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Houston Texans Coronavirus Mafia (Mafia Wins!)


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This is a contradiction. Please learn what it means and how it is seen in posts


Mwil- Orca voted Bcb and lead his lynch in OT, which was super lazy

Mwil 2 lines later- Orca voted Bcb, but in OT made a point to vote me, why would someone switch votes off the person they pushed all day

8 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I was working an angle to see where the votes fell and who decided to push what.

For example, Orca was super inconsistent in his logic on me and seemed to think that I was most likely Town, and then wavered on that. He voted BCB in OT and led his lynch, which is funny to me because that was super lazy on his part. You seemed eager to back him/come to his defense, which was also interesting. Orca voted BCB, and yet when I was in OT, specifically made it a point to vote me. Why would someone switch votes like that in OT for someone he pushed all day?

N4L and Counselor both seemed to latch onto my invest of the twins (Pickle and Orca) early, and then N4L seemed to be willing to change his mind and use faulty logic about who I tagged (voting for BCB), which was wrong, because only 1 of the 5 people I tagged was voting for him.

I've been playing a while, and I am a bit of an unorthodox player, as many will attest to (Is that fair @Forge @Matts4313 @SwAg?)

When you say in the same sentence that you either think it's:

1. Bad to lynch me

2. You don't think I'm scum

and then:

3. Still vote for me

...that stands out. Whether you are lying because you are mafia or saying so because of your inexperience, that's how it's perceived. That certainly doesn't make me wrong.

1. Show me where I pushed Bcb all day

2. This is what a contradiction is. I cant lead the Bcb lynch in OT if I didnt push him, and push others to vote him all while voting someone else. Learn the word, it's not hard and stop making contradictions 

3. Show where I led the Bcb lynch in OT

4. Show or explain why its was a lazy push

5. If you saw the part about Counselor and N4l, why didnt you speak up when I mentioned that directly mid day yesterday. Instead of pushing what your gambit "revealed", you insisted on still pushing my lynch, please explain

6. Why did you want to be the lynch in OT if you are Fauci and a power role?

Stop saying people are contradicting if you dont understand the word and repeadetly do it yourself

It's like @gopherwrestler and the word defensive lol


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4 minutes ago, swoosh said:

do we know if someone who doesn't vote for 2 nights consecutively will be killed off? 

Usually yes, but with Mission unknown if he follows through. My guess possibly replaced before modkilled. There was something innthe rules about voting each day I think

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Just now, swoosh said:

me w 3 votes. i'm devastated. 

So, then if I were you, I'd ask why people were voting for me/you. Have you given them cause to vote for you? If not, how many of those voting you are mafia? For example, I have a good idea why 2 of the 3 people are voting for me, and it's more telling as to why one of them is getting zero push at all, and is arguably one of the smarter people in this game, who when confronted with clear cut evidence on calling me helpful, and yet I wasn't, had no real response. That's a character contradiction.

Right mse326?

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19 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Matt's has been gauging noobs for noobs slips.

Matts also has a lynch target in mind, but we're 2.5 hours away.


19 hours ago, swoosh said:

Glen Davis Lick Lips GIF - GlenDavis LickLips TryingToFlirt ...


19 hours ago, daboyle250 said:


Starting read up:

Yesterday I planned on jumping on before night and pushing hard for a finny lynch. Its the most safe lynch that also promotes activity. Might still be a solid option.

BCB as 'Nilla was the second best scenario that could've happened. 

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21 hours ago, MWil23 said:
23 hours ago, MWil23 said:

In all seriousness, don’t claim until you absolutely have to/are going to be lynched and then claim an hour before the deadline. No point in claiming early unless there’s a very specific reason and direction, which for most new players there isn’t.


You made a point of saying this twice. Perhaps you genuinely are trying to help the new players like me, but honestly I'm skeptical

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47 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

So, then if I were you, I'd ask why people were voting for me/you. Have you given them cause to vote for you? If not, how many of those voting you are mafia? For example, I have a good idea why 2 of the 3 people are voting for me, and it's more telling as to why one of them is getting zero push at all, and is arguably one of the smarter people in this game, who when confronted with clear cut evidence on calling me helpful, and yet I wasn't, had no real response. That's a character contradiction.

Right mse326?

lol I was being sarcastic. I thought "devastated" would clue you in on that. 

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