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Buccaneers WR Antonio Brown removes jersey and shirt, storms off field mid game; Officially Released


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7 minutes ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

I doubt they'd lie about an MRI that wasn't even read by him. As much as I don't like AB, he's probably in the right on this one.

I mean it's a great story because it sounds like something an NFL team would do but it also sounds too perfect to be 100 % true. There may be some truth in it though. 

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33 minutes ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

I doubt they'd lie about an MRI that wasn't even read by him. As much as I don't like AB, he's probably in the right on this one.

Eh his description could be loose bodies in the ankle.   Which would require surgery in the off-season but also would have been able to play through.    The problem with stating there was a missed associated fracture (called Maiasoneuve fracture if ppl want to Google it) is that players usually can’t weight bear.    AB being able to play well doesn’t really fit.  

3 inconsistencies with his take: 

-Missed fracture doesn’t present like this as covered above 

- AB saying he was unaware of pain killer effects.   Come on.  

- As covered before, his exit.  

If it’s really as bad then his lawyer as alleged, they will release the full report. And they can compare it to the original MRI (with report) from the week of injury.  If the reports don’t get released given AB’s past history of getting caught making outright lies to defend himself (vaxx being the last one), I’d take everything said here with a huge grain of salt.     The longer it goes with no report the more likely it’s total spin off more inocuous findings (and still could need off-season surgery - so that’s not a sign AB’s take has merit).  

Remember this is a statement meant to sway public opinion.   Embellishing the report out of context is par for the course.   If it is as bad as AB’s lawyer says the actual report will get released (there’s no privacy angle since he’s already talked about it now).  As always wait for the actual facts to come out.    

Edited by Broncofan
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Is the statement he issued from the same lawyer who claimed Brown was vaxxed and could prove it?

Anyway, Ben Roethlisberger clearly called Bruce and told him to force Brown to play hurt. Then they both laughed maniacally before telling each other they love you and hanging up.

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21 hours ago, jetjuice said:

Tell me you're a casual without telling me you're a casual.

A casual what?


edit: Just looked them up. I never watch MMA and don't claim to be any kind of fan. But Dome is proven correct!

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He was on the injury report that week 

Once I heard that I mean its alot easier to side with AB. 

I mean this is what got Kawhi to Toronto. 

I believe AB that if he's hurt he's hurt. Knowing AB if you gonna cut him on the sideline you should expect an outburst. That's part of the experience.

I think once its said and done AB is going to win whatever this end up being. If a player tells you hes too hurt you can't tell him to go back in NFLPA has it set up that way. Teams ain't winning that one. I wish Baker would've said he was too hurt to play this year smh. 

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It is possible, very possible, that AB is lying.  But it also would not surprise me that the Bucs/Arians may have tried to make him play on an ankle he was telling them wasn't allowing him to play at 100%. 

Not to say Brown handled it well.  Obviously he didn't.  But considering the culture of football combined with Brown already being on a tightrope with Arians, his story doesn't seem like a stretch.  I'm sure we'll find out soon though.  I'd imagine the NFL has to get involved at this point, considering what is being accused.

Edited by iknowcool
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20 minutes ago, iknowcool said:

It is possible, very possible, that AB is lying.  But it also would not surprise me that the Bucs/Arians may have tried to make him play on an ankle he was telling them wasn't allowing him to play at 100%. 

Not to say Brown handled it well.  Obviously he didn't.  But considering the culture of football combined with Brown already being on a tightrope with Arians, his story doesn't seem like a stretch.  I'm sure we'll find out soon though.  I'd imagine the NFL has to get involved at this point, considering what is being accused.

Yeah exactly, good points. Almost any other athlete would get the benefit of the doubt from me on this. This is a plausible story. But AB...

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