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Random Game Talk (are you really a gamer if you aren't playing BG3?)


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5 hours ago, DreamKid said:
18 hours ago, Kiltman said:

Everything they are saying about their systems and character crafting has me excited they aren't aiming at the lowest common denominators in the RPG space quite as much.

Would be interested in seeing/reading what they've said. Any links to share?

I have to track down a larger clip vid from some of their interviews.

but some stuff in the resent viDoc that backs up what they've been saying more.


1:16 - Todd "It's nice to go back and do some of those things we didn't do (in more recent games) - The backgrounds, the traits, defining your character, the stats!" 'People are ready for what those older RPGs used to do to be done in a new way'

2:07 - Going over the various groups and the type of fantasy they each can help you live. 
Each seemingly have their own unique starting stories.

  • United Colonies - The future space republic
  • Freestar Collective - Space Western fantasy on the frontier
  • Ryujin Industries - Corporate life and interests
  • Crimson Fleet - Space pirates, unsure if they can be a start but detail branching and choice when dealing with them.

3:24 - Todd "Seemed like no matter what we did the most important story, the one they remember, was the one they made up themselves and their companions (along the way." 
Go on to detail how companions will live, feel and interact with you.
There is a new system for conversation, no as many 1 way to do things situation in dialog.



They are being tight lipped as always, so ultimately we don't know too many details
I think they saw audiences don't need so much handholding with like  BOTW, RDR2 and Soulslike games, as well as how popular the alt-start mod was.
I'll try to find those other clips as one thing, just backs up some of the same ideas or talks.

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18 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

I have to track down a larger clip vid from some of their interviews.

19 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

I'll try to find those other clips as one thing, just backs up some of the same ideas or talks.

Don't go out of your way though, that clip above already speaks to your larger point and I'm happy you shared it. Not trying to put you through some arduous quest. 

21 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

Ryujin Industries - Corporate life and interests

Thought this bit was interesting. The hints at job evaluation especially. I'm not really really familiar with any game mechanic where your actual performance is graded and may affect advancement or termination within the faction. 

26 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

Go on to detail how companions will live, feel and interact with you.

The concepts he was talking about like "Your companion randomly commenting on what you're doing" sounded very similar to what was done in Outer Worlds. Curious to see just how expansive their version/system is. 

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2 minutes ago, DreamKid said:
34 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

I'll try to find those other clips as one thing, just backs up some of the same ideas or talks.

Don't go out of your way though, that clip above already speaks to your larger point and I'm happy you shared it. Not trying to put you through some arduous quest. 

Someone had a good clipreel the other day on their subreddit for the game, had it all as one thing. Can't find that. But yeah it mostly echoes what the first couple vids have said.
If you haven't watched the other ones on the channel they'll tell you a little more about locals and stuff.

4 minutes ago, DreamKid said:
36 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

Ryujin Industries - Corporate life and interests

Thought this bit was interesting. The hints at job evaluation especially. I'm not really really familiar with any game mechanic where your actual performance is graded and may affect advancement or termination within the faction. 

Yeah that would be interesting, could force you into some Papers, Please situations of having to harm people or just be indifferent to save your own skin.

6 minutes ago, DreamKid said:

The concepts he was talking about like "Your companion randomly commenting on what you're doing" sounded very similar to what was done in Outer Worlds. Curious to see just how expansive their version/system is. 

Need to go back to Outer Worlds before the summer, got hit with a project and didn't stick to it. Thats cool to hear though.

Yeah i hope they really build them out, make them feel like they are actually part of your crew.
Curious to see which ones they go with , how many and how they get introduced.
Playing Cyberpunk rn and you get companions basically for doing certain faction things, integrating them that heavily would be cool.

Like how much will ship downtime be apart of things?

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13 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

Yeah that would be interesting, could force you into some Papers, Please situations of having to harm people or just be indifferent to save your own skin.

It would make sense for factions that are explicitly 'evil' to require some sort of witnessed purity test for it's applicants or prospects. Like, "We want to personally see you kill an innocent person - in front of us - to prove you're really about it on this level".  It really would make the player commit to an evil build/playthrough or at the very least a darkest grey one. It also opens up interesting story concepts like this organization now having some manner of leverage over you with evidence of a murder and displayed commitment to their ideals. Too many times players get to straddle the line or still be a good guy within a bad situation in a cornball way. 

I also like the idea of "Hey. We know we hired you to deliver this package to that station, and you definitely did..... but it took way too long and there were some complaints. So we'll be dissolving our contract with you at this point.". Performance thresholds within quests would be something.

25 minutes ago, Kiltman said:

Like how much will ship downtime be apart of things?

In Outer Worlds they had random interactions that would trigger based on who you had in your crew at the time. Like you'd visit the rec area of the ship and there would be an argument about comic books between some of the members or something.

One thing I didn't like about the Outer Worlds companion system was how forced it was though. They made them a part of the story no matter what. At the end of the game I got post playthrough life summaries of characters I didn't even welcome into the crew. Which made the whole experience feel very inorganic.

I like the idea of companions that aren't spoon fed to you through the main storyline. Like 20+ companion options, with some of them being insanely hard to find and recruit. In the best games dedicated players figure out mysteries months or years into their playthrough. Would be amazing if there were rare companions unearthed only through that level of commitment too.

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3 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

I used to really enjoy your take on games but that was literally just flushed away with one statement. 

Because I insulted that chronically unfunny, joke stealing amorphus blob, or because Id buy the game if she were the main character?  :|

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17 minutes ago, 43M said:

Because I insulted that chronically unfunny, joke stealing amorphus blob, or because Id buy the game if she were the main character?  :|

B/c you'd support her being the main character. The less she's in everyone's lives, they're better off.... but that does speak volumes for your love of the series. I just need to be more cautious in following your adventures from now on lol. I don't know where you're going to steer me now

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9 hours ago, DreamKid said:

I like the idea of companions that aren't spoon fed to you through the main storyline. Like 20+ companion options, with some of them being insanely hard to find and recruit. In the best games dedicated players figure out mysteries months or years into their playthrough. Would be amazing if there were rare companions unearthed only through that level of commitment too.

Was thinking the same, it'd be so cool to randomly find one in places you could've easily skipped.

I was thinking it'd be interesting if they ever had companions that like came with other people/animals/robots.
Like they go out on stuff with you but they keep a spouse/kid or pet on the ship. Just something to give things some more flavor, not all of them being single loners.

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2 hours ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

B/c you'd support her being the main character. The less she's in everyone's lives, they're better off.... but that does speak volumes for your love of the series. I just need to be more cautious in following your adventures from now on lol. I don't know where you're going to steer me now

Hey, with as grossly untalented as she is, she somehow continues to find work.   In this day and age, I wouldnt put it past some videogame company to put her as the lead character.

Id prefer it not be in the sequel to one of my favorite games ever....but Im prepared for that possibility.  😖

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2 hours ago, 43M said:

Hey, with as grossly untalented as she is, she somehow continues to find work.   In this day and age, I wouldnt put it past some videogame company to put her as the lead character.

Id prefer it not be in the sequel to one of my favorite games ever....but Im prepared for that possibility.  😖

LOL Maybe Hollywood is in dire need of extra hands like many other places these days!

After all of this, I'm not sure who I'm kidding either as I'd probably still play it as well...... maybe..............

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