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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Yeah, BCB's role makes a lot of sense. I can't wait until he investigates Fiona Glenanne to see what kind of a past she has.

I am 100% Michael Westen.

Funny, you "red lettered" me and you don't even know what my role is, and you said that you weren't an alignment cop.

We know that Daboyle was the alignment Cop. 

We know that Ragnarok has a cop ability.

We know that BCB is some sort of flavor cop.

We know that Malfatron is an odd night watcher/tracker

We know that Sanchez CC'd that exact claim that exact night

...and yet, your claim doesn't fit and can't be verified, except by Counselor on you being "untargetable" at night, and Counselor has claimed Non Town.

So, process of elimination alone, you're 100% lock scum.

@Matts4313 @theuntouchable @Heimdallr @Malfatron @Ragnarok @bcb1213

We got him guys

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6 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I am not scum and you are not Michael. I proved it. You want me to show the quote again?


2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:



Click the qoute people 

Nah, click Orca's quote above and it'll take you directly to him quoting me. I'm not sure why it displayed his name instead of mine. I used the "highlight/quote" feature on my laptop.

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

But we dont have a way to kill him. We are stuck. 

Let's wait to see @SwAg update the VC. I have a vote on him, so if he logs it, we've got him. If not, then we should go Counselor and then see how he flips, since Counselor is Non Town, claimed that only he and Daboyle were in Government together, and his role will be posted. If it's some sort of commuter/make someone voteproof role, then there's the ticket.

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On 4/8/2020 at 12:48 PM, The Orca said:
On 4/8/2020 at 12:03 PM, Slappy Mc said:

I see what you are saying. I know when I host, I say that someone got pardoned if that is the case. Does anyone know if Swag would post that in the write-up?


On 11/5/2019 at 4:50 PM, SwAg said:

Day 2:

Well, that was weird.

How about we lynch Forge?  He basically admitted to being Mafia.

I did it.


I did it.  

Oh okay, but if the theme is any indication, open criminality is expected and likely has no influence on the game... but  Forge




The votes rained down on Forge, which gave him some happy memories of being peed on my Russian hookers, but he knew that all of these angry people wanted a speech.

Wow.  I did it.  First of all, I just want to take this time to say: I definitely did it.  I fired James Comet because of Russia, and I withheld aid because of Boe Biden, and based on the Witch Hunt Mauller Report, I fulfilled four-out-of-five elements of conspiracy without even trying.  You know, my lawyers tell me I would have fulfilled the fifth if I tried.  But they said, no.  You're doing so well, let's not try.  I wanted to try, but they didn't want to.  I said I'll interview, and they said no, you'll definitely fulfill the fifth if you open your mouth, you have nothing to prove.  And they were right, I did it.  I just wanted Big Jim Mauller to have a taste of what winning is like, so I didn't try.  Anyway, onto the important issue here, which is jobs.  Jobs like all those who voted for me have and want.  Look at that.  Can you believe it?  11 people voted for me, maybe the greatest voting result ever.  At least the second greatest voting result ever.  I won the popular vote, and the election.  Second-Place Malfatron lost, making him a big loser, like Rosie O'Donnell.  I won, everybody loves me, it's why they keep voting for me.  You know, I have a poll.  A great poll, it shows that people love me.  80% of Republicans adore me, and 62% said nothing I could do would change their mind.  It's just amazing to have such tremendous, tremendous support.  And I know what you're thinking: oh this is one of those online polls that doesn't count, but really it's not.  Believe me, I was shocked too.  Almost as shocked as when people thought I didn't lose the debates.  And with your continued support,  I will fight SISI and make our so-called allies pay their fair share, even if what I'm saying makes no sense.  Remember that time I slapped that Pretty Boy Canadian Prince Charming with a tariff and he got so upset, but who's laughing now, Adidon?  The War of 1812 ain't so long ago now.  No that's Kanye's kid, or Drake's kid, or something, they all look the same.  I meant Aladdin, which is at least going to be around until I end terrorism once and for all and I destroy Iran.  Yeah, Iran.  They're going to produce a nuclear bomb, and I tell everyone we already have our forces there, and Iran is close, so why not invade?  Why not?  They don't have any good answers.  This is why they should listen.  I point it out on the map, and you know, I know about maps.  I'm rich and I've gone to lots of countries.  I see them all.  I remember dancing with the Saudis while wielding a saber, and I was like wow, do you have any hookers to pee on me?  And...

Everyone was so transfixed and dumbfounded by this bizarre spectacle that everyone seemed to go in-and-out of consciousness, and eventually they realized Forge stopped talking and he was off housing a dozen overcooked hamburgers with at least four bottles of ketchup.  No one knew what to make of the situation, but look at the time!  It's nighttime!  Thanks Ben Franklin.

Forge survived.

It is now Night 2.  You have until 9:00 a.m. EST on 11/6/19 to submit PMs.

@theuntouchable, @rackcs, @bcb1213@The Orca, @Dome, @TedLavie, @Hockey5djh, @Pickle Rick, @ET80, @Forge, @squire12, @gopherwrestler, @Malfatron, @Counselor


On 4/7/2020 at 9:44 PM, MWil23 said:

As I've said repeatedly, the lynch is Town's best weapon against scum. This is why I told you that as much as I LOVED your horror interactive game, the lynch question/5 guesses mechanic was too slanted against Town, even though Town still reaped the same benefit. We agreed to disagree, and I then rightfully apologized. So, yes, while you are correct in that lynching me will accomplish nothing, it's a wasted day for Town and we don't "gain anything" by it. I was also determined not to do this until you made a fake red letter invest on me, so here we are.

A SCUM governor? I've literally never seen that. That's WAY too OP. I've only seen Town/Indy have that role. Plus, I'm Town, so there's that. Also, If I was scum, why would I tell the truth about my claim?

The reality is sinking in that you're facade invest is going to rear its ugly head in two hours or so. You can't hide forever.


On 4/7/2020 at 9:48 PM, squire12 said:

Forge had the ability to pardon as scum in the Swag white house game I think



On 4/7/2020 at 9:49 PM, MWil23 said:

Good call! That's very true. But, there were limitations on when he could use it/who he could use it on, and if he pardoned himself, he turned completely vanilla...couldn't even carry out the faction kill.


On 4/7/2020 at 9:52 PM, MWil23 said:

Which, as I said, I could actually agree to that part. The non voting part and him also not having that ability I don't buy, on top of his fake invest on me.

About as well as after tonight when he didn't vote the second straight day and SwAg modkilled him. I imagine that's going to happen with TLO, so...better than lynching active Town.

Ok, then we have nothing more to talk about.

See above. There were stipulations, he couldn't do it back to back nights, if he pardoned himself he was 100% vanilla, etc.


On 4/7/2020 at 9:55 PM, squire12 said:

I don't recall the details from the role that was posted, but I thought forge did not need to pardon himself as he could not be lynched until a certain criteria was met (how many teammates remained or had been pardoned)


On 4/7/2020 at 9:57 PM, The Orca said:

Yes he could. I was mafia...every night. Most overpowered role I have ever seen


On 4/7/2020 at 9:57 PM, MWil23 said:

If Forge pardoned himself, he was rendered completely vanilla. He was unkillable GF until then, albeit Rack had a day kill strongman that he used on me just a few hours into the game. That's the game I was scum and slipped on the wincon.


On 4/7/2020 at 9:59 PM, MWil23 said:

I was also Mafia with you dude. Once he pardoned himself, he was rendered vanilla. He couldn't carry out our night hit. This caused a huge argument with us in chatty. Rack day killed me early, we converted him, and Forge couldn't carry out our faction kill anymore.

Here is the convo about it in one of Swags games. I remember it like Squire where he didnt have to pardon himself cause he couldnt die until everyone else. 

This basically seals it imo that Mwil is the godfather

@rackcs put it perfectly into words imo last night

On 4/7/2020 at 10:09 PM, rackcs said:


I like Orca theorizes that he is a scum pardoner and he goes no way, never been done. Then when Orca and others explain that it has and even if Swag games and Mwil says "Yeah, but there were restrictions!" as if that negates the original point that he could be the scum pardoner.

If you want to go further, Mwil knew many details about the role immediately after saying it's never been done before even though he was mafia with me and I think @squire12 when our group had the role @Forge had it

It was so overpowered 

Could pardon every night

Couldnt die until all scum did

Couldnt be targeted I think

Lost pardon and/or became vanilla when half of the mafia had been pardoned

I think there was like 2 more things as well

Here are some quotes after the game since Swag never posted the roles

On 11/13/2019 at 2:41 PM, SwAg said:

A mechanic in literally half the games, including a game of mine you played previously, then you act like it’s a foreign and unknown mechanic.

It is one of the most common protective mechanics in online mafia games outside this forum, because it shifts focus onto thread play, as you know you got one, and have to read them to find teammates... which is basically what Forge lamented with being outed.  Just no one capitalized.


On 11/13/2019 at 2:19 PM, SwAg said:

Oh, and Forge, your “unlimited pardons” were not unlimited.  

You actually lost most of them when your faction started dying.  You only had them beyond the first one so long as you had a literate person in your faction.  So, you and rack, yikes.  You needed Orca or squire alive to keep em going


On 11/13/2019 at 2:11 PM, SwAg said:

Well, Forge couldn’t die via lynch or NK as long as he had a non-pardoned teammate alive.

He could die via day kill (so rack could have killed him at any time if he didn’t blow his day kill on MWil), or via wrestling match (Rick never used his wrestling match).

You all just lynched him like 4x while missing every single lynch.

Touch was Marshall Mathers, the Vig because of his rap on BET about Trump.  If Touch is lynched, he just dies.  If he’s killed, he comes back as Slim Shady, and cannot win with the person or faction that killed him.  ET was lynched, Rack met his WC, and game ended.

As for the irradiated water, you’re not just suddenly violently ill upon drinking tainted water.  He had a chance to die every day, but hit on it til he got the 50-50 for death or swamp creature, not that it even matters since Town just loses 2 days ago if he’s not converted.


On 11/13/2019 at 2:07 PM, Forge said:

Correct. The sad part was, we didn't even get to take advantage of a lot of the fun parts of my role. Anyone who used a move on me at night would be investigated as scum for 2 phases afterward. 

I also had unlimited pardons...which would have been great, except all of the scum died via vig LOL

Rack was converted multiple times in this game LOL. We converted him N1 after the death of Mwil. Then Ted converted him by doing whatever the hell it was that he did. 


On 4/7/2020 at 1:07 PM, MWil23 said:

Westen is the main protagonist.  If he can't be targeted at night or voted during the day, he's a ghost (role), to go with the descriptor of the ghost (being Westen) in the initial writeup.


On 4/7/2020 at 1:14 PM, JoshstraDaymus said:

Is the characters name "Ghost Weston" or just Weston?


On 4/7/2020 at 1:16 PM, MWil23 said:

Michael Westen

I'd encourage you to reread the OP writeup from SwAg and click on the comment of Orca's that I quoted for his initial synopsis. 


On 4/7/2020 at 1:01 PM, MWil23 said:

We know who the "Ghost" is. The question is, is the Ghost Town or not?



On 4/7/2020 at 1:01 PM, Matts4313 said:

So Orca is either Weston or Management? 

Thats what I am interrupting from all this. Hence his belief that I couldnt alignment comp him.


On 4/7/2020 at 1:23 PM, Matts4313 said:

Someone make it apparent that there is a ghost-weston. @MWil23


On 4/8/2020 at 11:58 AM, The Orca said:

Also Mwil is not the Gov. He wasnt pardoned. Nothing in the writeup shows this. It does show someone that cant be lynched at that time aka a godfather. Heck the mob couldnt even begin the process lol. He "survived" the lynch, not was " pardoned" from the lynch 


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1 minute ago, Heimdallr said:

Prove it.

How would you like me to "prove it" past what I've already done? Go back and see when Orca first started pushing me. I hadn't even posted in thread yet/barely had and it was before N1. He then breadcrumbed a "suspicion" on me followed by a fake red letter. He's Carla and was clearly given my name in his role PM.

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