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Week 3 Gameday Thread

Johnny Nix

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One of the crappiest defensive performances i have seen in a long time from the Falcons.  I know we have some of our good players on D out but thats crap i just watch was inexcusable. Quinn, The ST coach, and that defense should be ashamed of themselves after that.

Offense and Sark did more than enough to win the game today but had no other help from the other 2 groups of the team.

Too make it even worse because we let it get to Ot we lost another fricken starter probably for the season in Ricardo Allen.  So now both our starting safety's are more than likely gone for the season.

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2 minutes ago, daineraider said:

His game plans have been great up to this point.  Him trading away Mack has made our pass rush non existent though.  Carr is also having issues finding his open receivers and checks down way too often.  So far I am impressed with the Coach Gruden, not so much the GM Gruden.

This is his issue. Great game planer, terrible GM.

He chased Rich McKay out of town in Tampa and things slowly went south from there. He couldn’t build anything sustainable after that and relied on ageing vets to fill the holes in the roster.

If he’s calling the shots on draft day, I fear the picks you guys got for Mack will be wasted.

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