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6 hours ago, jonu62882 said:

^Is this like all female ghostbusters all over again?

Yes.  I didn't think so at first.  I was on board with the idea with Bullock, with Blanchett, with Bonham Carter, with Hathaway, but then they went Rhianna and Kaling and whoever Awkwafina is.  As soon as Rhianna and Kaling came onboard, I lost all interest.  You can probably expect at least half a dozen man-hating jokes, too. 

Don't know why studios keep thinking the way to make money is to exclude an entire half of the population.  Could have made Ghostbusters a movie without man-hating jokes and militant feminism bull**** while also having all female Ghostbusters, or they could probably have just had an equal split of 2/2, but nope.  I know it's not a big deal and I'm probably overreacting, but it's just the principle of it that bothers me so much.  You're trying to be inclusive while literally being exclusive.  How is "all-female" remotely preaching equality?  When was the last time a movie was advertised as being, "All-male?"  When have men tried to cash in on a predominantly female market?  You ever see an all-male remake of Steel Magnolias?  You ever see an all-male Charlie's Angels? 

It's just stupid childish BS.  I really shouldn't get this upset about it because it doesn't effect me at all and all I have to do is not watch it, but it's just proof that movie studios are so out of touch with reality that film will never, ever, ever, EVER get back to what it was.

Instead of milking the dead and decayed Ocean's 11 franchise, why not just write an original script that just so happens to have an all-female cast without making a point to make an "All-female Ocean's movie?" 

Deadpool was a massive success, so what happens?  Studios think that the ticket to money is making R-Rated superhero movies.  No, that's not what made Deadpool a major success.  What made Deadpool a major success is that it was different.  With a different character, something we haven't seen the same of a dozen times.  The blood, sex and language were draws, but the reason people loved it was because it was something we hadn't seen before.

Audiences are hungry for something they've never seen before, not rehashes of the same damn thing we've seen dozens of times before with a new take.  With respect to any little people here, I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing "All-short" versions of movies to try to cash in.  It's the dumbest crap and I can't even handle it.

Death at a Funeral was one of the funniest movies I've seen in this century.  It was a surprise hit.  What happens?  "Let's make an all-black version of it!"  They killed all the humor of the original and thought that was okay because they tried to cash in on a particular demography when the cash originally came from originality. 


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4 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Could have made Ghostbusters a movie without man-hating jokes and militant feminism bull**** while also having all female Ghostbusters, or they could probably have just had an equal split of 2/2, but nope. 

i think Mr. Plinkett nails it perfectly how Ghostbusters missed the mark.

Edited by MathMan
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Oceans 8 is just another example of Hollywood's ongoing female empowerment and forced diversity craze that no one really wants except a certain group which I wont discuss here.    I'm not even saying the movie is absolutely going to be terrible (although it likely will be since they decided to cast Mindy Kaling, Rihanna and a bottle of water in place of women who can actually act.....just so they were being more "diverse"), but I can pretty safely say this is about pushing an agenda, not making a good movie, which is why Hollywood is tanking anymore because they arent as interested in making good movies as they are trying to get their own message across.  

And I know....blah blah blah, I must be a sexist, misogynist blah blah blah....spare me, because I heard it during the entire Ghostbusters ordeal.   If Hollywood could come up with some original ideas that put women in the starring roles, so be it!     There is nothing wrong with that.....but instead, they are rehashing popular male-centric movies and supplanting women in the roles so that they can push the female empowerment movement while attempting to draw people in by mooching off the success of a once popular franchise.   Happened with Ghostbusters.....is happening here, and the biggest travesty of all will be the all-female Lord of the Flies remake, which completely ignores and takes a dump on the entire premise and message of an all time classic....just for the sake of saying "GIRLZ CAN DO ANYTHING MEN CAN!!!!!!!!"

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31 minutes ago, FourThreeMafia said:

Oceans 8 is just another example of Hollywood's ongoing female empowerment and forced diversity craze that no one really wants except a certain group which I wont discuss here.    I'm not even saying the movie is absolutely going to be terrible (although it likely will be since they decided to cast Mindy Kaling, Rihanna and a bottle of water in place of women who can actually act.....just so they were being more "diverse"), but I can pretty safely say this is about pushing an agenda, not making a good movie, which is why Hollywood is tanking anymore because they arent as interested in making good movies as they are trying to get their own message across.  

And I know....blah blah blah, I must be a sexist, misogynist blah blah blah....spare me, because I heard it during the entire Ghostbusters ordeal.   If Hollywood could come up with some original ideas that put women in the starring roles, so be it!     There is nothing wrong with that.....but instead, they are rehashing popular male-centric movies and supplanting women in the roles so that they can push the female empowerment movement while attempting to draw people in by mooching off the success of a once popular franchise.   Happened with Ghostbusters.....is happening here, and the biggest travesty of all will be the all-female Lord of the Flies remake, which completely ignores and takes a dump on the entire premise and message of an all time classic....just for the sake of saying "GIRLZ CAN DO ANYTHING MEN CAN!!!!!!!!"

Don't read it as a political agenda, read it for what it truly is. A gimmick to make money and get the film more attention than it would normally get.

It's going to happen more and more often until it proves it isn't profitable/sustainable and Hollywood finds the next big gimmick.

Edited by OleXmad
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6 hours ago, OleXmad said:

Don't read it as a political agenda, read it for what it truly is. A gimmick to make money and get the film more attention than it would normally get.

It's going to happen more and more often until it proves it isn't profitable/sustainable and Hollywood finds the next big gimmick.

No, that's the problem.  It's not a gimmick to make money because it hasn't made money yet.  You can't say they're doing it to make money because it hasn't made money. 

Ghostbusters didn't recoup its budget domestically.  It didn't even recoup its listed budget, and you gotta add half a movie's listed budget to account for advertising.  So to say it's a gimmick to make money is wrong because it is absolutely not a gimmick and it is 100% political. 

And even though I never get along with 43, I agree with him 100% here.  People who think this will be called sexist even though it's literally the exact opposite of sexism.  How is it the exact opposite of sexism?  Because I'm suggesting that instead of doing "all female version..." I'm suggesting that with reboots and remakes, if you want more females, add more females, but don't make it all female.  Second I heard "all female" Ghostbusters, all I could think of was, "Why not just two and two?" 

I'd at least be able to respect a movie if they tried cashing in on a gimmick, but this gimmick ain't no damn moneymaker, it is by definition sexist, and if men have too many men-centric movies, women need to step up on their own and write their own damn original movies with women so they don't have to hijack other movies just to make a political point. 

And don't say the movies fail because of men.  They don't fail because of men.  Men are just as receptive to women in action roles or movies with strong women as women are. 

Terminator 1/2 were successes.  Take out the strong female lead and you've got three failures.
Alien franchise.
Resident Evil franchise.
Kill Bill.
Wonder Woman.
Mad Max: Fury Road (the feminist rewrite was overstated and all the rewrite really did was give the women personalities).

Men will flock to action movies with strong female leads and women in roles predominantly held by men (action stars) as long as they don't have to hear a bunch of men-hating jokes or read about how it's specifically all-female.

You hear all-female and you assume it's geared at... Yep... Women.  It's why it's dumb.  Cast two female Ghostbusters (that are actually funny) and two male Ghostbusters, get a director that isn't a self-professed man-hating man, make it a movie about Ghostbusting instead of feminism and men-hating and you've got a blockbuster.  Do the opposite and you have one of the most widely hated remakes ever. 

Edited by HorizontoZenith
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I have to say, FourThree and HorizontoZenith make good points. Nobody wanted to see a remake of Ghostbusters that stars all women "just because." It came off as forced and unnatural, not to mention an unnecessary ripoff. I like strong female characters when they feel organic and make sense, not when they're shoehorned into existing franchises to make some kind of statement. (And since when is Rihanna an actress?)

I also have to say something about the trailer for Wonder Wheel. I know you guys must have seen it once or twice during the games. I don't like this trailer. It assumes the director's and stars' names are enough to sell me, and it doesn't give me any kind of a clear idea what the movie's about or why I should see it; it's just a barrage of drab and unappealing clips that I can't make heads or tails of except that it has something to do with the mob - which at this point is one of the most played-out and least interesting themes in cinema.

On a more positive note: while I probably will not be seeing Wonder Wheel or Ocean's 8, I will be going out of my way to catch the critically acclaimed documentary of a real strong woman, Brett Morgen's Jane. After the dozens of books and documentaries that have been made about Jane Goodall over the years, what can you possibly do to put a fresh and interesting spin on her? But somehow, Morgen seems to have pulled it off. Color me interested. I also noticed the biopic of controversial figure skater Tonya Harding I, Tonya - which looks like a refreshing counterpunch to every cliched "sports hero wins it all" movie we've ever seen ... and, like Jane, is not playing in any theater near me.

In short: films about strong, interesting and complex women I'm actually interested in are shunted to the sidelines, while contrived sociopolitical posturing like the new Ghostbusters and Ocean's 8 is advertised worldwide.

Edited by y*so*blu
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1 hour ago, y*so*blu said:

I have to say, FourThree and HorizontoZenith make good points. Nobody wanted to see a remake of Ghostbusters that stars all women "just because." It came off as forced and unnatural, not to mention an unnecessary ripoff. I like strong female characters when they feel organic and make sense, not when they're shoehorned into existing franchises to make some kind of statement. (And since when is Rihanna an actress?)

She isnt.  She is a pop culture icon that they shoehorn into movies in an attempt to pull in some of her fans, and in this one, likely to hit one of the "diversity" notes.    Ive seen Rihanna in a few things and she is complete garbage every time...but whatever.  I guess they assume that the presence of higher quality actresses will distract from her inability to act.    And the people who support this "female empowerment" craze will give it good reviews simply because its an all women cast....and will label anyone who doesnt love it as a sexist piece of slime like they did with pretty much everyone who hated the all fem Ghostbusters....even though it was a terrible movie that even most neutrals thought was mediocre at best.

There are alot of good movies with female leads, but those movies were made with the intention of being good movies....not the intention of appeasing certain groups.   They also werent trying to piggyback off of popular franchises that became popular with male characters.   IMO, this is so that, if the movie fails, they can blame it on outrageous sexism and misogyny, rather than accepting the fact that it was a stupid decision to take a popular franchise involving male characters and force women into the same type of roles.     Honestly....they couldve likely made a heist movie with the same cast thats in Oceans 8 and I doubt anyone would really care....but as stated, they are counting on some controversy to give it more attention than it would get if it WERENT an "Oceans" movie,  and also having the added perk of the emergency "sexism" excuse if the movie doesnt do well.


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6 hours ago, y*so*blu said:

I have to say, FourThree and HorizontoZenith make good points. Nobody wanted to see a remake of Ghostbusters that stars all women "just because." It came off as forced and unnatural, not to mention an unnecessary ripoff. I like strong female characters when they feel organic and make sense, not when they're shoehorned into existing franchises to make some kind of statement. (And since when is Rihanna an actress?)

I also have to say something about the trailer for Wonder Wheel. I know you guys must have seen it once or twice during the games. I don't like this trailer. It assumes the director's and stars' names are enough to sell me, and it doesn't give me any kind of a clear idea what the movie's about or why I should see it; it's just a barrage of drab and unappealing clips that I can't make heads or tails of except that it has something to do with the mob - which at this point is one of the most played-out and least interesting themes in cinema.

On a more positive note: while I probably will not be seeing Wonder Wheel or Ocean's 8, I will be going out of my way to catch the critically acclaimed documentary of a real strong woman, Brett Morgen's Jane. After the dozens of books and documentaries that have been made about Jane Goodall over the years, what can you possibly do to put a fresh and interesting spin on her? But somehow, Morgen seems to have pulled it off. Color me interested. I also noticed the biopic of controversial figure skater Tonya Harding I, Tonya - which looks like a refreshing counterpunch to every cliched "sports hero wins it all" movie we've ever seen ... and, like Jane, is not playing in any theater near me.

In short: films about strong, interesting and complex women I'm actually interested in are shunted to the sidelines, while contrived sociopolitical posturing like the new Ghostbusters and Ocean's 8 is advertised worldwide.

yea, i'm about 90 percent sure that's how all Woody Allen movie previews are though to be fair

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Men will flock to action movies with strong female leads and women in roles predominantly held by men (action stars) as long as they don't have to hear a bunch of men-hating jokes or read about how it's specifically all-female.

You hear all-female and you assume it's geared at... Yep... Women.  It's why it's dumb.  Cast two female Ghostbusters (that are actually funny) and two male Ghostbusters, get a director that isn't a self-professed man-hating man, make it a movie about Ghostbusting instead of feminism and men-hating and you've got a blockbuster.  Do the opposite and you have one of the most widely hated remakes ever. 

This X100.

Ripley is still my favorite character ever. Women are just as able as men to hold franchises afloat, but forcing these girl power narratives are just, well, forced.

Take Oceans 8 and have Cate, Bullock, Bonham Carter, Paulson, Hathaway and you have what seems like a good movie on paper that just happens to be a bunch of female actresses. Then they had to double down and make it not a good movie that happens to have women, but a specifically 'all female omgz' type film. With cameos from Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner for the win (lol). Its almost certainly going to be a non-ironic parody of itself when all is said and done.


In short: films about strong, interesting and complex women I'm actually interested in are shunted to the sidelines, while contrived sociopolitical posturing like the new Ghostbusters and Ocean's 8 is advertised worldwide.

Yep, yep, yep.

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