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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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I just miss the complete uncertainty that came with the show when they were going based off the books. It's become a lot like most other popular shows where the good guys win and the bad guys lose.


I'll never forget the shock I had during the Red Wedding and Jon's betrayal....as painful as it was....I hope they find a way to replicate that during the last season, it wouldn't feel right if everything sort of just worked out in the end.

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16 minutes ago, Pats#1 said:

I just miss the complete uncertainty that came with the show when they were going based off the books. It's become a lot like most other popular shows where the good guys win and the bad guys lose.


I'll never forget the shock I had during the Red Wedding and Jon's betrayal....as painful as it was....I hope they find a way to replicate that during the last season, it wouldn't feel right if everything sort of just worked out in the end.

They'll probably make Cersei OP for like the first 7-8 episodes of next season.. 

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5 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Only in Game of Thrones can they show a guy screwing his aunt while a 3rd person narrator confirms that it's incest and somehow that doesn't bother people.

Right in line with where this country's morals are headed truthfully.  Very disturbing to overlook. 

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15 minutes ago, Pats#1 said:

I just miss the complete uncertainty that came with the show when they were going based off the books. It's become a lot like most other popular shows where the good guys win and the bad guys lose.


I'll never forget the shock I had during the Red Wedding and Jon's betrayal....as painful as it was....I hope they find a way to replicate that during the last season, it wouldn't feel right if everything sort of just worked out in the end.

I understand what you're saying, but I also feel like there isn't as much room for unpredictability as far as the big story lines go as D&D try and wrap up the series.


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5 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I took it as the show telling us that he knows Aegon/Jon (AeJon?) and Dany are in love. In the last episode he was asking her about the succession, so it fits that he's interested in who she is likely to end up marrying.

Yeah, I think he's more concerned about any emotional complications at this point. There's a war to win.   

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23 minutes ago, El ramster said:

I still think episode 4 was one of the greatest episodes ever.. Liked it better than Hardhome(sp). 

While I thought it was great at the time. I think long run, it was the worst thing to happen to the series. They made the baddies look so weak after spending the first couple episodes of the season building them up to be formidable and strong. 

Took out part of Danys fleet, took Highgarden like it was no problem at all. Then follow it with a loss that was sadly overwhelming and put a end to the best military mind that Westros probably had in Tarly like nothing.

But then, the goodguys can do no wrong as of recent.

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3 hours ago, Pats#1 said:

I just miss the complete uncertainty that came with the show when they were going based off the books. It's become a lot like most other popular shows where the good guys win and the bad guys lose.


I'll never forget the shock I had during the Red Wedding and Jon's betrayal....as painful as it was....I hope they find a way to replicate that during the last season, it wouldn't feel right if everything sort of just worked out in the end.

Think too many people are clinging to this "good vs. bad" trope. When I think the show has clearly shown with the exception of John [who truly an anomaly] and maybe Brienne, that most of the characters are various shades of grey hence why you root for them even though we probably shouldn't

  • Daenerys - Committed Mass Murders in Vaes Dothrak, Slavers Bay [particularly Mereen], left a mercenary in charge of Mereen.
  • Tyrion - Killed his own father.
  • Jorah - Slaver, Spy to Robert Baratheon/Varys, killed a fair few people on journey back to Dany.
  • The Hound - Joffrey's Puppet and Weapon essentially, committed atrocities during Robert Rebellion, killed umpteen people on the show; innocent or otherwise.
  • Jamie Lannister - Cersei's Puppet, killed own cousin to try and escape, attempted murder on Bran, multiple murders in the show, but shown to have a good heart.
  • Bronn - Will kill for the right price as long as your paying.
  • Arya - Former member of the faceless men, has probably killed more people than any other on this list bar maybe Bronn during the course of the show. [Wiped out the Frey's].
  • Tormund - Killed countless brothers of the Nights Watch, Northerners when raiding villages, his own Wildlings.

Some characters like Cersei, Qyburn, The Mountain Zombie are obviously evil, but even in the finale, Cersei could have easily killed both of her brother and didn't do so. Are the people you consider "good" the people who are going to try and fight the Night King? 

I think a number of people on the above list will meet their deaths in the remaining 6 episodes. For some hopefully they'll get redemption for being dicks in the past [Theon, The Hound (Cleganebowl pls), even Jamie to an extent].

My biggest problem with the Episode was naming John; Aegon. Particularly given Rhaegar is obsessed with the "dragon had 3 heads idea", or does the "Prince that was Promised" Prophecy trump that for him?

Edited by Magnifico
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I thought it was a great finale and overall I absolutely loved this season. I know a lot of diehard fans have been upset with the time traveling and how quickly characters have been able to move from location to location, but I've enjoyed the fastened pace.

 Watching Little Finger get played and beg for mercy was great. He was an awesome character, no doubt. But to see him lose at his own game was probably my favorite part of the episode. I really believed Sansa was falling for his BS. Was pumped when Arya slit his throat like a savage. She has completely transformed into an emotionless killer.

Cersei literally does not care about anything over than ruling. I totally expected her reaction to the dead and never thought this was a good plan. Honestly felt like she would react like "K…cool story?" when she would be showed the Wit. She finally pushed Jaime away. I was a little surprised Euron just took off, almost like I didn’t believe it was real and that played out to be true. Still don't think them buying that Army is going to be enough. Like Jaime says, if the Army of the Dead wins, they're screwed and if Danny's army wins….they're screwed.

Loved (almost an embarrassing amount) the Danny/Jon moments. So Bran and Sam can reveal Jon's true parents/family…but is everyone going to believe them? That's what I don't understand. Are people really going to care what someone who calls himself "Three Eyed Raven" has to say/claims he can see?

The Ice Dragon is bad *** and the army of the dead is MASSIVE. They are so screwed lol. Don't think Tormund is dead. It would be very un-thrones-like to not really show his death.

What was up with Tyrion during the sex scene? Is he turning on Danny? He's definitely not dumb enough to make an alliance with Cersei and I really don't think he cares much about being a ruler or feels threatened by Jon. We shall see and I think that's one of the many intriguing story lines heading into the final season.

Give me the CLEGANE BOWL!

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6 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Tyrion is not turning bad guy.  I got a completely different read from that than anybody else.  There's been no hint of him thinking about Daenerys that way, and other than jealousy there's nothing there.  He likes Jon, he likes Daenerys, that scene was basically just meant for people to know he was aware. 

I'm not so sure of that. Remember the scene (previous episode, I think) when Tyrion was talking about all the guys who fall for Daenerys? I agree I don't truly believe he's making a heel turn...but it's possible he's in love with Danny and could be jealous and worried.

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19 minutes ago, Herbie_Hancock said:

Theres been rumors swirling around that Bran is the NK. 

i didn't think there was a chance. But after reading this, I guess I could see. 




I like the explanation that Bran goes back and turns the Mad King into a pyromaniac. It fits into GRRM's overall message that complete good or complete evil doesn't really exist in GoT.

But "you will never walk again, but you will fly" is just as easily a reference to Bran warging into ravens all the time. "It's beautiful beneath the sea, stay too long and you'll drown" is just as easily a reference to Bran now absent social skills and how he isn't himself as much any more. That also explains the "I can't be lord of Winterfell" quote, since he's not really Brandon Stark and confirmed by Meera ("you died in the cave").

That's not even close to enough.

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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I like the explanation that Bran goes back and turns the Mad King into a pyromaniac. It fits into GRRM's overall message that complete good or complete evil doesn't really exist in GoT.

But "you will never walk again, but you will fly" is just as easily a reference to Bran warging into ravens all the time. "It's beautiful beneath the sea, stay too long and you'll drown" is just as easily a reference to Bran now absent social skills and how he isn't himself as much any more. That also explains the "I can't be lord of Winterfell" quote, since he's not really Brandon Stark and confirmed by Meera ("you died in the cave").

That's not even close to enough.

Definitely don't disagree. We will have plenty of time to discuss theories for the next 12-18 months. ?

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