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The NFL could learn something if the Browns lose next week


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Think about this. The Browns probably wouldn't be where they are right now if the NFL had expanded their playoffs in 2002. You think with the increase of the number of divisions they would expand the playoffs then and there. Instead they kept the 12-team format by adding 2 more berths for division winners at the expense of wild cards.

Had the playoffs been expanded by at least 1 team per conference in 2002, the Browns would have been the 7th seed in 2007. The Browns would have probably built off the 2007 playoff appearance and made further appearances in the playoffs over the next 10 years.

Instead, because of the non-expansion, it turned out to be a disappointment that the Browns have not recovered from. And with the Browns likely to be first winless, tieless AFC team in 41 years, they could serve as an object lesson to the NFL to the point where the league finally expands the playoffs. It could be to 14 or preferably to 16 teams and eliminate the first round bye completely because that can prove to be just as much a problem for some teams. It's been at 12 teams for almost 3 decades. With what being a 10-win team on the outside looking in has done to the Browns too it's time to expand.

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Expanding the playoffs IMO, will just water down playoff games and subject the players to more injuries prior to the SB and the SB could easily become a 'who has the fewest injuries' deciding the game, with quite a few blowouts.

It will only be pure greed on the owner's part if they expand the playoffs, but it will certainly water down the product and have a very negative effect on the sport and its revenues.

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I'd be so mad if they changed the number of teams in the playoffs. It's perfect the way it is. Now if you want to say a WC with a higher record gets a home game over a division winner with a lower record, I could have a conversation with that.


Allowing half your teams into the playoffs is a miserable way to ruin the importance of the regular season. IMO the NBA allows far too many teams into the playoffs, granted there is not as much parity in the NBA like there is in the NFL. I just think it would be a mistake to water down the regular season to allow the potential for blowouts in the playoffs.

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2 hours ago, rdelaney89 said:

I'd be so mad if they changed the number of teams in the playoffs. It's perfect the way it is. Now if you want to say a WC with a higher record gets a home game over a division winner with a lower record, I could have a conversation with that.


Allowing half your teams into the playoffs is a miserable way to ruin the importance of the regular season. IMO the NBA allows far too many teams into the playoffs, granted there is not as much parity in the NBA like there is in the NFL. I just think it would be a mistake to water down the regular season to allow the potential for blowouts in the playoffs.

exactly what I was going to say. I don't watch the NBA or NHL partially because the regular season is so meaningless. Expand the playoffs and every year we will have 7-9 or 6-10 teams making it. And in a league with a one and done playoff format, that's bull****.


The only way that would be acceptable to me is if they shortened the regular season to like 10 games and then made the playoffs best of 3.


But that would drastically cut revenues for teams and it would ruin fantasy football, a big reason people still watch football. 

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