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Sleeping on Seattle


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I feel this forum has been sleeping on Seattle all season long. This team starts out like 6-4 or so every season and always finishes 6-0 or 5-1. Their defense has taken some major hits but let me tell you why they are currently my Super Bowl Favorite:

Russell Wilson. 

This guy is doing absolute stunning things with maybe the worst OLine in football. I think this is a season you could see a completely different Seattle team win the SB. A good but not elite defense powered by Russell Wilson to take home the trophy. 

Obviously plenty of contenders. Patriots, Steelers, Vikings, Panthers, Saints, Falcons, Rams, etc.. 

Do you guys think Seattle is being slept on and are they a true legit contender for the crown?

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The thing about Seattle is that they have a brutal schedule to finish out the year. Eagles, Jacksonville, Rams, Cowboys - those are tough games. I think if they make the playoffs they'll be limping in because of injuries. They've already lost THREE  pro-bowlers from their defense (Avril, Sherman, Chancellor) for the year, and another 2 for the foreseeable future (Wagner, Wright), and losing Wagner is paramount because he should be the DPOY this year. They're also going to lose Bennett and Richardson because of suspensions for at least 1 game.

That means next week against the Rams, in a game that could propel them to 1st in the division, they will have zero starters left on the defense aside from Frank Clark and Earl Thomas.

So no, I don't think people are sleeping on them. Their offense is too reliant on Wilson making magical plays every drive and their defense is decimated by injuries and just hasn't played that well this year, all things considered.

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12 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

I feel this forum has been sleeping on Seattle all season long. This team starts out like 6-4 or so every season and always finishes 6-0 or 5-1. Their defense has taken some major hits but let me tell you why they are currently my Super Bowl Favorite:

Russell Wilson. 

This guy is doing absolute stunning things with maybe the worst OLine in football. I think this is a season you could see a completelt different Seattle team win the SB. A good but not elite defense powered by Russell Wilson to take home trophy. 

Obviouslt plenty of contenders. Patriots, Steelers, Vikings, Panthers, Saints, Falcons, Rams, etc.. 

Do you guys think Seattle is being slept on and are they a true legit contender for the crown?

No because of all the reasons you stated. The offense is horrible outside of Wilson and the offensive line makes his job harder. The defense is missing some of it's key players and they are actually more important to the team's success. Meanwhile the most likely scenario is Seattle gets the wildcard so they have to go on the road the entire way. Seattle has been getting worse every year since 2013 and this is the worst incarnation yet. I don't think they should be viewed as a contender in any sense of the word. In their own division they are the 2nd best team. 


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I don't think anyone is sleeping on Seattle.  The reason they're not getting more respect is because they haven't earned it.  The offense is honestly pretty bad outside of Russell Wilson and the receiving targets.  Defensively, they have been a let down during certain points of the season.  I honestly don't care about stats or where the defense is ranked among other teams - they have been a disappointment in certain games.

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I don't think people are sleeping on Seattle. I think they're just being recognized for what they are right now. A unit that is being carried by Russell Wilson. That is fine, but I don't see him dragging them to a Super Bowl. As good as Russell has been this year, if he has a bad game I don't think the entire team can make up for it like they could in the past. Should be interesting what happens if they make the playoffs though. 

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Such long posts,sheesh lol.

Seattle is just regular season news now.they won't  do anything in the post season.Their two years of SB glory are done and gone. It's' so stupid and cliche now. Team doesn't  do crap right till the last 2 minutes and pulls a win out their ***...that is finally starting to die and they are losing games instead  of getting lucky when Wilson runs in circles backwards and throws a lame lob where he doesn't even look where he's  throwing and they succeed off that crap. Every time it's 3rd and long ,Wilson just runs forward and gets a first....so stupid lol.

Odds are  they beat Rams next week though.It won't matter.Theyll choke in playoffs again anyway.

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