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25 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I think the big red line between Phase 2 and Phase 3 is a problem

Restaurants, bars, and hotels are absolutely crucial to New Yorks economy and there is limited evidence that they pause a greater risk than retailers and other settings.  To the extent it is viable and economical for a restaurant to open with distancing limitations in mid-June, I dont think we should be asking them to stay closed much longer than others 

Phase 4 I agree is probably pretty far away for NYC 

Hotels and bars are a tier up from retail and restaurants, imo. Hotels allow more interstate travel, obviously, and many more bodies passing through the city. Especially if other areas are locked-down.


If Buffalo opens up it's bars and hotels, then you may get a swarm of people from NYC that want to party for the weekend. It's only a 4-5 hour trip, and bars are open until 4 AM (Y'all know how us Buffalo fans get down!). That could allow for a crazy spread upstate. 

As someone who frequents the bar scene a lot, it seems to be the best possible scenario for a virus to spread like crazy outside of mass gatherings. Drunk people have little awareness of their surroundings, so social distancing will be neglected. They also slur their words and spit while they talk. It'll be hard to keep everything sanitary. If the state can implement social distancing, then it could work, but can bars survive with 25% of its capacity being populated on a Friday night? Honest question. 


Edited by WizeGuy
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This guy with the testing data I linked to yesterday also deserves a lot of kudos

It really helps put these numbers in perspective.  % of tests coming back positive in the US is PLUMMETING right now which means things are getting better in reality, despite flatish case numbers outside of the tristate area

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1 minute ago, WizeGuy said:

Hotels and bars are a tier up from retail and restaurants, imo. Hotels allow more interstate travel, obviously, and many more bodies passing through the city. Especially if other areas are locked-down.


If Buffalo opens up it's bars and hotels, then you may get a swarm of people from NYC that want to party for the weekend. It's only a 4-5 hour trip, and bars are open until 4 AM (Y'all know how us Buffalo fans get down!). That could allow for a crazy spread upstate. 

As someone who frequents the bar scene a lot, it seems to be the best possible scenario for a virus to spread like crazy outside of mass gatherings. Drunk people have little awareness of their surroundings, so social distancing will be neglected. They also slur their words and spit while they talk. It'll be hard to keep everything sanitary. If the state can implement social distancing, then it could work, but can bars survive with 25% of its capacity being populated on a Friday night? Honest question. 


The thing is there are already hotels that are open right now, right?  If people want to travel from one state to another they are completely free to do so, and realistically if you live in the northeast you are the most likely person to have coronavirus in the entire world, so its not like people coming in from the rest of the country or world are putting you at an increased risk.  Your point is well take on people going upstate from NYC.  Idk what you do about that, except to say people are already free to do that even today and likely tourism will not return to pre-pandemic levels for a long time no matter what you do.

By asking other hotels to close all you are really doing is making those that stay open more crowded and financially burdening those that stay closed & their employees imo.  I would leave it up to the hotels whether they want to open, with the understanding that hotels that do open will be expected to have good distancing rules in place and if they are found not to be abiding by these rules, they can be shut down.  Honestly for the most part I think that's how it works now right?  Because again there are hotels that remain open.  

And completely agree 25% capacity may not be economically viable for most.  But for those who can open at those levels, I think its a win-win.  Maybe you put in place different specials at different times during the afternoon and evening to encourage people to come off-hours so everyone isn't trying to get into a bar at the same time of night.

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33 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

Wild, some of the knowledge you guys have blows my mind.  This detailed virus stuff is legit foreign language to me.  So is every flu shot basically a differently blend based on that years flu strains or is it always the same shot "mixture" no matter what? 

Its not really a blend but the targeting portion of the vaccine is different.

In football terms: lets say you don't care for Eagles fans and are able to spot them and eradicate them based on their green jackets and toothless smile. Over time even the Eagles fans figure this out and they put on a different colored jacket to avoid detection. Some of them even get modern dental work. Now you have to adapt and find a way to spot them without that telltale green jacket or toothless smile.

That's what's happening in your immune system, it has to "learn" that some Eagles fans wear a different coat, but they are still Eagles fans and still need to be eradicated. Your immune system is always on the lookout for other telltale signs to pick out the infidels from the crowd.

If you are alive and reading this, it means your immune system is undefeated and that's the result of millions of years of evolution and experience in identifying the bad guys before they do us in. Your body is assaulted by foreigners all day every day, and that system protects you from all of them.

In many cases, we are completely unaware of the assault or the killer response.

Edited by Shanedorf
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7 minutes ago, pwny said:


We need a better way to handle non-COVID related medical care going forward, because its clear people are dying from these issues even though our hospitals have generally not been overwhelmed (so far), there has to be a better way

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11 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

As the conversation centers around government oversteps right now, Ohio governor DeWine says it was a mistake to mandate masks-  https://time.com/5831435/ohio-mask-order-reversed/

This guy is an idiot then. If wearing a mask in a grocery store is "too far" for some people then we have really become the most spoiled and entitled people. It's too much for me to wear a mask in case I'm asymptomatic and might pass it on to an elderly lady who has to go out shopping as well. My comfort is what is most important here. Me!

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3 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

This guy is an idiot then. If wearing a mask in a grocery store is "too far" for some people then we have really become the most spoiled and entitled people. It's too much for me to wear a mask in case I'm asymptomatic and might pass it on to an elderly lady who has to go out shopping as well. My comfort is what is most important here. Me!

Asking people to wear a mask in a grocery store isn't such a huge imposition.  Hopefully the stores will mandate it whether there's a state law in place or not. 

I will say, its important that we communicate very clearly that the face mask thing is temporary.  I think there are some people who have suggested we may continue to wear face masks post-COVID to prevent against things like seasonal flu because it has positive public health benefits and I think that's a bridge too far for most.  

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6 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

This guy is an idiot then

This is the wrong take.  The people who we should be mad at are those applying pressure to DeWine to reverse the order.  

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4 hours ago, rob_shadows said:

So with all this rushing for a vaccine, multiple companies saying they could be ready by the end of the year, etc... It's left me with one glaring question.

Do we really wanna be taking a vaccine that's been rushed through development? We will have absolutely no idea if it has any negative long term effects.

Has this ever happened before? A vaccine being pushed out before it could be properly tested for potential long term effects and such?

Only thing I could think of is Gerald Ford and the swine flu vaccine. Hopefully  things are done better since then.

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35 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

This guy is an idiot then. If wearing a mask in a grocery store is "too far" for some people then we have really become the most spoiled and entitled people. It's too much for me to wear a mask in case I'm asymptomatic and might pass it on to an elderly lady who has to go out shopping as well. My comfort is what is most important here. Me!




The effectiveness of mask-wearing depends on three things: the basic reproduction number, R0, of the virus in a community; masks’ efficacy at blocking transmission; and the percentage of people wearing masks. The blue area of the graph below indicates an R0 below 1.0, the magic number needed to make the disease die out.

Read: A new statistic reveals why America’s COVID-19 numbers are flat

Models show that if 80 percent of people wear masks that are 60 percent effective, easily achievable with cloth, we can get to an effective R0 of less than one. That’s enough to halt the spread of the disease. Many countries already have more than 80 percent of their population wearing masks in public, including Hong Kong, where most stores deny entry to unmasked customers, and the more than 30 countries that legally require masks in public spaces, such as Israel, Singapore, and the Czech Republic. Mask use in combination with physical distancing is even more powerful.

mask up boys

this is really good news.  as long as people wear their masks . . .

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26 minutes ago, mistakey said:

also, im for destigmatizing masks for life

Don't get me started...

I had to take an online final this afternoon with ProctorU. They required a clear picture of my face, a picture of my ID, asked for my address, plus I had to answer questions about if "x phone number was associated with me, and other question. Then they had to have full access to my computer. Not just watch me through the camera or listen on the mic, but had to have control of my screen. Like WTF. I just want to take a test not have all of my information collected and used/sold.

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