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23 minutes ago, TLO said:

It’s not a matter of solving every instance of the spread of the disease, nor is it saying that people shouldn’t try to do what they can to limit their expose. It’s literally a very minor inconvenience for people to protect others and regain some sense of normalcy in a quicker fashion. If this was about protecting yourself, you wouldn’t say “oh I’m the goat driver so I’m not gonna wear a seat belt.” And if this was about others (which it is), you wouldn’t say “oh I’m the goat driver so I don’t need to stop at this red light.” 

Again, breathing lightly out of your nose while also maintaining a safe 6 ft of social distance hasn’t been proven to put anyone in danger. I am also probably the GOAT driver tbh.

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1 hour ago, dtait93 said:

My stance is it’s on each individual to protect themselves as best as possible through whatever measure they deem best for them. At the end of the day you’re going to go in to a store and your going to breathe in air even well meaning people who are wearing masks wrong have breathed in to. You’re going to breathe in air people who are wearing masks correctly but have taken off to take a break from it have breathed in to. You’re going to breathe in air the most compromised of people who aren’t even wearing masks themselves who we’re mainly doing this for anyways have breathed in to. I don’t wear a mask since I’m not coughing and I don’t sneeze in stores and I’m likey the GOAT social distancer. I’ve yet to come across any concrete evidence that breathing lightly out of your nose spreads it. Maybe if I did I might wear one.

If that makes me a selfish ******* for not wearing a mask in a store thats air is already contaminated anyways, then oh well I’m a selfish *******. If we’re being honest with ourselves though most people on this planet are selfish *******s once we peel back the onion.

leonardo dicaprio GIF by illustrography

1 hour ago, dtait93 said:

At the end of the day you’re going to go in to a store and your going to breathe in air even well meaning people who are wearing masks wrong have breathed in to. You’re going to breathe in air people who are wearing masks correctly but have taken off to take a break from it have breathed in to. You’re going to breathe in air the most compromised of people who aren’t even wearing masks themselves who we’re mainly doing this for anyways have breathed in to

leonardo dicaprio GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

1 hour ago, dtait93 said:

I don’t wear a mask since I’m not coughing and I don’t sneeze in stores and I’m likey the GOAT social distancer.

Leonardo Dicaprio Ok GIF

1 hour ago, dtait93 said:

I’ve yet to come across any concrete evidence that breathing lightly out of your nose spreads it. Maybe if I did I might wear one.


catch me if you can GIF

1 hour ago, dtait93 said:

I’ve yet to come across any concrete evidence that breathing lightly out of your nose spreads it.

leonardo dicaprio closing eyes GIF

1 hour ago, dtait93 said:

that breathing lightly out of your nose spreads it.

catch me if you can GIF

1 hour ago, dtait93 said:

If that makes me a selfish ******* for not wearing a mask in a store thats air is already contaminated anyways, then oh well I’m a selfish *******. If we’re being honest with ourselves though most people on this planet are selfish *******s once we peel back the onion.

waving leonardo dicaprio GIF

1 hour ago, dtait93 said:

If that makes me a selfish ******* for not wearing a mask in a store thats air is already contaminated anyways, then oh well I’m a selfish *******.

Wash Hands Health GIF

Edited by N4L
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1 minute ago, dtait93 said:

@N4L your gifs are broken

maybe disable your pop up blocker?

although I guess I should not expect you to have any sort of internet security. Normal people should be worried about getting a computer virus but your computer is the GOAT social distancer 

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6 hours ago, Forge said:

The absurdity being spouted in this thread... Holy hell. 

This thread stands as a grim reminder why we can't have politics or religion on this forum. 

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5 minutes ago, ET80 said:

This thread stands as a grim reminder why we can't have politics or religion on this forum. 

2 of the 3 things that cannot be discussed without things getting out of hand.

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2 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

Race. You could throw in sexuality/gender biology too tbh.

Yup - verboten on this site. 

Next time anyone asks why we can't discuss these things, send em a link to this thread.

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20 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Yup - verboten on this site. 

Next time anyone asks why we can't discuss these things, send em a link to this thread.

I mean, it’s been fairly congenial considering the gravity of the situation.

Dumb opinions aren’t unique to politics or religion.  You should know this, you’ve moderated the “Is Eli Manning A HOFer” threads.

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