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On 5/10/2018 at 8:14 AM, HorizontoZenith said:

The synopsis of the movie said a boy inadvertently brings the Predators to Earth.  Either way, it's all kinds of stupid.  A kid belongs in a Predator movie like Freddy Krueger belongs in a Pixar movie. 

Completely agree. Looks like this movie is going to suck hard and it'll be another decade before the franchise has a shot at getting a good movie again. SMH.

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On 5/10/2018 at 7:41 AM, HorizontoZenith said:

Yeah, it was like... Exactly that.  It was entirely cringeworthy.  Every second of it.  The kid playing with a Predator toy that he found in a box.  Him playing with the spaceship part, inadvertently controlling a Predator ship.  I am so sad and embarrassed by that trailer.  It was so bad I want to just go back in time and remove all evidence of me having faith in Shane Black and also cry a little bit.  It looked so hopelessly bad I just want to die a little. 

I think it's kind of proof that Shane Black needs to stick to what he's strong at, because he's really strong at that.  The Good Guys wasn't some award-worthy movie, but it's easily very rewatchable and actually managed to get back some of the odd couple tet-a-tet that Black is so great at writing with Lethal Weapon, Last Boy Scout, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, etc.  But the Predator franchise is not something you're going to be able to use as an action-comedy vehicle.

This looks like just more of the dreck in the vein of the AVP franchise.

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I would add something else to the above... if female empowerment, particularly in action movie themes, and just creating movies around badass women who don't need something like a slain lover or family or past abuse to trigger them is something Hollywood sees dollar signs in and wants to crank out, THAT is exactly the sort of thing you put Shane at the helm of.  The Long Kiss Goodnight is a fantastic example of that.

If Fox/Marvel ever wanted to spin-off Domino from the Deadpool-verse, Black would probably top my list of directors to put at the helm as that's smack in the middle of his wheelhouse.

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Yeah, I'm just furious over the kid thing.  Brutal alien hunter and we have to deal with a kid/estranged father storyline that will completely kill any kind of suspense.  I actually think the movie will be better than the trailer indicates, but I really hate that whole angle of the kid inadvertently bringing the Predator to Earth and being some sort of key and walking around with Predator stuff.  It just seems so lame.  Like an actual kid decided to write himself into a Predator movie.  Aliens = better movie without Newt.  Terminator 2 = Flawless movie without an obnoxious kid (make him like 5 years older and flawless movie).  Kids just don't belong in this type of hard R movies.  Imagine John McClane running around Nakatomi Tower with a kid.  Imagine Arnold Schwarzneggar and company escorting a kid through the jungle.  It doesn't even make sense from a business standpoint either.  It's rated R.  Kids that age can't even go to it, and if they could, they'd go for the violence and suspense, not the kid. 

The only hope is that the kid is in it for like 10 minutes of screentime. 

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Just now, The LBC said:

I would add something else to the above... if female empowerment, particularly in action movie themes, and just creating movies around badass women who don't need something like a slain lover or family or past abuse to trigger them is something Hollywood sees dollar signs in and wants to crank out, THAT is exactly the sort of thing you put Shane at the helm of.  The Long Kiss Goodnight is a fantastic example of that.

If Fox/Marvel ever wanted to spin-off Domino from the Deadpool-verse, Black would probably top my list of directors to put at the helm as that's smack in the middle of his wheelhouse.

Disagree here.  The Long Kiss Goodnight is one okay movie in his repertoire and he hasn't shown anything to suggest he knows how to do it at an above average level.  If this is what you want, pick James Cameron.  He's  the master at it because he doesn't turn it into a feminism thing, he just writes the best female characters.  Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies... One might argue that the last character was ditzy, but it was also realistic.  She was a homemaker that turned into a spy by the end of the movie.  Shane Black kinda minimizes female characters in his movies with the exception of Lethal Weapon 3/4 and The Long Kiss Goodnight. 

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30 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Disagree here.  The Long Kiss Goodnight is one okay movie in his repertoire and he hasn't shown anything to suggest he knows how to do it at an above average level.  If this is what you want, pick James Cameron.  He's  the master at it because he doesn't turn it into a feminism thing, he just writes the best female characters.  Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies... One might argue that the last character was ditzy, but it was also realistic.  She was a homemaker that turned into a spy by the end of the movie.  Shane Black kinda minimizes female characters in his movies with the exception of Lethal Weapon 3/4 and The Long Kiss Goodnight. 

I wouldn't say he minimizes them, he just kind of goes out of his way to disprove stereotypes, usually through satire.  Whitney Slater in Last Action Hero is a prime example of this; even in the case of the movie within the movie everyone wants to chalk her up as just a T&A injection and the typical bimbo, but the character establishes that that's just people judging her off her looks where in fact she can kick massive butt, she "spends weekend nights field-stripping guns" (per her father, moaning about how she does fit into stereotypical female archetypes), and so on.  And I think you're selling a LKS a little short, Geena Davis' character was always Charly Baltimore, so she was an assassin who turned into a homemaker who then reverted via plot devices to being an assassin/spy and who, in the end, chose to value the maternal instinct.  Black's strength has never been in writing "realistic" characters, but there's a vein in cinema for what he writes.  He and Cameron (who writes more seriously with less of a comedic slant) are capable of coexisting because they both make good contributions to empowering female characters in different ways.

My point is that, let's be real, both guys have shown they are capable of writing better empowered female leads and supporting characters than we've been getting from the male writer/directors that have tried over the past 10-15 years to churn out including Megaton (Columbiana), Leitch (Atomic Blonde), the majority of directors Angelina Jolie has worked with (Bekmambetov, Liman, Noyce), Najafi (Proud Mary), and - this may be sacrilege to some, but I don't care - I'd honestly lump Tarrantino in here as well because unless he's working from someone else's source material, he can't resist lumping in misogynistic themes/undertones into the films he makes pushing female leads.  Q's buddy Robert Rodriguez has done a better job just doing straight female empowerment in his films than Quentin has; honestly, I think we'll get to see a pretty damn good example of this with Alita: Battle Angel coming out later this year as it's a Rodriguez/Cameron collaboration, not to mention that the original manga is extremely strong.

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Yeah, I agree with you about Tarantino.  Dude's a typical Hollywood Hypocrite with how he treats his female characters, just like Joss Whedon.  Both basically perv on all the females they write/direct. 

I just lost a lot of faith in Black after how The Predator looks and after The Nice Guys.  I used to love him, but at this point... He needs to reassess himself I think. 

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On 5/1/2018 at 9:12 PM, Deadpulse said:

I dont think Hasbro got the movie rights, but I could be wrong. 

They own it all now. Back in February they bought the toy rights from Bandai. Now they have bought the entirety of their entertainment rights (movies, tv shows, cartoons, etc.) and now own them alongside Transformers, GI Joe, and a few others.


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I hope rami malek actually sings some of queen songs in the Freddie Mercury movie. Not going to be into watching him lip sync their actual material, that's dumb. 

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Malek actually looks the part (I wasn't expecting him to) and, for the most part, sounds it in terms of dialogue, tone, phrasing.  That said, I still expect this movie to disappoint just because of how heavy-handed and hamfisted Brian May has been in this whole process to actually getting it to post-production and release.

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