing to lynch him, imo. 

@Forge => You had the best personal game out of anyone. If town had won, you for sure would have been MVP in my book. You nailed almost every one of your reads. You got both scum and town reads almost perfectly. I think if you would argue your case a bit more vigorously you could have done some real damage. 


@Malfatron => Great game. Are you going to follow @rackcs and give out grades?

FTR I didn’t actually think you would have done it. I just wanted some reactions. 

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1 minute ago, rackcs said:

How was it a side conversation when it was just a straight up response to what you said? If someone says hello and you greet them back, that first person is the one who started the conversation.

Cause the conversation at the time was related to people bringing the thread into the chat to discuss it. I was using the last game as an example (which Dome and Swag has admitted I was correct)...when both Dome.and Seag think I was saying something I wasnt and derailed the thread into the side convo about what happened last game...started a new convo imo not related to why and what the original comment was

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Also my activity level can come down to one simple thing:

1) I struggle getting reads on anything / anyone on mafia. I thought I would be good at this when I started playing - but I am atrocious at it currently. Which baffles me because I feel like I was pretty good at BB/Survivor/AR (despite me choking some challenges). So my inability to do so kind of naturally relegates me to a backup role as I even try and figure out how people are figuring things out. So when people ask "What are your opinions?" I literally don't know what to say because I am an idiot and can't read people here.

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