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Got some hip/hip flexor issues after really killing my leg workouts and putting up some serious weight the last few weeks. Too many up and down plane movements and not enough side to side I’m betting.

Any strengthening exercises and stretches to add to my routine you guys recommend?

I can’t do anything crazy due to chronic knee issues.

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On 8/24/2023 at 5:34 AM, MWil23 said:

Got some hip/hip flexor issues after really killing my leg workouts and putting up some serious weight the last few weeks. Too many up and down plane movements and not enough side to side I’m betting.

Any strengthening exercises and stretches to add to my routine you guys recommend?

I can’t do anything crazy due to chronic knee issues.

Light dumbbells and doing deep (as you feel you can, don't strain your knees) walking lunches helps. If you have a sled then light pulls through as long a motion as you can comfortably do works really well too. 

If you have the flat elastic bands I liked tying it in a circle and putting both feet inside of it. (You should be lying on your back BTW). Lift one foot like you're stepping up on a box, it should be stretching the band between the bottom of your still extended foot and top of your foot on the "lifting" leg. You can do it with the round ones but I like the wider surface area on the flat ones, just a personal preference. 


^^^ That's what I was trying to explain. Now you can do this with your feet on the ground and acting like you're doing mountain climbers or bear crawls but I always felt this was safer. Your foot being anchored on the ground can't be relaxed as quickly if you feel discomfort, but when your feet are free in the air you can relax both feet (or either foot) and you are also forced to stabilize using your hips and core. 


If you want to work the abductors then side-stepping with a sled (again light and biggest ROM you feel comfortable with) is great. If not then walking sideways with a band around your knees works well too. You can do that lying down as well. I prefer the band to be higher at the knee rather than the ankle to reduce the amount of leverage I have to work against with a weaker muscle group. 


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On 8/24/2023 at 6:34 AM, MWil23 said:

Got some hip/hip flexor issues after really killing my leg workouts and putting up some serious weight the last few weeks. Too many up and down plane movements and not enough side to side I’m betting.

Any strengthening exercises and stretches to add to my routine you guys recommend?

I can’t do anything crazy due to chronic knee issues.

As weird as it may seem, the pool. It is easy on your joints and has enough resistance to strengthen muscles with consistent work.

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On 8/24/2023 at 5:34 AM, MWil23 said:

Got some hip/hip flexor issues after really killing my leg workouts and putting up some serious weight the last few weeks. Too many up and down plane movements and not enough side to side I’m betting.

Any strengthening exercises and stretches to add to my routine you guys recommend?

I can’t do anything crazy due to chronic knee issues.

How long have you been at the new gig? If you're doing a lot more sitting than back when you were teaching, it may be partly a posture thing which could show up in hip flexors too. The dead giveaway for me is hamstring tightness.

Here's the core workout I've been doing. Zero knee BS. My posture has never been better, and if you can allegedly do it during work meetings. Also apologies in advance for being terrible at describing exercises:

  • Lower back/seal stretch, but take one leg at a time and tuck the bottom of your foot into your knee (so your legs make the letter P)
  • Periformis stretch, I use a hand towel around my ankle for the torque
  • Standard hamstring stretch, except do the contract/relax version and let it rip
  • Shoulder band pull apart, start with your thumbs up, and then go straight back (no shoulder shrug), and end the rep with the thumbs pointed back. Should feel it right under the shoulder blades.
  • Front squat, 1x10, 45 lb dumbell, solely for extension/form, minimum 5 seconds/rep
  • Deadlifts, 1x10, 2x22.5 lb dumbells, same deal as the squats
  • Standard plank, I do these with a Bosu ball and raise one leg up and out (the out part is perfect for obliques), hold each spot for a few seconds, 10 leg reps, takes maybe 60-90 seconds total
  • Side plants, same thing with the Bosu ball but raise one leg at a time, hold each spot, 10 reps, same total time
  • Exercise ball bridges, stop and hold at the top and bottom of each rep so you have no angular momentum and have to use your obliques to stabilize on the ball. Then I do a set with one leg to get each hamstring.
  • Exercise ball walkouts, same thing, holding and keeping steps small/smooth keeps momentum low
  • Banded side steps, I got some bands from Rogue that are higher weight that get the necessary resistance so this doesn't feel like a waste of time. One set with feet straight, the other with feet at a 45 degree angle.
  • Woodchoppers, angled down, angled up, and horizontally with a resistance band
  • Scissor kicks
  • Sit ups
  • Side to sides
  • Bent leg raises, but I also get the hips by spreading my feet as far out as I can at the base and holding for a few seconds. Saved for the end because this fries me.
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@ramssuperbowl99 great call too, thanks! This is week 7 and yeah a lot more sitting. I’ve been at least hitting my abs hard and some push ups too to break up the sedentary lifestyle, but clearly not enough of other things.

Time to dust off the old band and do some side to side I’m betting, maybe posture too.

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