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Forum Game: Tecmo Super Bowl Season - Pickle (bucs) wins the Super Bowl!!

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3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

there likely wont be games posted tommorrow because i will be unavailable most of the day.

but im posting w13 games now, and w14 will come sunday morning and w15 will come sunday evening (at latest)

ohhhh the tease

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rams at patriots




raiders at packers





buttmunchers at jets



browns at bills





broncos at falcons




buccaneers at 49ers




cardinals at saints



steelers at texans






1. @MWil23 -  Browns

2. @Forge - 49ers

3. @Blue - Texans

4. @Dome - Saints

5. @swoosh- Falcons

6. @bcb1213 - Jets

7. @Deadpulse - Patriots

8. @The Orca - Rams

9. @daboyle250 - Buttmunchers

10. @Counselor - Broncos

11. @HoboRocket - Cardinals

12. @rackcs - Steelers

13. @Pickle Rick - Bucs

14. @bigbadbuff - Bills

15. @TLO / @mission27- Raiders

16. @squire12 - Packers

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first 2 series fumble and then a INT in the red zone.  

Got lucky with a TD on the last play of the game and then take the 2nd half KO and another long scoring drive.  

Brady throws an INT in the redzone in the 4th to get the clinching W

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Nick Chubb didn't touch the ball until a minute left in the second quarter.

We called the Wentz keeper three times before Chubb got a second carry and immediately followed it up with a fourth Wentz keeper. This ended up being three straight run plays, out of 7 called the entire game to that point, with a minute left in the 3rd quarter and down a touchdown. Chubb got four runs the entire game and Wentz got 6 with only one called run for him in the entire playbook. I know it's a pass-first coach, but this was ******* bull****.

Brees threw at least two touchdowns into coverage that my DBs couldn't break up. Unlike every other quarterback, including Russell Wilson and Aaron Rodgers, apparently Brees doesn't suffer any decrease to his accuracy under pressure in Tecmo because they were all spot-on.

My team picked a Henry run at one point, which he got 7 yards on and probably should have gotten even more if not for one guy who miraculously took a good angle on the run. We routinely gave up big chunks of yardage on the Brees keeper, the single-worst play in the league.

I am beyond angry. PIT lost to freaking San Francisco last week. They scored double their season average. We gave up more points to this ****ty offense than the Raiders, who literally had their defense picked out for them from the ****tiest units we could think of. We stopped them once, I think. I'd rather we miss out on the playoffs so a team with a quarter of a real defense can get in instead so that they might have a real chance of winning a game. Ugh.

Edited by Blue
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9 hours ago, Blue said:

It basically comes down to whether our D-line can get in the backfield or not. It's been a trend in all four losses.

Oh we did get into the backfield, repeatedly, and it didn't matter because apparently Drew Brees is more athletic than Chandler Jones.

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Congrats Swoosh on stand alone first place and likely championship. Was a fun game to watch. The running the ball on the last play down by 3 and Rodgers throwing into coverage repeatedly with open guys streaking down field was fun. Oh and not recovering that fumble on the kickoff right in front of us that was a real peach. We fumbled too but it went out of bounds. This one was just sitting there for the taking. 

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fyi, heres the nfl tiebreakers procedures for H2H if multiple teams are tied


Three or More Clubs

(Note: If two clubs remain tied after a third club or other clubs are eliminated during any step, the tiebreaker reverts to step 1 of the two-club format.)

Head-to-head (best won-lost-tied percentage in games among the clubs)

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