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6 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

And the potential legal liability incurred by the school district if some teenager infects grandma.

I miss the good ol days when we sang joyfully about grandma getting run over by a reindeer 

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5 minutes ago, theJ said:

I wouldn't think that is much of a concern.  It would be very hard to prove how she caught it, and then again that the school did something wrong and not the teenager.  He could have caught it somewhere other than school, or not followed proper hygiene recommendations.  Just seems like too many variables, and too many things that have to wrong in sequence to blame the school.

Maybe 1 kid, but where you run into trouble are breakouts that you could trace to a specific school.

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15 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Yeah baby. Do we have any efficacy data? 

Usually people throw in an early assessment in Phase 1 even though the primary endpoint is safety.

i do not personally have it but it may be out there


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17 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Maybe 1 kid, but where you run into trouble are breakouts that you could trace to a specific school.

Do school districts get sued when there is a breakout of other illnesses?   influenza, whooping cough,  strep throat, etc.  

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28 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:
32 minutes ago, mistakey said:


Yeah baby. Do we have any efficacy data? 

Usually people throw in an early assessment in Phase 1 even though the primary endpoint is safety.


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13 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Do school districts get sued when there is a breakout of other illnesses?   influenza, whooping cough,  strep throat, etc.  

I'm not a lawyer, but schools also don't normally close down when there is a breakout of other illnesses.

4 minutes ago, ET80 said:


First one's free. Second one not so much. Pay me.

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9 minutes ago, ET80 said:


theyve literally never had a vaccine pass phase 3 ever, so *shrug*

but may be the long term play, they are one of hte first in mRNA vaccines

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5 hours ago, theJ said:

They're talking about something similar in Ohio, which makes no sense to me.  How do you expect people to go back to work, without the schools opening?

Right. I’ve also posted that data sheet about assisted living deaths. In Maryland since may, 291 deaths have been reported, 271 coming from assisted living. All of this makes no sense. 

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20 minutes ago, TVScout said:

Not free.

I may have had it already.  I had an awful cough/congestion thing around late Feb/Early March.  Lasted about two weeks.  I kept joking with people that i didn't have the corona, but maybe i did?  Who really knows.

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13 minutes ago, theJ said:

Not free.

I may have had it already.  I had an awful cough/congestion thing around late Feb/Early March.  Lasted about two weeks.  I kept joking with people that i didn't have the corona, but maybe i did?  Who really knows.

I had something milder, late march I picked up a cough, felt like my chest was tight and lost all my appetite and slept a lot.

I had a test mid April (self administered without instruction really) and it came back negative, but who knows, tests at 70% accurate.

Still have intermittent cough

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I'm sick of hearing about "infecting grandma" like grandma is some Goddamn (sorry God) gerbil.  Grandma is her own person. 

*If grandma is in a nursing home, it's the nursing home's responsibility to keep people potentially contagious out of the facility.
*If grandma lives with grandchildren, it's up to the household to keep their children away from grandma and away from places that could lead to getting COVID-19.

My biggest pet peeves in life are a lack of accountability and too much entitlement. 

A global pandemic does not lessen the need for personal accountability, it amplifies it. 
A global pandemic does not boost entitlement, it lessens it. 

You are not entitled to the entire world suffering to keep you safe. 
You are accountable for your own health. 

This does not make me heartless or uncaring for grandma.  Every single "grandma" that I know is taking their own accountability.  They are staying home, they are staying isolated, they are practicing social distancing.  Quit using them as an excuse to let millions of people go jobless, hungry and abused. 

By trying to save 5 years of life for X amount of people you are taking 10 years of life by X amount of people through poverty and well being.

This constant talk of saving grandma is ridiculous.  Unless grandma has no ears eyes nose arms or legs let grandma take care of herself. 

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Am I crazy for thinking Minnesota could have waited to close down parts of the state and focused more on restricting travel? Now that people have been locked in for a while they are ready to get out just as it is starting to spread to other communities.

Obviously this is hindsight and there wasn't enough testing to know what areas had it. The governor didn't have a lot of options. Maybe it would have made it worse but it would've been nice to do a little more of a focused shutdown

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