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Buccaneers WR Antonio Brown removes jersey and shirt, storms off field mid game; Officially Released


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I'm more confused now after seeing him post the trainer texts with his bank account info. Not I'm leaning more it's not fake. He made it seen like trainer trying to cheat him when tom trainer said where you want me to send the money. Man. Lolol. AB wild. 

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21 minutes ago, dante9876 said:

Nobody does. But AB is about trying to win these cases. I really hope he ain't this dumb. But who knows. After reading them again I could definitely see where this could be fake. He really selling he want to be a team guy in his text. 

I mean this is the same guy who sent intimidating text messages to a woman after she came forward against him. He doesn’t exactly have a great track record of doing the most legally beneficial thing when the ish hits the fan.


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2 hours ago, SmittyBacall said:

Even if AB is telling the truth in his statement, and maybe in this case he was actually not at fault, but why is it that smoke always follows this guy? He’s an absolute beacon for headaches. Everywhere he goes he’s always in the papers. He plays the victim card so well.

He’s like the person you meet who says they’ve been in 7 car accidents but none have been their fault. Eventually you need to realize the person is just a bad driver.

He’s clearly not a great guy, and clearly has things going wrong in his head.

But BA also has a history of making stupid statements about player injuries, and the team has bungled the handling of other injuries this year too.

Add in BA’s refusal to answer questions about AB because “he’s not on the team” despite him still being a member of the team today, and really neither side of this argument has any real credibility.

In general, people with issues like the issues it appears that AB has also tend to be the type of people to put themselves in situations where others can do wrong by them. Using the car accident example, it’s entirely possible that a person can be in 7 accidents and not be at fault for any of them, but they’re often in those accidents because when someone does something stupid that could cause an accident, they don’t have the skills, or the reaction speed, or awareness to notice an issue earlier and perform the defensive driving techniques that would avoid the situation. AB may not be at fault here, but it’s possible his issues and inability to advocate for himself in a healthy manner maybe played into how things got to where they did. Who knows.

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19 minutes ago, dante9876 said:

I'm more confused now after seeing him post the trainer texts with his bank account info. Not I'm leaning more it's not fake. He made it seen like trainer trying to cheat him when tom trainer said where you want me to send the money. Man. Lolol. AB wild. 

I just read them...what in the world? He also posted proof of AG working on him a few weeks ago on IG and is now claiming AG never did. And he tagged Tom Brady asking why he worked with people like AG.

This guy is so dumb.

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Here's the problem with AB's take:

1.   Not willing to get examined by the NFL-approved docs.   Even if you don't trust them, if you really have THAT level of injury, it's cut and dried.   

2.  Not releasing the actual MRI reports (and again, he chose to disclose the info, so he can't really hide behind HIPPA).  That is a massive drop in credibility.    It's basically like bringing a hand-written proof of vaccination. 

3.  Saying he played with an undiagnosed fracture, if it's one with a HAS - isn't one you can actually weight bear on (again, google "Maissoneuve" fracture, and you can read it for yourself).    The Bucs' take that he has a HAS, and needs a cleanup for loose fragments (but not the HAS itself) in the offseason - but also can get cleared to play - is actually very plausible.   

4.  Again, AB's departure, and his ability to play, speaks to an injury that is very likely clearable - but needs to be addressed in the offseason.  

5.  The texts actually worsen AB's credibility - even in BA's stream, there's nothing really crazy on BA's part.   I know there's talk it could be fake, but let's assume it's not - it's not exactly damning, not by any means, other than the take BA didn't know at all (which I'm coming to)

Now, Arians saying he had no idea about the injury in the presser - that's a terrible look.   If Arians was referring to not knowing about a new injury, or getting worse, that's actually very believable.   It's also very possible, even likely, Arians was curt & short in the presser, and didn't make the distinction.   The thing is, given TAM had him on the injury report, with a designation, it's basically AB's camp jumping on BA's answer.     It's pretty clear TAM & everyone knew he was still dealing with the injury.    If AB said "I can't play because of the pain" and BA said "OK, you're done" - that's not OK.  But everything in the press release is trying to imply TAM mismanaged the case - when what he's presented, and the text, tells me otherwise.

Again, what we are hearing is AB's version of events - and he's not actually shown any hard physical proof to back up his claim.  And if a grievance is filed, he's going to have to.   So the truth will come out eventually.    Given he pulled the exact same ploy with the vaxx card, and was proven to have lied, along with the multiple other times he's said crazy stuff on social media - it's not just reasonable, but the logical stance, to be incredibly skeptical.   The one thing we can all agree on - it was always going to end like this, no matter who did what.   AB is all about burning it all down at the end.

Fool me once, shame on you.   Fool me twice, shame on me.   Fool me 5x.....shame on TB12 for thinking it was going to end differently this time.

Edited by Broncofan
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1 minute ago, RuskieTitan said:

Does anyone sign him for a playoff push? And which team? Or is he done for the year?

not cut yet and may not be until the NFL and NFLPA can sort this out

Missed the waived part that just happened.  Guess they sorted it out

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7 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

So I just wish someone would just come out at state what was all actually said on the field. 

Did AB say before this his ankle was hurting? or was this a tantrum and not actually saying anything and just saying he wasn't playing?


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AB has 0 credibility. Not saying Arians is perfect or that he did nothing wrong, but I will always believe any part other that AB until there is no doubt based on evidence he is correct. Why? Because he has lied about everything at every single point of his career until now.

I don't believe him and I likely never will. Good on the Bucs.

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