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Andrew Berry Named GM


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I will tell you - I have not been always in Pat McManamon's corner. This tweet says an awful lot, however. No, you don't always have to be a complete jerk to be successful as an NFL GM. Andrew, and rightfully so, should be judged only on the basis if he can do the job or not. But you certainly be a decent human being along the way.

I hope he succeeds.


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9 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Words cannot describe still how confused I am at his 2019 GDT. Last year's was epic and full of both. This year's GDT was like me at 12:58 EST circa Week 13 as I begrudgingly grabbed the remote and mutter under my breath as I turned on the game. Maybe that was his point and he's actually a genius.

I don't know man ...  this year's was still kind of classic after 'twas updated at halftime ...


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