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The Marvel Cinematic Universe- Robert Downey Jr. cast as Doctor Doom


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14 minutes ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

Yeah but in the time since Ali has done Luke Cage he's won 2 Oscars, a Golden Globe, and was in a critically acclaimed role on a prestige television drama.

Just saying RN his star is like, as bright as it can be so they had to have paid him a hefty price to be willing to sign on for a multi-film deal with where his career stage is at.

There probably aren't many more opportunities more lucrative right now than being in the MCU.  On top of that, the movies are pretty much guaranteed to be at least decently successful, while other roles, even good ones, are never guaranteed to draw moviegoers.

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3 hours ago, Bullet Club said:

Ugh. Thor 4 sounds terrible.

The storylines it's based on were pretty highly regarded. You might want to put a hold on that snark.

2 hours ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

It kinda has to be. You can't do "Vampire Hunter" without blood, it'll look goofy as hell.

Maybe? We got that Hawkeye throat slashing scene in the "PG-13" Endgame, though. So who knows, anymore? 

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56 minutes ago, Heinz D. said:

The storylines it's based on were pretty highly regarded. You might want to put a hold on that snark.

You have to admit its a little strange Natalie Portman wanted out of this role altogether yet now is a leading superhero character all of a sudden.  

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5 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

You have to admit its a little strange Natalie Portman wanted out of this role altogether yet now is a leading superhero character all of a sudden.  

I mean her character was so trash honestly cant blame her for wanting out.

But Natalie Portman as the lead, count me in

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10 hours ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

It kinda has to be. You can't do "Vampire Hunter" without blood, it'll look goofy as hell.

They said they're gonna do R-rated CBMs. As a matter of fact, they said they're gonna do other R-rated films in addition to keeping Deadpool R and Blade is as strong a candidate for an R rating as any outside of Punisher, so fingers crossed. 

That ish better be R. 

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7 hours ago, Heinz D. said:

Maybe? We got that Hawkeye throat slashing scene in the "PG-13" Endgame, though. So who knows, anymore? 

Big difference between that and slaying legions of bloodsucking vampires with guns, swords and stake knives. You're gonna do that AND vampires biting and sucking people's blood PG-13?

No, please no. I don't want another World War Z situation where they do the annoying shaky cam/cutaway ish and even when they do show it, there's no blood, so it looks fake as hell. Of course, that movie had a bunch more issues besides not being able to tell what the hell is going on (Brad Pitt being a Mary Sue who has his *** saved by miracles at every turn for plot convenience perhaps being the biggest one), but that's for another thread.

Plus we all know it goes anytime Hollywood "kiddifies" something that should be R, it pretty much never ends well. Look at the DareDevil movie, it had an important subplot which added a bunch of character/story depth and gritty scenes in line with the character that had to be cut to avoid an R rating and were added back in for the R-Director's Cut, and it was so much better than the watered-down PG-13 theatrical version, which was effing terrible. And we all know how well it ended for RoboCop, Terminator (twice), AvP, Total Recall, Prom night remake, Expendables 3, Ghost Rider (twice) and countless other films, which is to say not at all. 

Edited by KManX89
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