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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, Oregon Ducks said:

You know that happens in this thread so why do you even open it before you watch it?

Because I like to discuss the last episode that aired in the mean time. And I told myself I wouldn't open it again until after the season, but this new notification thing when someone quotes you got me back.

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1 minute ago, skywlker32 said:

Getting back on topic again...Aegon the Conqueror is likely not going to be a spinoff based on GRRM's feelings on doing a Robert's Rebellion. We likely already know too much of the story to get a full show on Aegon the Conqueror, but I could be wrong.

An iron bank or citadel show would be interesting.

You're really trying. :D

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1 minute ago, JonStark said:

Because I like to discuss the last episode that aired in the mean time. And I told myself I wouldn't open it again until after the season, but this new notification thing when someone quotes you got me back.

I believe you can stop that by going to the top right and under the "follow" menu select "do not send me any notifications".

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7 minutes ago, JonStark said:

Not the same at all. Read the rest of the thread, I'm not getting back into this. Fact is a lot of people feel the same way I do and the only ones that don't are the ones that can't wait until the show airs live to watch it.

It is the same. Actually the fact that your even here. Goes to show you don't mind discussing spoilers so long as you have seen already. You having any sort of discussion here, right after the show or even weeks after the show may be spoiling it for someone else who haven't had the chance to see it yet. Due to some conflict of scheduling or time or w/e. People who come in here to discuss the show and what they've seen are basically contradicting themselves by talking about it at all considering the people who may be behind on the episodes.

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It's not the same.  Once the episode has actually aired live how it's supposed to, then it's fair game.  Believe it or not, not everyone pirates tv shows/movies before they are released.  If you come into a thread after the official release date, then you're asking to get spoiled.  Right now, no one should be getting spoiled for Episode 6.  I didn't even know it leaked until I read it in this thread.

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18 minutes ago, skywlker32 said:

No, the Dance of Dragons was a civil war among Targs. The Targ Conquest would have been the forming of the 7 kingdoms as one entity.

Yah I know was just putting another idea out there. Dance of Dragons sounds awesome. Targ vs Targ, dragon vs dragon.

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11 minutes ago, JonStark said:

This episode aired live... a week and a half ago. Stop trolling.

And? Some people are freaking busy. The only one trolling is the guy complaining about reviews.

What do you think your reading when you see credits for a new movie when you're at the theater? Like Dunkirk in it's previews "Absolutely brilliant", "Nolan does it again, a masterpiece". They are spoiling by your logic. Do you get up and walk out of the theater? You're not gonna have me believe you never go to the movies. 

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4 minutes ago, THE DUKE said:

It's not the same.  Once the episode has actually aired live how it's supposed to, then it's fair game.  Believe it or not, not everyone pirates tv shows/movies before they are released.  If you come into a thread after the official release date, then you're asking to get spoiled.  Right now, no one should be getting spoiled for Episode 6.  I didn't even know it leaked until I read it in this thread.

Hasn't it aired in Spain?


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No, it's not the same as reviews to movies.  Reviews are predicated on expectations for a MOVIE.  Reviews/comments on a TV show like Game of Thrones are based on comparisons to previous episodes.  Nobody would have come in and said, "ZOMG, that episode was fuego!" for last week's episode.  Coming in and saying, "I've watched the last 15 minutes ten times already" referring to episode five is, in fact, a spoiler no matter what kind of justification you and the others try to come up with. 

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This is the last I'm going to comment on the spoiler vs. non spoiler crap here. If you want to say anything (ANYTHING, reviews, doesn't matter) about an unaired episode, just put it in spoiler tags. It's not that hard. If you want to argue with one another about why you think you're right, do it in direct messages, not in this thread please. It is severely irritating at this point.

Back to the actual topic, does anyone else have thoughts on where they could go with the spinoffs? The iron bank or citadel would be interesting I think and could follow either the iron bank guy that we have seen or a maester that we already know for the basis.

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