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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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Night 2:

Forge was having such a stressful week, and it was only his second night!  He recharged his batteries a bit by preying on young girls because he's an insidious sexual predator, but when that wasn't enough he decided to do what he always does in high stress situations: golf.  And what a day for it.  You should have seen Forge execute in this game.  He was hitting the Kim Jong Il special, he was 300 under par after the first hole.  So impressive, that Forge even stopped to express amazement at himself on occasion with a simple "[W]ow, I did it."

This circuitous bit continued until Forge was approached by an unknown assailant in his sweat pants, wife beater, hoodie, and his crooked hat.

Kanye, my man!

I ain't Kanye, you piece of ****.  I'm ******* white.

Not after that very mean rap you made about me on the ***** network.  Basically a black now.

An ominous silence proceeded this interaction.  The man made some threatening remarks composed to a tune seemingly only he could hear, then reached around his back and pulled out a gun.  He pulled the trigger repeatedly, but Forge  was so fat that the one bullet that hit simply caused a minor scrape before bouncing off.  The other bullets missed because the man was tackled by several agents in black suits (NPCs).  The man managed to struggle away from this captors, but his target survived.

Forge survived!


Malfatron is prowling the roof of his target.  He realizes caution has its place, but decides that it is best to just jump through the sun roof and see what happens.  Malfatron has never been much of a planner.  He shattered the roof and jump down as cloaked black figure.  

It is I, GHOULIANI, muahahahahaha.  Cower mortals, I am here to drink your blood!

Malfatron was unable to finish his speech because he was greeted with a double barrel shotgun blast to the chest and head.

Oh no no, hyuck hyuck hyuck, I got me a gun for potential grizzlies hyuck hyuck hyuck

Malfatron is dead.  He was Ghouliani, Incompetent Crime Syndicate-Aligned.


Horrible screams filled the night on this night.  The source of the screams?  bcb's home.  The scene was disturbing.  bcb was tied down like the effeminate metrosexual always wanted to be, and someone was having their way with him.  I mean, for once, bcb thought what goes on behind closed doors was none of anyone else's business, and this was that time.  The horrible, agonizing screams continued for sometime, and then just silence.

When people went to investigate they found bcb covered in his own **** and blood, some crazy adult-oriented toys covered in **** and blood, and a knife portruding from bcb's eye socket.

Bcb is dead, but died a happy man.  He was Lindzy Gram, Sorta Evil but we need a Good Team for this to be Mafia-Aligned.

It is now Day 3.  12 Alive and voting, 7 to lynch.

@theuntouchable, @rackcs, @bcb1213@The Orca, @Dome, @TedLavie, @Hockey5djh, @Pickle Rick, @ET80, @Forge, @squire12, @gopherwrestler, @Malfatron, @Counselor

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