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The Mandalorian (Spoilers!!!) Season 2 10/30


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2 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

I'm fine with the name.  I honestly like Grogu more than just calling him Baby Yoda or The Child. I agree it could have been better, but as long as the storytelling is strong, it'll be fine. 

Can't say enough positive about live action Ahsoka.  Dawson was excellent, the storytelling and directing from Filoni was on point, and the awesome first battle scene to introduce her is maybe the best action sequence the show has had.  I'm 100% on board with a live action series with Dawson and someone else playing Sabine.  Make it happen Pronto.

Mando keeps acquiring more beskar, that staff is legit.  The dual showdown, part western, part eastern was a great dichotomy of direction. 

Super pumped for what comes next.

I am actually wondering quite a bit about Grogu's past and future.  Who broke him out of the temple before Order 66?  Was it a Jedi, or someone non-Force Sensitive.  My money is on Jocasta Nu but.............I'd be stoked if it was somehow Mace.  I highly doubt that though.  As far as his future, it's anyone's guess as to who will show up on Tython (a planet I am excited made it into the show.). Needless to say, there aren't very many Jedi currently out there, but they can always have someone hiding or use a Force Ghost.  

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8 hours ago, Canadian Saint said:

So any chance Grogu chooses the way of Mandalorians instead of the way of the Jedi? Kind of go full circle with how Din Djarin was rescued?

Possibly.  I just hope we don't go through the "traditional" arc of also finding out Din is Force-sensitive as well.  Not everyone has to be a Jedi

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1 hour ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Possibly.  I just hope we don't go through the "traditional" arc of also finding out Din is Force-sensitive as well.  Not everyone has to be a Jedi

I actually have faith Favreau won't do that

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3 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Possibly.  I just hope we don't go through the "traditional" arc of also finding out Din is Force-sensitive as well.  Not everyone has to be a Jedi

That's my hope too. As much as I enjoy the call backs to Rebels, Clone Wars, and possibly itnroducing Kenobi and possibly Windu spinoffs, at the end of the day this show is centered around Din and Grogu. I hope they stick with that.

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3 hours ago, MikeT14 said:

I actually have faith Favreau won't do that

It depends on your point of view and what you believe happens behind the scenes.  Let's say Lucasfilm is like WWE, and Kathleen Kennedy is Vince McMahon.  It then depends on how she views The Mandalorian.  If it is an integral piece to what they are doing, like RAW and Smackdown, it's not going to matter how Favreau views the story as far as a big picture thing like that.  If the show is more like NXT, he will have infinitely more creative freedom.  

As a long-time follower of what happens behind the scenes with WWE, I see a lot of parallels between her and Vince, especially when it comes to meddling.  I can easily see this story pointing towards Grogu and Djarin having a connection through the Force, which I think would be a massive disappointment for this story.  

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5 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

It depends on your point of view and what you believe happens behind the scenes.  Let's say Lucasfilm is like WWE, and Kathleen Kennedy is Vince McMahon.  It then depends on how she views The Mandalorian.  If it is an integral piece to what they are doing, like RAW and Smackdown, it's not going to matter how Favreau views the story as far as a big picture thing like that.  If the show is more like NXT, he will have infinitely more creative freedom.  

As a long-time follower of what happens behind the scenes with WWE, I see a lot of parallels between her and Vince, especially when it comes to meddling.  I can easily see this story pointing towards Grogu and Djarin having a connection through the Force, which I think would be a massive disappointment for this story.  

Kennedy isn't involved with The Mandalorian is she?

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1 minute ago, naptownskinsfan said:

She is in charge of Lucasfilm so there is some sort of involvement.  I just don't know how much she is exerting her influence or authority here.  

Somebody needs to launch her into a garbage dump or something...has no place anywhere near Star Wars. 

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3 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

What is it with fans wanting every dead character to be brought back?  Darth Maul was bad enough. 

In the EU, before they even wrote The Phantom Menace, you had the arc of the Reborn Emperor, and I believe they made it a case early on that Boba Fett survived the Sarlacc as well.  

Darth Maul being cut in half and dropped down a huge shaft into nothing, and surviving, makes absolutely no sense to me.  So does Mace being blasted out the window of Coruscant by a gigantic blast of Frank's Force Lightning.  But if they brought Maul back, why not Mace?  Besides which, Grogu has the potential to be immensely powerful, and has tendencies that edge towards the Dark Side.  Who better to help him channel those abilities than the creator of Vaapad, used to help him channel his own darkness into an ability to serve the light?

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17 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

In the EU, before they even wrote The Phantom Menace, you had the arc of the Reborn Emperor, and I believe they made it a case early on that Boba Fett survived the Sarlacc as well.  

Darth Maul being cut in half and dropped down a huge shaft into nothing, and surviving, makes absolutely no sense to me.  So does Mace being blasted out the window of Coruscant by a gigantic blast of Frank's Force Lightning.  But if they brought Maul back, why not Mace?

Bcuz they shouldn’t have brought Maul back in the first place. He didn’t just get split in half and fall 20 feet. He fell several hundred feet!  You can’t give cybernetic legs to someone who would’ve been paste when he hit the ground. I know fans loved him and how badass he looks and that they wanted to see more of him. They could’ve had a relative of his (who looks similar) seek vengeance for his death instead. Give us a similar character without sacrificing the story. It worked with Mandalorian.  Boba Fett (who is dead imo I don’t care what the EU says) is a good example of how we were given a similar character who is already better than either Fett ever was. 

Mace’s death added gravitas to the scene. Electrocuted and falling from such a height he would’ve been paste too.  Let his appearances in the prequels & cartoons be enough.  I’m a lifelong comic books fan so I’m very used to characters being killed and revived but that always undermines the stakes.  If you start neutering consequences to actions then what is the point?   Is this not war? 

Edited by thrILL!
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