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It was an absolute cinematic experience. Loved it. Feast for the eyes and ears, and so much about it lingers with you post viewing.

SIDENOTE: Can directors stop throwing the camera around? Im sick and tried of modern directors using a cut for everytime I breathe. You dont have to switch angles after every sentence or movement. Build a damn scene and fill it with interesting things. Let your characters exist within the world instead of having the world revolve around the characters. Not that hard.

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I cannot put into words how bad The Predator was.  It is literally the worst of all the bad reboots/remakes/sequels.  It is the worst movie of 2018 by a very large margin, I hated it.  I didn't dislike it, I hated it.  I hate that movie.  Hate, hate, hate, hate it.  I went in thinking I would really dislike it and I came out thinking it was worse than I thought it would be.  It was so bad.  So, so, so bad. 

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I just saw Bumblebee last night and, for how much I loathed the Bay-directed films (except the first one, which Spielberg reigned in on and was largely hands-off for the sequels), I came out actually rather enjoying this one (shocker, I know).  We FINALLY get a good Transformers movie that actually focuses on the effing Transformers (!) and not the obnoxious humans nobody gives a **** about and a coherent plot with none of the toilet/racist/sexist humor we've come to expect from earlier films, with well-shot action scenes where you can actually see what's happening to boot, you know, like we've been asking for for the last 10 years. Unfortunately, the box office numbers aren't looking good and it may all be for naught because of all the bad stigma from the garbage Bay-directed films before it. 

I hate to say Michael Bay may have driven this franchise into the ground, but dammit, it looks like Bay and Co. literally drove this franchise into the ground. We finally get the Transformers film we've wanted from day one, and nobody knows and nobody cares thanks to Michael Bay's shenanigans.

Edited by KManX89
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28 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Bird Box on Netflix was a pretty alright movie.  I enjoyed it just as much as I should have. 

Just read what it’s about. So you die if you can see stuff. Quiet place was about being quiet so you don’t die. What’s the next thing gonna be? If you smell it, the pungency will kill you? Dewey Cox is our only hope 

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On 12/21/2018 at 4:27 PM, FinneasGage said:

dude i was 7 when this came out and my dad had this movie on and it really impacted my sleep for like a long *** time 

i haven't seen it since lol. probably sucks now. 

This ish messed me up so much as a child. I had major problems sleeping. Till this day it sends chills down my spine. 2 come to mind..

One where you hear the women dying as her throat is slashed on the phone asking for police help.. 

The other is one where a doctor makes love to a dead corpse. I could not sleep alone and i was 8-9.. It was a terror show. 

Watch the hole thing bby.


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On 12/21/2018 at 8:15 AM, Outpost31 said:


Don't listen to some people who have the attention span of a chipmunk.  The movie is the best horror movie in a very long time.  The more I think about it the more I like it.  The more I realize about the plot, the more I realize it's brilliant.  It absolutely is a very, very, very slow burn.  The first 2/3 of the movie is more like a drama than a horror, but the final third of the movie is one of the most unsettling things I've ever watched.

The movie was made to be unsettling more than frightening.  Although the final ten minutes are really damn creepy, the whole entire movie was made to be unsettling and discomforting, not the type of movie that makes people jump and then never think about the movie again.  Certain people who try to tarnish the movie are probably the types who loved The Nun and Lights Out and Friday the 13th type movies where the plots aren't challenging and they can follow the narrative while texting on their phone and eating popcorn and not really paying attention to the movie.

There's an article explaining all the intricate details to Hereditary that puts the movie closer to all-time great horror than the "trash" people allege it is.  Chances are, the people who complain about it probably don't even realize half of what actually went on in the movie. 

If you want your horror movies to make you jump and make you shout with jump scares and the subtlety of a sledge hammer, you probably won't like Hereditary.

Hereditary is unsettling, unnerving, and made to make you feel uncomfortable and freaked out not only in the supernatural sense, but in the creeping dread type of sense.  It makes you feel like something terrible is going to happen, and it scared the damn hell out of me. 

Unsettling lmfao. My lawd that's just as funny as the movie. Takes more than floating bodies to unsettle me. 


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Just got the complete The Hobbit Extended Edition trilogy for Christmas.  I've only seen the first one, the theatrical version, and it has been at least 8 years since I've gone to Middle-Earth.  I'm pretty excited about it.  I'll let you know what I think of each one in 500 years. 

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4 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

Just got the complete The Hobbit Extended Edition trilogy for Christmas.  I've only seen the first one, the theatrical version, and it has been at least 8 years since I've gone to Middle-Earth.  I'm pretty excited about it.  I'll let you know what I think of each one in 500 years. 

They suck

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