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Wrestlemafia, the sign up and game thread


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2 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

This post.

  1. A little too heavy with the "aww shucks, we lost all those Legends"
  2. Talking about the double vote as if it were common knowledge. I'm sure people saw it, but it literally was never brought up once. However SirA talks about it as if it has been discussed often.. such as in his chatty
  3. Just way too detailed. It's an overswing

The double vote thing was obvious. You and 1 other person on a guy for 3 votes and then you hammered Rags with 2 votes. 

I sadly can communicate with no one. The price of being perfect I guess.

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3 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Not sure on the page but I questioned that too. After my interaction with him over it I feel pretty confident he is civ.

Thanks. My style may be unorthodox to regular players because it's not something I do often since I am normally very busy. This week I had nothing planned so decided to join because of the theme and several of my BDL buds playing. 

I keep very detailed notes when I do play though. Which is why I noted TK3 as the Double Vote and felt ok talking about it once he was eliminated. Others aren't as observant, which is what baffles me with all the Gopher pushes.   

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Vote count 

Darth - - 8- sirA, md4l, rags, teude,  hz, James,  touch, dome 

woz--2--gopher, ted 

gopher--4- mookie, ltbf, Jfin fj.

Teude - - 2-slappy,  ksj 

Dome - - 1--woz 

Touch - - 1--Ruskie 


Sira - - 1--tk3

10 to eliminate

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2 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

I’ve seen woz do that in pretty much every game he’s been a part of. 

Teude claim is plausible and the way it came about seems legit. The “we share a chat” part is odd but that could be the language barrier. 

As a fellow non native speaker, the we share a chat didn't shock me one bit if that helps. 

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16 hours ago, Darth Pees said:

I actually had no idea there were still so many inactives. Wow.


14 hours ago, Darth Pees said:



8 hours ago, Darth Pees said:


This feels like your grasping at straws Darth. Your vote for MD4L is very curious to me.

gopher and MD4L it would be nice to hear from both of you soon to explain some things 


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Vote count 

Darth - - 10- sirA, md4l, rags, teude,  hz, James,  touch, dome , gopher, fj 

woz--1-, ted 

gopher--3- mookie, ltbf, Jfin 

Teude - - 2-slappy,  ksj 

Dome - - 1--woz 

Touch - - 1--Ruskie 


Sira - - 1--tk3

Darth has been lynched.  Write up incoming 

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Day three 

Rags is back again.  He's this guy with this alignment 

Wow whoa 

No he's this guy with that alignment 

Wow whoa 

Stop that 

Wow whoa 

Darth is scum 

Wow whoa 

No wait teude is scum 

We are on a team or something.  English is hard 

Wow whoa 

OK Darth 


The competitors have surrounded Darth.  

Bark this one shouts punching him in the face 

Whoa wow, how do you like that another says kicking him in the groin

Darth shoots them with his flower water pistol.  They all look at each other and think, did he really expect that to work? 

They pick him up and he lands, surprisingly, or not, when he hits the ground a large whoopee cushion sound escapes 

Darth Pees has been eliminated.  He was doink -the clown - jobbers aligned (purple) 


Now night three.  24 hours.  Hopefully this goes faster (time zones ya'll.  Not  gonna make it less) 

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