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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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37 minutes ago, rackcs said:

<I wake up from a long nap in the ballroom to see everything around me covered in blood and guts and say "deja vu." I grab a piece of Woz to snack on and head to the theater room.>

You head out eating a raw Woz leg

26 minutes ago, ET80 said:

<throw my lotion away>

I can't go Downtown Buster Brown with people getting 'sploded, maaaaaaaaan. Bruh just trying to bust a lil sumpin, these people got me all ****ed up, maaaaaaaaan...

I wonder if there's anything in the Bowling Alley I could run the chub to...

<Walk out of the projector room and to the Bowling Alley>

Youbhesd tongue bowling alley leaving the party behind 

16 minutes ago, wwhickok said:

<stands up for Matt, kicks @theuntouchable in groin, runs away laughing, without Matt>

The ground shocks you for your attempt but you power through it and still clip a ball. Matts crumbles in a painful heap

3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

It’s been an hour 

@The Orca

<I pull out my machete and split Pickle Rick’s head in two right down the middle>


Your finger isnt a machete so you just poke him

Just now, Malfatron said:

<put horror movie 1 on the projector reel and play it>

@The Orca

You play Horror movie one the opening credits begin to play

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29 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

<watch the whole movie and call out loud any of the notable parts>

@The Orca

It's a Nightmare on Elm Street. Such a fright

24 minutes ago, ET80 said:

<look around the bowling alley for something to pull my pud to, casually observing my surroundings>

Its locked

8 minutes ago, rackcs said:

<enjoys horror movie 1 with some a fried Woz leg>

<tries to figure out if I recognize the movie>

Look above

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