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~~//~~ Pro Wrestling: Road to Wrestlemania ~~\\~~


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9 hours ago, jfinley88 said:

she's naturally an unlikable heel.. i'd hope they don't run a face/smiling role w/ her or they're really missing out. 

thing is, I don't think she could have helped it.  Childhood dream coming a reality and getting Hot  Rod's jacket right before.  I mean, she was just stoked to be there.   We'll see more serious Ronda as she gets used to the crowd pop etc


Overall I'll give the PPV a C

yes, it was predictable, but that doesn't make it awful.  I was relatively shocked Vince let two people with limited English skills be big players at Wrestlemania, even if they are gonne be in the upper midcard.

Although the predictableness led to a lot of the lethargy from the Philly crowd IMO.  While the hurricane was a fun moment, I don't  get why the guys in the tag team championship match were in the rumble unless they are finally turning reigns after the rollins elimination.  The bar's spot easily could have went to breezango, zac ryder, or any number of scrubs or even an ECW (RVD?)  type of guy to get a cheap pop and the match really wouldn't have been much different.  Then you also could play the angle that Rollins was just in the rumble, isn't fresh, with the tag team match following  the rumble right away.  Could have been a Rollins injury angle, causes Jjrdan to get pissed, he turns on  Rollins, and his actions make sense with Rollins going for personal glory over that of the team.  But, i'm not a booker or know future plans

Shinsuke was the right call.  I don't get why we put Dolph in to do absolutely nothing.  Slater's bit was fun and the most part the rumble went off well.  


They have to splitting up Gable and Benjamin, right?  otherwise they looked super weak there with no falls

Triple threat was a little boring in that literally there was no other outcome there


Ladies rumble was better then I'd though it would be.  Fun seeing all the girls come back, and oh Torrie, please do more with WWE.  kept story lines moving, protected who needed to be protected.  


what's interesting is WWE could possibly swerve us here.  As much as we'd love to see  Charlotte Rousey, I wonder if they will wait and try to get a bigger build to it than two months.  What if  Asuka challenges Flair instead?  Elimination chamber would be a good match to get Rousey in (cage fighter) where she could be somewhat protected from having to do too much in her first match in terms of weight load and gives her a legit reason to be in a championship mania match

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So mania is going:

Reigns vs Lesnar

Ronda vs Charlotte

Asuka vs Bliss

Nakamura vs Styles

HHH vs Angle

Cena vs Elias

Woken Matt Hardy vs Bray Wyatt

Rollins vs Jordan

I am assuming some kind of finale between Shane, Zayn and Owens....maybe a triple threat match or something

Stroman needs someone to feud with

Miz needs a storyline

Roode needs something other than the US open challenge 

Usos and the Bar need to do something


I wouldnt be shocked if Ronda and Charlotte went on last. 

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3 minutes ago, Pastor Dillon said:

So mania is going:

Reigns vs Lesnar

Ronda vs Charlotte

Asuka vs Bliss

Nakamura vs Styles

HHH vs Angle

Cena vs Elias

Woken Matt Hardy vs Bray Wyatt

Rollins vs Jordan

I am assuming some kind of finale between Shane, Zayn and Owens....maybe a triple threat match or something

Stroman needs someone to feud with

Miz needs a storyline

Roode needs something other than the US open challenge 

Usos and the Bar need to do something


I wouldnt be shocked if Ronda and Charlotte went on last. 

Roode will probably wrestle Ziggler.

And I believe the rumors Lashley will sign with WWE and face Lesnar at WrestleMania. To good of a money opportunity to pass up.

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Wanna know how over Rusev is? They filmed a KFC spot with him, Miz, and Ric freaking Flair and Rusev had the loudest pop of the three of them. Rusev got the loudest non winning royal rumble pop of the night, Ronda Rousey included.


Also Roman had such nuclear heat when Nak tossed him I went deaf. It also helps that Nak is awesome.

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1 minute ago, marshawn lynch said:

Roode will probably wrestle Ziggler.


6 minutes ago, Pastor Dillon said:

Roode needs something other than the US open challenge 

I think this will be a four man or so ladder match for the US Title.


2 minutes ago, marshawn lynch said:

And I believe the rumors Lashley will sign with WWE and face Lesnar at WrestleMania.

0% chance that happens, unless they make it a Triple Threat match with Reigns. Reigns is getting the title at WrestleMania from Lesnar.


2 minutes ago, EaglesFan5-36-81 said:

Also Roman had such nuclear heat when Nak tossed him I went deaf. It also helps that Nak is awesome.

Yeah, Nak was so over with the crowd last night. That was great to see, and great to see him getting a push. Face vs Tweener for the WrestleMania match.

WrestleMania is going to be okay this year just looking at the potential card. Mania cards are always focused enough on a few serious fan moments, like AJ Styles and Shinsuke. And there will be more general fan matches as well, aka. anything with John Cena. I'd love for Cena to put someone like Elias over on the big stage. 

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Major kudos to the WWE for doing right last night and having Naka win the Rumble. They need to give him a mouth piece now though and tell him to cut down on those silly face gestures but other than that a star was born last night and once again the WWE proved when it wants to it can still deliver.

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6 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

anything that gets booker away from full time announcing I approve of

Kinda disappointed tho. I thought he was gonna be calling XFL games. His experience at ESPN paired with his connection to Vince made it a nice fit

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There is a little talk, though I suspect it will be Charlotte vs Rousey, that it could be Rock and Rousey vs The Authority. That would be a way that you could get Charlotte vs Asuka.


Decided it was time to get a profile picture, a little Ravishing Rick Rude.

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Yeah I do think Lashley vs Lesnar will come after WM.

Miz vs Finn at WM makes sense.

Reigns vs Lesnar vs Stroman for the title. Stroman can make a case he didn’t get pinned by Lesnar so he can have just as much claim to a title match as Reigns could. 

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