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25 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

No one is saying that a bandanna is perfect, but there's plenty of room for incremental improvement between not wearing a mask at all and wearing state of the art sterilization equipment.

This. id also argue that this is a good representation of what we’ve devolved to as a society in a lot of ways. I haven’t noticed it on here, but I’ve definitely seen people posting on Facebook things to the effect of “why bother wearing a mask when they aren’t proven 100% effective” etc.

I think we’ve collectively become too all or nothing in a lot of areas. The mask issue seems to be a good example of how that can be problematic. 

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think of masks like if everyone is trying to pee on each other.

someone wearing no pants can easily pee all over you, and your pants only protect you from it a bit.

someone wearing pants can't pee on you, it just gets caught in their pants. 

don't pee on people.

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2 hours ago, mission27 said:

Yes and no

No if that means its because we dont have a vaccine for years

Yes if it means this will be virtually gone by the fall, but I doubt thats the case

The tone of the entire convo is the virus is beginning to fade away already judging by some of the numbers. Obviously this is an extremely optimistic view, but i sway more toward the positive stories if you havent noticed by now, haha


"We are seeing a roughly similar pattern everywhere - I suspect we have more immunity than estimated. We need to keep slowing the virus, but it could be petering out by itself,” he said. “We need to continue to keep our distance and hope the numbers continue to improve.”

Edited by WizeGuy
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12 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

think of masks like if everyone is trying to pee on each other.

someone wearing no pants can easily pee all over you, and your pants only protect you from it a bit.

someone wearing pants can't pee on you, it just gets caught in their pants. 

don't pee on people.


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15 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

think of masks like if everyone is trying to pee on each other.

someone wearing no pants can easily pee all over you, and your pants only protect you from it a bit.

someone wearing pants can't pee on you, it just gets caught in their pants. 

don't pee on people.

There's a drug company that made a commercial that visualized people's breath spreading around. We should Tarantino it and use it for public good so there's a PG version of this as an advertisement.

Alternatively, we may need a famous figure who is willing to get peed on. Anyone have any ideas?

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

There's a cough company that made a commercial that visualized people's breath spreading around. We should Tarantino it and use it for public good so there's a PG version of this as an advertisement.

Alternatively, we may need a famous figure who is willing to get peed on. Anyone have any ideas?

@Dome has a connection with Fabio.  We should start there.

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On May 18, 2020 at 10:16 AM, mistakey said:

Ok- heres a couple- how about the time that rams said it wasnt a model- or the time slevin had critiques before he got banned, or just literally when anyone disagrees with you.

To be fair, Slevin was a complete jerk who was basically attacking everyone who didn't agree with him. The final nail was him attacking a forum member who worked at the postal service because he didn't agree with him about USPS. But yes I understand your point.

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50 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

That kind of my point, they wear a specific type of masks that is proven to do its job.  We the public are being told to wear just anything to cover our face because it may or may not help.  Some people have legit masks, some have a t shirt, others have cigarette holes apparently (I still can't get over that). 


I get that its not perfect, but the idea is a double barrier of masks are going to reduce the amount of droplet spread which is the primary vector for the infection.  Look at the success places like Tokyo have had sans lockdown and without the kind of test and trace they have in South Korea.  Tokyo is a bigger, denser city than even NYC and we've all seen the videos of people getting crammed into subways and Japan has actually done a worse job than the US on testing but they have virtually no cases.  The big difference is Japanese people have embraced wearing masks (was already much more socially acceptable over there) and wash their hands more.  Its simple stuff that seems to make a difference. 

I'm 100% with you that wearing a mask while riding a bicycle or running alone / with friends and family you are seeing anyway makes no sense.  But if you are going to go into an enclosed space with strangers for any period of time its the responsible thing to do for now imo.  Maybe at some point we'll have enough surveillance testing in place that we can only take these precautions in hot spots but for now it seems like a low cost to pay to prevent a future lockdown.

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1 hour ago, vikesfan89 said:

Why are bandanas useless? Wouldn't they do a decent job stopping water droplets?

Bandanas were original guidance because masks were becoming scarce.  The local health department for us says that we could be shut down if a mask can't be secured around the nose and chin of any employees.  

As @acowboys62 said, none of these masks are much good.  Sure, it helps to stop the transition of this virus to other people, but with the amount of people I see still touching their masks on their own, wearing them incorrectly, etc, a lot of people are still going to get it.  Guidance from work says to treat them as they are contaminated as soon as you put it on.  We are to wash hands every time we touch our face, have to adjust the mask, etc.  We also should change them twice a shift because the effectiveness will wear off due to the mask getting damp from breathing.  Oh yeah, and I am a mouth breather so I tend to breathe in the mask.  If I get this thing, it's probably because I have to wear the mask.  But I am wearing it because the "experts" said so, even though that community is split on it.  

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26 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

think of masks like if everyone is trying to pee on each other.

someone wearing no pants can easily pee all over you, and your pants only protect you from it a bit.

someone wearing pants can't pee on you, it just gets caught in their pants. 

don't pee on people.

Yep and this is true even though pants arent water proof

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1 minute ago, naptownskinsfan said:

As @acowboys62 said, none of these masks are much good.  Sure, it helps to stop the transition of this virus to other people, but with the amount of people I see still touching their masks on their own, wearing them incorrectly, etc, a lot of people are still going to get it. 

Even though a lot of people are still going to get it, that's still less people than if we aren't wearing masks. The goal is to get to zero, but there's not one magic bullet that gets us there.

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1 minute ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Article in the Miami Herald- 100,000 cruise ship employees are still stranded on them.  Many aren't getting paid, and hunger strikes and suicides are on the rise.  Many don't know when they will be freed to see their families.  This is horrible.  


...that's horrible, wow.

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