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Free Agent QB Discussion


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15 hours ago, beardown3231 said:

I'm not discussing stats. I'm discussing intelligence. After year 3, Nagy said Trubisky still can't read coverages. At least with Dalton I know the guy isn't a complete moron. He may not be great but at least he won't run out of bounds and take a sack for a loss of 10 or throw a 2 yard out on 4th and 23.

If Dalton is so good at reading coverages and so intelligent, why does he produce at a very similar level to a moron who can’t?

There is no actual evidence that he reads coverages better, no matter how many times, guys who haven’t really watched Dalton, say he can read coverages.

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15 hours ago, JustAnotherFan said:

The fact there's a serious discussion going on about Andy freaking Dalton only shows how bad of shape we are in at the position.

Because people are talking like he's a legit QB1 which he is not. He is simply good backup/placeholder starter material. That's all.

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19 hours ago, JustAnotherFan said:

The fact there's a serious discussion going on about Andy freaking Dalton only shows how bad of shape we are in at the position.

Agreed.  Dalton has long been the poster child for long time below average starting NFL qb.  He has been kind of joke for years now.  

He is worse than Flacco and Smith and you shouldn't want them either.


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22 hours ago, Heinz D. said:

I really wouldn't count out Brady, to be honest. Unless he's looking for a big payday, which we obviously can't provide. 

Rivers wants to keep his family in San Diego unless he has a big, lightning strike type burst of common sense. 

I can't imagine he wants to come to Chicago. Yes, the defense is great, but the OL was trash and there isn't a run game to speak of. ARob is better than anyone he had for the bulk of last season, Miller can play when he isn't an idiot, but there isn't a TE to rely on either. 

So an underwhelming offensive roster around him while also having to learn a new playbook from a very unproven playcaller in Nagy just seems like a far-fetched idea to me. 

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4 hours ago, dll2000 said:

He is worse than Flacco and Smith and you shouldn't want them either.

He's definitely not worse than Flacco. Flacco's just Mitch with a slightly stronger arm. Smith is better than Dalton, by a fair margin.

58 minutes ago, Sugashane said:

Yes, the defense is great, but the OL was trash and there isn't a run game to speak of. 

O-line was bad, wasn't "trash". And it could conceivably be greatly improved over the off-season. Odds are they'd play better next year with the exact same guys anyway--though I doubt the starters remain the same. 

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1 hour ago, abstract_thought said:

Dalton is better than Flacco. He's typically around the middle of the league among QBs.

The bottom line is that the Bears are not winning a Super Bowl with any of these guys playing QB. The championship window of this team depends on Trubisky's outcome.

Said perfectly.

Or, someone they draft in the next 2 years.

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14 hours ago, WindyCity said:

Does anyone have any actual evidence that Andy Dalton is a superior reader of defenses?

No. But I can give you a thousand pieces of evidence that he can't read a defense to save his life--the same with Mitch.

13 hours ago, topwop1 said:

Because people are talking like he's a legit QB1 which he is not. He is simply good backup/placeholder starter material. That's all.

 This is what the current QB situation looks like right now.


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12 hours ago, abstract_thought said:

Dalton is better than Flacco. He's typically around the middle of the league among QBs.

The bottom line is that the Bears are not winning a Super Bowl with any of these guys playing QB. The championship window of this team depends on Trubisky's outcome.

Well they said they were going to stick to a plan to develop Trubisky and that's what they are doing right now.

Despite allhis ups and downs and overall mediocre career to this point, I don't know how any one can be mad about what they are doing.

There's a good chance it doesn't work out, but hey at least they are trying.

Personally I'd rather them try to continue developing Mitch instead of signing/trading for some middle of the road QB to start here, which we all know is going to probably lead us no where.

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1 hour ago, WindyCity said:

Here is what I think they will do

1. Start Trubisky for the first 4 games at least

2. Sign a Dalton or Keenum to break glass in case of emergency like 2019.

3. Draft if a guy they like falls to them

This is the best plan available considering our circumstances. It sucks but if Mitch is bad next year we aren't going anywhere and starting all over from scratch. 

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All potentially available QBs:

Nick Foles - has spurts of elite play but mostly subpar

Eli Manning - zero interest, been done for years

Jameis Winston - worse with turnovers than Jay ever was lol

Marcus Mariota - terrible qb 

Philip Rivers - one of the stronger QBs on this list but still too old to be accountable for anything 

Tom Brady - doubt he can succeed in a new system in his old age so I imagine he’d be awful but if anyone is going to rise up and prove people wrong when everyone expects him to fail, it’d be him..for a year. 

Teddy Bridgewater - he’s gonna be replacing Drew in a few years so he’s not leaving 

Derek Carr - 100% on board with acquiring him. Think he’s a tier 2 QB and is the best on this list. Would totally go for him if the raiders only wanted a 2 or 3

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On 1/16/2020 at 4:42 PM, Heinz D. said:

O-line was bad, wasn't "trash". And it could conceivably be greatly improved over the off-season. Odds are they'd play better next year with the exact same guys anyway--though I doubt the starters remain the same. 

They were worse than bad.

29th in adjusted line yards, 30th in RB yards, 30th in YPC, 31st in power success, 8th worst in stuffed percentage, 31st in 2nd level yards, 30th in open field yards, and 28th in adjusted sack rate. Averaging out to roughly the 3rd worst in run and pass blocking. If they don't get better then Pace and Nagy need fired. Those numbers are pathetic and should never be duplicated in back to back years. Those should be the numbers when you lose 3 starters for 8+ games each, not when the corpse at RG gets IR'ed for lack of a pulse (so it actually improved) and three others play 16 while the last plays 10.


Yes, they were absolutely "trash."

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3 hours ago, Sugashane said:

They were worse than bad.

29th in adjusted line yards, 30th in RB yards, 30th in YPC, 31st in power success, 8th worst in stuffed percentage, 31st in 2nd level yards, 30th in open field yards, and 28th in adjusted sack rate. Averaging out to roughly the 3rd worst in run and pass blocking. If they don't get better then Pace and Nagy need fired. Those numbers are pathetic and should never be duplicated in back to back years. Those should be the numbers when you lose 3 starters for 8+ games each, not when the corpse at RG gets IR'ed for lack of a pulse (so it actually improved) and three others play 16 while the last plays 10.


Yes, they were absolutely "trash."

Where are those numbers from? They are great.

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