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BDL Discussion Thread 2022


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I’m struggling to get in the teaching groove this year. A lot of that is due to the past several years being very difficult in education and the toll it’s taken while still having the same frustrations.

Some of it is due to having a bunch of students with some heavy stuff.

A kid just lost a middle school brother due to leukemia, diagnosed a month ago.

Another was just diagnosed with leukemia.

Another was abandoned by her parent who was also an addict a couple years ago.

Just really hard to know how to reach these kids and academics are not a priority for them, rightfully so.

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

I’m struggling to get in the teaching groove this year. A lot of that is due to the past several years being very difficult in education and the toll it’s taken while still having the same frustrations.

Some of it is due to having a bunch of students with some heavy stuff.

A kid just lost a middle school brother due to leukemia, diagnosed a month ago.

Another was just diagnosed with leukemia.

Another was abandoned by her parent who was also an addict a couple years ago.

Just really hard to know how to reach these kids and academics are not a priority for them, rightfully so.

Teaching is an impossible profession if you want to it truly well, all of the time. It's give and take. Sometimes all you can do is the best you can do. Be there. Be understanding and do what you can for them. You can't fix kids. You can't fix their home life. You can't fix their health, so don't put that pressure on yourself. You are a bit part in the story of their lives, so just do the best you can with the role you were given.

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23 minutes ago, EaglesPeteC said:

Teaching is an impossible profession if you want to it truly well, all of the time. It's give and take. Sometimes all you can do is the best you can do. Be there. Be understanding and do what you can for them. You can't fix kids. You can't fix their home life. You can't fix their health, so don't put that pressure on yourself. You are a bit part in the story of their lives, so just do the best you can with the role you were given.

I’m not sure how much longer I can do this tbh. I’ve never felt like this before going into a year. I feel like the dam is about to break loose.

Also, it won’t let me respond or quote on my desktop. Anyone know why?

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Just a heads up fellas, the move is off for us. Buyers inspection came back and found structural issues that our inspector missed years ago. They hired a lawyer and bailed on the contract. Gotta call the townhomes we signed a lease with today to see the damage for getting out of our lease since we were only 5 days from move-in. Been a wild summer. Glad football is here.

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1 minute ago, wwhickok said:

@MD4L you are such a scumbag. Seriously. There is nothibg people do that is worse than waiting 3 minutes before a bid expires because they think its funny. 


I did not purposely do it for jokes or to set anyone off in this instance. I had several other offers that went through. I value Chark quite a bit. 

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3 minutes ago, wwhickok said:

 Yes you did. You just mentioned it last night like it's something you don't do anymore and then you just did it to nearly everybody so save your bull**** because it is something you're concernly do.

 I'm not trying to start a bunch of drama but I'm also tired of people acting like they're not doing things with intent all the time just own up to it. It makes it worse that you wanna sit here and act like you didn't intentionally just bid on nearly every player that was minutes from expiring.

I know my league mates well. I wouldn’t intentionally do it to you to set you off. Eaglespete wasn’t the biggest fan of my action but it’s not a personal thing or starting up conflicts.

And with Chark in particular, we were close to 3 UPing him or Tim Patrick. 

So if you think I’d do it to set you off in particular, then that’s just unfortunate. 

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How dare people with cap space place a higher bid for whatever reason at whatever time! New rule proposal for next year, you have 1 hour to outbid then its locked for 23 hours until the day is up and then the player gets added to rosters. Could this screw over owners who aren't able to get online immediately? Doesn't matter, they have an hour if they really value that player. Of course, when bids come in at 58 or 59 minutes, we will then propose to cut it down to half an hour the next season.

God forbid owners wait to see what bids are still standing before making another bid before an agreed upon deadline.

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4 minutes ago, wwhickok said:

Also with all due respect if you valued him as much as you claim you do it would not have taken you nearly 24 hours to bid on him again

We literally have been building our roster and in negotiations with 10 other players. 

I am guilty of bussing people but I know you would take it a little more personally. It happens.

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