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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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Soooo....I’m going to channel my inner @HorizontoZenith and get on my soap box about ole Alex Trebek.

If there’s a more condescending and smarmy turd on earth, please let me know because I’m not aware.  Every time I watch Jeopardy he takes the same tone with yet another genius when they don’t know something he apparently thinks is common knowledge. I turn into a grumpy old man and start muttering “Let’s see you answer these without the cue cards smart guy”.

Every. Damned. Time.

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19 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

Lol...you can’t start these people out with the freakin option

I feel like an FF poster made these questions and actually thought they were taking it easy on them 

I don't know if it's in the clip, but I liked how as they were going to commercial the scrawny guy on the left looked at the girl and pointed at himself like he was saying, "Look at me. Do I look like I know sports?"

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So I sprained my achilles tendon about five years ago playing basketball. I'd just started a new job so I decided to tough it out so I wouldn't miss any time. I club-footed around for about a week before I ended up going to the doctor. They told me I should have stayed off it and gave me a note to take a week off. But the damage was done. I pretty much stomped my heel into nothing and I'm pretty sure I have permanent nerve damage. It hurts all the time, even after getting shoe inserts. The pain is so bad sometimes I can hardly stand it.

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1 minute ago, bucsfan333 said:

So I sprained my achilles tendon about five years ago playing basketball. I'd just started a new job so I decided to tough it out so I wouldn't miss any time. I club-footed around for about a week before I ended up going to the doctor. They told me I should have stayed off it and gave me a note to take a week off. But the damage was done. I pretty much stomped my heel into nothing and I'm pretty sure I have permanent nerve damage. It hurts all the time, even after getting shoe inserts. The pain is so bad sometimes I can hardly stand it.

Found the problem.

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20 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

So I sprained my achilles tendon about five years ago playing basketball. I'd just started a new job so I decided to tough it out so I wouldn't miss any time. I club-footed around for about a week before I ended up going to the doctor. They told me I should have stayed off it and gave me a note to take a week off. But the damage was done. I pretty much stomped my heel into nothing and I'm pretty sure I have permanent nerve damage. It hurts all the time, even after getting shoe inserts. The pain is so bad sometimes I can hardly stand it.

:( **** sucks brotha.. you try physical therapy? i had tendinitis i was just powering thru for a couple months and ended up rupturing my anterior something ligament, so im sitting here in PT getting my ankle moved around right now

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16 hours ago, EliteTexan80 said:

I have various rules, depending on circumstance:



Getting ready for work: One drink with breakfast to establish a base. You're going to have to commute, so stop here. Once you're in the car, down another two drinks during the drive. It will time out perfectly as you won't be intoxicated during the trip itself but will arrive at work with enough of a buzz to get you through the morning.

Family events: Ideally you'll want to be almost completely subdued well before the small talk runs out. That way you'll be in the middle of a blackout just when everybody else starts getting riled up, thus sparing yourself the memories. Will prevent you from having to testify in court against your kin.

On a first date: What is more thrilling? Some close contact, a shared dinner and movie experience.. here you can relax and stick to just a few drinks. But if you get too drunk, don't worry, she won't be able to get up to leave without bothering the man in the aisle seat. Plus the stewardess will ask her to sit back down eventually, so keep the zip-ties at home, they won't be necessary!

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13 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

On a first date: What is more thrilling? Some close contact, a shared dinner and movie experience.. here you can relax and stick to just a few drinks. But if you get too drunk, don't worry, she won't be able to get up to leave without bothering the man in the aisle seat. Plus the stewardess will ask her to sit back down eventually, so keep the zip-ties at home, they won't be necessary!

This is so gloriously wrong. Love it.

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