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3 hours ago, Nazgul said:

Minus the social game (because I was better than everyone. I didn't need to be coy), this was my game in BB6.

The best player doesn't always win. It should have been you @ET80. We're definitely the best losers here though.

Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE with me. We should totally start up the nWo.

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14 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

What's the story on you voting me out?

You said you didn't want me to be an angry jury member, well I'm still fuming (just as much when it happened).  I'll give you a chance to explain but I'll be honest with you (something you couldn't be), Hockey has my vote unless the truth is better than the rumors right now.

Its nothing personal, pickle 

I was deftly playing two alliances at the same time, and i was trying to hold my place in both.

there was an alliance of






(and a smaller subset of malf, hockey, touch, et80 but we will get into that later)

and then malf, touch, orca, and pickle

most of the other side wanted a twin out, and when you used my idol that you won (nicely done by the way), it gave me an excuse to vote you out, while still perhaps trying to salvage the relationship with the other twin. On the emotional/strategic side, it is 100 percent true that i felt betrayed that you didnt share with me that you had the idol. if you did, things could have been much different. i felt like i was fairly transparent to you guys, and the fact that the info wasnt shared with me signified that you didnt trust me. That said, i knew a twin had to go, so i put my energy into making sure orca stayed, which was the twin i was closest to in the context of the game (we had been talking for a long time)

so, thats why when we were splitting votes for the twins....i was the one who assigned people who they should vote for. With pickle getting eliminated instead of orca. I also came up with the idea to vote pickle out, but say we were voting orca out to flux.

We would say we were voting:

flux: orca

touch: orca

malf: pickle

et80: pickle

hockey: pickle


but we would tell flux we are doing:


flux: orca

touch: orca

malf: orca

et80: pickle

hockey: pickle

i assigned the votes in the group pm without flux, and then we told flux we were voting orca out when we really voted pickle. hockey thought we were doing this because we didnt trust flux. that wasnt the case for me. i knew flux was talking with the twins, and had plans for that later for flux and orca to come together and join forces with touch (more on that later). I came up with that idea so that i could control votes to save orca.

so in other words, if you would have been honest about winning the idol that came from my clue right away, i would have probably came up with a plan so that people with idols stick together until the end because voting someone out with an idol is risky 

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13 hours ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

@Hockey5djh @Malfatron Tell me how good of a player I am and if I had rightfully won the Survivor Board Game immunity when and why you would have voted me out, assuming I won no more challenges.


13 hours ago, Hockey5djh said:

Man this is a tough one to answer because I know we're supposed to stroke egos but.....I'm playing an honest game here xD

If you had won the survivor board game instead of ET then you and Orca would have flipped spots in the elimination voting and would have been voted out in the next round. The issue as you probably know is when it was finally confirmed that you were working against the "Group PM" started by ET but then didn't eliminate any members of the group. That basically isolated you in the minority.

first, let me comment on hockeys post 

this is undoubtably not a lie on hockeys part. He probably does believe this. But its 100 percent incorrect.

If flux had won the survivor board instead of et80.......et80 would have been voted out. surprise! 

at that point in the game, orca and i had reconcilied after pickles demise, and i knew flux was getting in good with the twins. i myself had a great relationship with flux as well, so i wanted to help move him closer to the end. and touch was right there with me every step of the way.

 i knew et80 was a more legitimate threat than hockey. predictable hockey with his predictable game. et80 though is a boss, and a boss needs to be dealt with.

so after et80 was voted out...the main alliance would have been






hockey would have been the next to go.

after that...who knows. flux, depending on how the comps went, you could have found yourself at the end. i would have had tough choices had it come to that final four.


but sadly, orca threw the game, causing et80 to win, so we had to improvise. 

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13 hours ago, ET80 said:

@Hockey5djh and @Malfatron - here are my questions:

- On a scale from 10-10, how awesome am I?

- Your stuck in a room with @Nazgul, @Dwight_Schrute, @Pickle Rick and @The Orca and you have one bullet. Who do you kill?

- Have you ever committed a crime? I mean, none of that victimless crime stuff, I'm talking like have you killed someone before?

- If yes to the question above, would you kill someone for money? Because I might have some money, as well as somebody to kill. Don't answer here, just send me a PM.

- So, @Dome or @MookieMonstah?

- Do you plan on playing The Ultimate Fighter, hosted by @ET80 and produced by @PuntMyLumps? (It'll be after football season).

- Kim, Kourtney, Khloe or Kris? (Or Caitlyn...I mean, who am I to judge?)

- Why didn't any of you tell me that It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is so funny? I really feel as if you let me down on that.


- Best Global Mod ever: Me, @pwny, @vike daddy, @HiFi, Big7BenMVP, @Dome?

- Wanna hit the reset button and start this game over? (More a question for @Outpost31)

- Will you sign my yearbook?

- hockey said 12, so i will say 14.

-i will shoot dwight in the kneecap so he can no longer kick his brothers ***

-i killed fins emotions

-no answer ;)

- dome. mookie should have lost survivor I to a far superior opponent

-yes!! with a new character because mine sucked

- hmmm....paris hilton?

- you never asked?

- because we already got enough ratings!!!

- best as in ability wise? sadly, vike daddy. but you bring the fun factor!

- yes. what the hell else am i going to do with my life



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13 hours ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

I find it funny I was penalized for deviating from the plan at the last moment in voting ET (despite giving reasoning for it and being forward about it) when literally every vote before that had multiple people (not me) from the group deviating from the plan. If the plan was always to vote me out after the twins but before ET then just say that. 

thats because hockey is coming from only one point of reference. 

there was a lot more going on behind the scenes than hockey realized.


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1. Did you vote me out?

no, on the day you got voted out, i voted to evict et80. i was trying hard to convince touch to vote out et80 as well. subtley though, by going through the pros and cons. at that point, you had spilled all your guts to me about your game, and i completely trusted that you would take me to the end. remember when i said i had an evil plan? i was trying to convince touch to give you a sympathy vote by placing a single vote on et80. he said he was going to, but i guess he had a change of heart. it would have been glorious.

2. Did you ever vote me?

yes, i voted to evict you instead of flux. flux ended up going though.

after the evict et80 plan fell through, i decided to go with you because i felt that you might be harboring a grudge because of pickle.

3. Were you serious that you wanted a final 3/4 with me and pickle?

yes, especially with you. the cards certainly could have fallen that way. i soured on that idea when i found out that pickle won the idol with my clue, and didnt tell me (i spend a lot of time looking for that)

4. Is hockey correct that I had no chance?

no, hockey is speaking solely from his point of reference in the touch/malf/hockey/et80 alliance, which turned out to be the final four, but it didnt start out that way.

Follow up, did me and pickle have no chance at the merge unless we kept winning?

you had a chance. i felt like i was giving you guys more information that i was getting back. if there was more quid pro quo, you definitely could have been there at the end. again, hockey has one point of reference with his comment.

5. You said I have a good social game, can you explain further cause I thought it was awful especially given who made the final tribe?

because even though i evicted your brother, you completely won me over that everything was under the bridge, and you wanted to move on with me. you then completely opened up to me. i went to bat for you hard because of this, and its because of your social game

6. Did Flux not winning the challenge change your mind about anything?

yes. i knew you and flux were getting in close. the plan was to evict et80 and then form an alliance with you, me, touch, and flux. when you threw it for et80, i was a little baffled because we talked about evicting et80 because he was the scariest. 


7. I maintain the best 4 players overall were Myself, Malf, Pickle, Touch (No order). Would you agree or disagree?

i think the best players were





(no order)

your comp game is on point, and you have a better social game than pickle imo


8. What did you know about my ousting and when?

i knew i needed touchs vote to evict et80 instead of you. i knew where the other votes were going right away

9. Did you ever lie to me?


If I made the final 3 with you given any number of people as the 3rd....would you have taken me to the final?

It depends on who made it there with me.

I would have taken touch as my number 2.

otherwise, it would have been a tough choice. i would have weighed the pros and cons.

i would like to think id take you in many cases

but....thats moot because there was no way youd be losing that endurance comp lol


Edited by Malfatron
forgot question 10
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1. what was your big baller move?

My baller move was leading the charge to evict Ted. Sorry, Ted. I had to do a preemptive strike. Not only did i have Ted evicted, i did so without my shady/hockey alliance even knowing. Hockey even said that the consensus vote was pickle, but somehow ted got evicted. That "somehow" was partly me. The hinky vote got blamed on Flux, and because of other moving parts, flux later admitted to voting out ted. this allowed me to operate in 2 alliances and take out a major threat. 

2. if you had your time again, what, if anything, would you do differently?

i would have thrown the comp that got jfinley mad at me. i feel like he was legitly hurt, and it put me in a dark place 

3. out of the entire jury plus yourselves, who would you most like to be sitting next to right now and why?

theuntouchable. touch and i planned a large percentage of the game. It would have felt right with him here in the finals. i think touch played an unbelieveable game as well, and it would have been a great final matchup.

4. in theory, there is a time rewind to before ted’s eviction, ie, before jury. you are given full autonomy over every vote - what order do you evict everyone in? you can say you’d pow wow each other if that’s the truth

There are a lot of options here, but off the top of my head, i will go with these slight changes.

im not changing things too drastically, but im just looking at little moments where things could have gone the other way. 




touch and me in finals


5. how in to evicting me were you, did you even know it was coming, and were you a vote for me?

sadly, yes i knew that there was a high probability.

the plan with the twins group was for us to throw an idol on et80, and vote you out.

the plan with everyone else was to vote pickle rick out

i voted et80 that round to hide my vote and intentions. 

i decided to let the votes fall where they may, and i would be good with either group.

i knew that if everyones vote was exactly as planned, you would be voted out. so you could say that i was culpable 

pickle didnt even need to throw the idol there to save himself


6. in terms of “factors that got you to here”, give me a percentage weighting to your social game, your strategy, and luck

strategy: 60

social game: 30

luck: 10

7. and here’s the big one, and this is the most important one. convince me why the guy sitting next to you should win and not you


hockey made it to the finals without needing to get his hands dirty. He was efficient. He didnt need all of that other crazy subterfuge to make it here. On the whole, hockey was way more honest than me about where his votes were going to be placed, and as to where his intentions lied.

hockey came through in the clutch in the last endurance challenge. That was a tough challenge against a tough opponent and he nailed it.

hockey was the guy i trusted to never evict me. Hes a more trustworthy guy in general than me.

hockey can probably sleep at night with all of the choices that he made.

hockey never angered the fin 

hockey isnt a cacapoopoo head like the other candidate.

if you are voting for the more honest and upfront candidate, vote hockey.

Edited by Malfatron
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lastly, i love you all and i had a lot of fun playing with you.

and my confessionals will speak to the agony of some of my decisions. it was often brutal, and the DR sessions put me in a dark place often.

its worth the cruise ship wifi $$$ to be able to express this, lol.


thanks to @Outpost31 for an excellent game 

thanks to all the players for taking it seriously (but not too seriously)

excellent questions were posed.

ok, bye for now :)






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1 hour ago, Malfatron said:

1. what was your big baller move?

My baller move was leading the charge to evict Ted. Sorry, Ted. I had to do a preemptive strike. 

You were right to. I was conspiring with others to vote you out but IRL stuff got on my way and I couldn't go through with it.

Which brings me to: @theuntouchable if I had not disappeared the day I got voted out and went through with the Malf vote, would you have done it. @The Orca?

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3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

considering that they told me that you were coming after me, im guessing the answer is no :)

of course, i didnt let the funky bunch alliance know that i knew this

At first I was really trying to get the twins to vote against Touch, which was the funky bunch plan. They are the ones who told me they had the votes against you, so I checked in with Touch and got tempted :)

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