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Fallout 76


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21 hours ago, Danger said:

Money. Simple.

Video games have become so popular and profitable that the big leaders in development are no longer gamers/devs that want to make good games and don't mind the cash on the side, but instead they are business people who want to make profits and don't care how good the end product is.

I feel bad for the smaller devs who have to put their name and work into something like this while the people at the top get to sellout for the money.

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3 hours ago, TXsteeler said:

Video games have become so popular and profitable that the big leaders in development are no longer gamers/devs that want to make good games and don't mind the cash on the side, but instead they are business people who want to make profits and don't care how good the end product is.

I feel bad for the smaller devs who have to put their name and work into something like this while the people at the top get to sellout for the money.

That is the gaming communities fault for the most part though. Businesses don't sell what people won't buy. The same ten million idiots buy the half baked iterations of Madden, new COD, broken game sequel  every year. Star Wars Battlefront 2 should have bombed the way it was released alas it sold 12 million copies in the first 2 months because gamers/nerds in general can't help but buy the newest thing immediately. 

Don't blame companies blame all the idiots who spend money on crap when there are plenty of resources that give information regarding quality of games. 

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1 hour ago, Spartacus said:

That is the gaming communities fault for the most part though. Businesses don't sell what people won't buy. The same ten million idiots buy the half baked iterations of Madden, new COD, broken game sequel  every year. Star Wars Battlefront 2 should have bombed the way it was released alas it sold 12 million copies in the first 2 months because gamers/nerds in general can't help but buy the newest thing immediately. 

Don't blame companies blame all the idiots who spend money on crap when there are plenty of resources that give information regarding quality of games. 

No, you blame the companies.  Fallout 4 was the last Fallout game and most people thought that was a great game.  So when Fallout 76 came out, people also assumed it would be a great game and for good reason.  You talking about Madden and those other games is completely different than what Fallout 76 is.  The Fallout series has not been terrible in the past, so when Fallout 76 was shown at E3, everyone had the right to get hyped and expect a great game.  Madden, NBA 2K, etc are mediocre every single year.  That's not the case with the Fallout franchise. 

If Betheda wanted a quick cash grab, that could have been done with Quake Champions (another game that was also a flop) or some other title.  But to drag Fallout through the dirt like this was unnecessary and ultimately a stupid business move.

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15 hours ago, Spartacus said:

That is the gaming communities fault for the most part though. Businesses don't sell what people won't buy. The same ten million idiots buy the half baked iterations of Madden, new COD, broken game sequel  every year. Star Wars Battlefront 2 should have bombed the way it was released alas it sold 12 million copies in the first 2 months because gamers/nerds in general can't help but buy the newest thing immediately. 

Don't blame companies blame all the idiots who spend money on crap when there are plenty of resources that give information regarding quality of games. 

The problem is that (and I'm assuming this but I think it's a reasonable assumption) the majority of people that end up buying games are very casual "gamers" or even just people buying games for gamers. These people don't put enough into playing games to realize how terrible, and in some ways predatory, a lot of these design decisions really are. Most kids never unlock everything in a game anyways so when they go play BF2 the fact that unlocking everything takes either hundreds of $ or thousands of hours doesn't bother them. They are happy to have the option to spend an extra $25 to unlock Darth Vader rather than have to put in 150 hours worth of time or, god forbid, accomplish something that takes skill like ranking high in pvp or completing a very hard difficulty mission or challenge in pve.

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Jesus f'in Christ put a fork in this, Bethesda. Please..... just press the damn DELETE button, now!!


This is really, really bad.

I know people want to support this game still (and it's still probably fun until it supposedly stops working) but there has to be a point where you wave the white flag.

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2 hours ago, JTagg7754 said:

Jesus f'in Christ put a fork in this, Bethesda. Please..... just press the damn DELETE button, now!!


This is really, really bad.

I know people want to support this game still (and it's still probably fun until it supposedly stops working) but there has to be a point where you wave the white flag.

Another thing about all of this is that it really makes Bethesda look like a bad company.  This is actually beyond EA levels of stupidity and terrible.  When Battlefront 2 had massive backlash due to their lootbox policy, they did something normal and scrambled to try to make things right.  It seems like Fallout 76 had massive backlash before retail release and things have gotten worse since.  It really seems like someone within Bethesda wants to ruin this company for some reason.  I know that's not the case, but how do they not understand they need to try to make these wrongs right... and not continue doing wrong.

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I think Bethesda is a game studio with absolutely unmatched writers and artists. TES and Fallout are pretty much the pinnacle of writing/storytelling and world construction in gaming. They are incredibly ambitious and have tremendous creative leadership.

However they have never been known for their technical ability or gameplay. They always have lots of bugs and the gameplay on its own is pretty forgettable. Previously that has been mostly overlooked or forgiven because their target audience is more interested in the lore and quests.

In single-player games it isn't a huge deal because there are always mods, or you can work around issues. In a multiplayer game where you are locked into a shared world, can't save/load, and are competing with other players, that is a different story. 

I think FO76 is fun, overall a great idea, and has a ton of potential, but I don't think Bethesda has the necessary experience, manpower, or technical expertise to pull off a multiplayer game of this scale. Hopefully they learn and make some big changes before the game is completely dead. 


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1 hour ago, Heimdallr said:

I think Bethesda is a game studio with absolutely unmatched writers and artists. TES and Fallout are pretty much the pinnacle of writing/storytelling and world construction in gaming. They are incredibly ambitious and have tremendous creative leadership.

Have you been asleep for the past 5 years? lol

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1 hour ago, JTagg7754 said:



Any OG Fallouters excited about this?? Sorry to make this a general FO thread but it seems better than the random game talk thread

Looks exactly like Borderlands... Although an Obsidian-made Borderlands RPG could be AMAZING. I'll be watching this one closely.

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23 hours ago, Danger said:

Have you been asleep for the past 5 years? lol

What has transpired with FO76 has nothing to do with the franchises of Fallout and TES. I agree with @Heimdallr, as far as world building and storytelling few have done it better than Bethesda. They made a poor choice in FO4 with the voiced character because it severely limited the dialogue. The people who bash that decision are the same ones who are unable to see that that was something Bethesda decided to do because it was heavily requested. With the generally meh feelings on FO4 and the onslaught FO76 is taking, I can't wait for FO5, it's gonna be legendary.

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Just spent a whole playing session finding the perfect base spot and building up a base, only to have it disappeared two days later. Really makes me want to just stop playing. Private servers need to be a thing, now. Have to recreate my base, even if blueprinted, every other gaming session just sucks. Waste of my time.

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