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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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3 minutes ago, mission27 said:

But I think you can do that without completely taking away things people care about, like being able to watch sports or go to a bar or take a vacation, as long as you avoid the most high risk activities 

Bingo, right on. There are varying degrees of non-essential. I should be able to go and get a haircut, I should be able to go to the gym (why would I start now is the bigger question) and I should be able to hit up a casino pretty quickly when we're on some sort of solid ground.

Going and watching a Texans game is very, very, VERY low on that list.

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Just now, mission27 said:

With hydroxychloroquine its not really safety testing that people are saying we need more of

We know the drug well, side effects, and the type of people who shouldn't take it 

Its a question of whether its actually any more effective in treating COVID-19 than other drugs

Personally, if I had COVID-19 and was very sick, I would want to try it because the anecdotal evidence and response from doctors has been very positive.  But because we are probably dealing with a disease with a CFR below 1% and because the sample in these studies has been pretty small and because there have been varying results from different studies, I don't think we can say definitively that this is going to be a game changer yet

I think right now it's pretty safe to say it's more effective than anything else we have, and like you said, the type of people who shouldn't take it - shouldn't take it (a sliver). For those who are able to take it, there's no reason not to try it. And the results are coming in that it is effective for people who do indeed have it. It is stupid to withhold it from people who are medically cleared to take it. Are we going to let the one's dying from this continue to die because we haven't done enough testing on a 70 year old drug? Or are we going to give it to them with high hopes that it will help based on what we've seen so far since they are dying anyways?

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Just now, ET80 said:

Bingo, right on. There are varying degrees of non-essential. I should be able to go and get a haircut, I should be able to go to the gym (why would I start now is the bigger question) and I should be able to hit up a casino pretty quickly when we're on some sort of solid ground.

Going and watching a Texans game is very, very, VERY low on that list.

Yeah although I would argue its not so much about being non-essential as being an extremely high risk of igniting an outbreak in a community compared the other activities you listed 

ET80 and the MoL flying to Vegas to get hammered and lose all their money isnt essential either but the risk to public health is much lower especially if put basic precautions in place like limiting the number of people on the floor and asking people who are actively ill not to fly

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2 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

You would have to chase all of these people away from the event.  Just another logistical thing they have to consider.  

And yes, I believe Zack Hample is dumb enough to pull that stunt and drive down to Florida and chase home runs all summer at empty stadiums.  And so would a lot of other people show up for a variety of reasons. 

I'm not a big "punish these people" sort of guy, but ...punish these people.

Make an artificial "no fly zone" and enforce it. People will sneak in, but the number will be low. Those who get caught sneaking in are subject to a pretty big fine. 

I've seen similar NFZs in Downtown Houston back during the Republican primaries - debates were at UH and you had to be a Ninja to break into that NFZ.

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1 minute ago, dtait93 said:

I think right now it's pretty safe to say it's more effective than anything else we have

I'm just not quite there yet tbh

I would agree it is the best bet right now given availability, safety, and anecdotal results 

But its 100% possible, imo, we will find that it has absolutely no effect or very little effect inhibiting the virus because most people who get COVID-19 recover anyway (so anecdotal success is pretty meaningless) and the studies are relatively small 

The good news is we have so many cases that they're moving forward rapidly on studies and we will know more sooner rather than later



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Personally if I had to rank the odds of therapeutic options right now, based on my extensive background in medicine and biotechnology: 


1. Remdesvir 

2. Hydroxychloroquine 

3. Favilavir (doesnt get as much hype but the Chinese love this ****)


Hopefully we find multiple therapeutics that work well to @ET80 point as some of these wont work for some people

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8 minutes ago, Glen said:

Maybe it would be a good idea to test the drug to see how a larger group of subjects(with symptoms) react to the drug rather than saying its the magic cure & giving it to everyone who shows symptoms.

Well we already have thousands upon thousands of doctors from all over the world with thousands upon thousands of patients showing symptoms recommending it. Do you want to withhold it while more people die? Or do you want to give it to them in hopes that it saves them?

There was over 5 million prescriptions of it given out in 2017. We shouldn't be hesitating to prescribe it now to those who are okay to take it (which we have nearly 70 years of study on to know who should and shouldn't take it). And we especially shouldn't be hesitating to give it to those on their death beds.

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1 hour ago, Glen said:

When we stop self isolating all that will happen is a rapid spike in confirmed cases & allow the virus to spread even more so.

Thus killing more people. Thus overloading our hospitals, which will in turn kill more people.

By the time the curve is flattened we will have more test kits and equipment to save lives - we will be extremely more prepared for a second spike. Also by that time it's completely reasonable to expect the second spike to be much smaller than the initial spike with how much more aware society will be. There will be more people wearing gloves, more people wearing masks, more people washing their hands, more people sanitizing, more people distancing themselves from others, much more studies conducted and understanding of medicines and how it interacts with patients with the virus than when when this thing first hit. You have to start opening the non-essential businesses back up at this point. A year+ of quarantining is going to do more harm than it will good. There won't be millions of people dying.

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1 minute ago, PapaShogun said:

Shower thoughts: 100 years from now we will have a dance called the "social distance", and it's glory will be akin to "the running man".

I told my wife that in a few years social distancing will be a way for parents to explain divorce.

Mom - Remember social distancing?

Kid - Yes

Mom - Well, Mommy and Daddy will be doing that again, but just with each other. If you remember what isolation is, Daddy will be living like that for the rest of his life.

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13 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

By the time the curve is flattened we will have more test kits and equipment to save lives - we will be extremely more prepared for a second spike. Also by that time it's completely reasonable to expect the second spike to be much smaller than the initial spike with how much more aware society will be. There will be more people wearing gloves, more people wearing masks, more people washing their hands, more people sanitizing, more people distancing themselves from others, much more studies conducted and understanding of medicines and how it interacts with patients with the virus than when when this thing first hit. You have to start opening the non-essential businesses back up at this point. A year+ of quarantining is going to do more harm than it will good. There won't be millions of people dying.

The flattened curve in ny is reaching its peak in NY in 5 days- curve is already flattened here.

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